Center for Great Public Schools

Oregon Education Association

Quality Assessment

Professional Practice Cadre 2.0 2.0

Application Booklet


OEA Center for Great Public Schools

Quality Assessment Professional Practice Cadre 2.0 Application

Purpose of Cadre 2.0

OEA will develop a Quality Assessment Professional Practice Cadre 2.0 composed of educators who can take a lead role in developing and delivering professional learning to educators and education partnerson the Guiding Principles for Quality Assessment, balanced assessment systems, the Student Assessment Bill of Rights, and assessment to empower meaningful student learning. Cadre 2.0 members and the Center for Great Public Schools staff will seek out ways to work with partners to extend the reach and impact of their efforts. Cadre 2.0 members will be compensated per the OEA-PSO contract.

QAPP Cadre 2.0 members will support regional and district implementation of the vision and recommendations put forth in A New Path for Oregon: System of Assessment to Empower Meaningful Student Learning, a joint venture by the Oregon Education Association, the Oregon Governor’s Office, the Chief Education Office, and the Oregon Department of Education.

Cadre 2.0 members will be expected to attend at least 14 days of professional learning and meetings August 2016 through Jul 2017. Candidates should be able to commit to the cadre from August 2016 through July 2018 (two-year commitment minimum).

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

●Attend required professional learning provided by OEA, where QAPP members will prepare to lead professional learning in classroom assessment practices;

●Conduct action research in their own classrooms as they implement new classroom assessment practices.

●Actively participate as a member of the QAPP professional learning community (PLC) that includes sharing action research results, giving and receiving feedback on assessment practices and professional learning facilitation, and actively contributing to the PLC meetings;

●Take on various teacher leadership roles as a member of the QAPP PLC that includes leading/facilitating the PLC, attending to adult learning needs, sharing responsibility for group goals/outcomes, and co-creating a collaborative community that communicates well and can move toward systems-thinking/building a system-wide lens;

●Develop, deliver and lead professional learning opportunities, using the Learning Forward professional learning standards, on:

oClassroom Assessment for Student Learning and the Seven-Strategies of Assessment for Learning

oGuiding Principles for Quality Assessment and A New Path for Oregon: System of Assessment to Empower Meaningful Student Learning

oElements of a Balanced Assessment System

oThe Student Assessment Bill of Rights

●Prior to each assigned professional learning activity, participate with cadre in formal pre-assessment and planning session; after each assigned activity is completed, participate in formal debrief session with cadre;

●Be available to attend/participate in statewide events, such as the annual OEA Center for Great Public Schools Symposium and the OEA Summer Leadership Conference to assist in leading learning teams and facilitating professional learning, and others as scheduled;

●Collaborate and communicate with other QAPP members and CGPS staff members, before, during, and after professional learning days, PLC meetings, etc.;

●Participate in our Quality Assessment Practices Networked Improvement Community trimester meetings; and

●Mandatory participation in QAPP professional learning days and PLC meetings.

QAPP Cadre 2.0 Qualifications:

●Documented work, both independently and collaboratively, with quality assessment practices for meaningful student learning, e.g. participation on assessment task force, participation at 2015 or 2016 Summer Leadership Conference, professional learning in this topic (e.g. classroom assessment for student learning, seven strategies, AIR, Lead and Learn, Naiku, etc.);

●Strong facilitation skills;

●Experience leading adult, experiential learning sessions, and knowledge of adult learning theory;

●Teacher leadership experiences such as leading professional learning communities, conducting action research, facilitating collaboration among teachers and administration;

●And support from applicant’s school leader to engage in this work with OEA.

Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions:

●Shares values of the Guiding Principles for Quality Assessment;

●Belief in the students as the ultimate and most important user of assessment information, and the role all assessments play in a truly balanced assessment system;

●Understanding of the benefit of local, collaborative design and belief in collaborative outcomes;

●Knowledge and success with formative assessment for student learning;

●Shared vision about local and state education associations also being professional organizations focused on practice and supporting educators in their craft;

●And belief in culturally responsive practices as vital to a healthy, socially just education system.

Instructions for Application

Members desiring to become Quality Assessment Professional Practice Cadre 2.0 members should submit the following (use additional sheets if necessary):

€A completed application packet, including:

oThe name and contact information for three references from individuals, excluding relatives, who have knowledge of the applicant’s qualifications as a teacher leader/trainer.

▪One of the three references must be from a Local Education Association officer, OEA Board member, OEA Executive Council member or OEA staff member.

oA signed statement of support from applicant’s principal or supervisor.

oAn essay that responds to the following questions:

▪What are your teacher leadership and/or professional learning experiences around quality assessment?

▪What is your vision of a system of assessment to empower meaningful student learning?

▪How has your teacher leadership impacted the capacity of fellow educators to deepen their education practice?

▪Why did you apply to be a Quality Assessment Professional Practice Cadre 2.0 member and how will you be an asset?

€Submit one example of a professional learning opportunity you created and delivered. Must include all materials (visuals, handouts, PowerPoint, etc.), evaluations of the event, and one of the following:

oVideo or audio recording;

oScripted PowerPoint (talking points, engagement strategies, when/what materials used, etc.)

€A copy of your resume.

For any questions regarding the content of this application, please contact:

Erin Whitlock,

Andrea Shunk,

Mail or email the required forms to OEA by Monday, June 27, 2016.

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

No exceptions will be made.

Mail or email the application materials to:

Penny Hildreth

Office of the Associate Executive Director

OEA Center for Great Public Schools

6900 SW Atlanta St

Portland, OR 97223


Application and Selection Schedule (all applicants: please save dates below):

Monday, June 27, 2016: Applications due

Friday, July 8, 2015: Interviews (in person or via technology, i.e. Skype, FaceTime or GoToMeeting)

Week of July 11, 2016: Cadre 2.0 members notified

Aug. 9-12: Four-day QAPP professional learning and planning (travel covered by OEA, location TBD)

Additional 2016-17 meetings scheduled after notification of cadre members.

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OEA Quality Assessment Professional Practice

Cadre 2.0 Application

Please type or print

Full Name: ______Date: ______

Last First

Address: ______

Street Address Apt/Unit #


City State Zip Code

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Email Address: ______

Schools in which you currently work or have previously worked: ______

Ethnicity (optional): ______

Gender (optional): ______

Describe education background:







Fluency in languages other than English:



Please list three professional references.

One of the three references must be from a Local Education Association officer, OEA Board member, OEA Executive Council member or OEA staff member.

1. Full Name: ______Relationship: ______

Organization: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

Street Address City State Zip Code

Email Address: ______

2. Full Name: ______Relationship: ______

Organization: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

Street Address City State Zip Code

Email Address: ______

3. Full Name: ______Relationship: ______

Organization: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

Street Address City State Zip Code

Email Address: ______

Leading/Facilitating Professional Learning:

Please list professional learning (PL) experiences in which you were the facilitator (list only experiences with adult learners).

1. Type of PL: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


2. Type of PL: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


3. Type of PL: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


4. Type of PL: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


Education or Training in Subject Matter:

Please identify any educational courses or trainings that you have taken that are related to the topics of assessment, education leadership, and/or collaboration.

1. Type of Training: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


2. Type of Training: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


3. Type of Training: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


4. Type of Training: ______Year: ______

Sponsor: ______

Description: ______


Association Experience (if applicable):

Please list Association (Local EA, OEA or NEA) positions held, with the most recent first. Include volunteer, appointed and elected positions.

1. Position: ______Year: ______

Association: ______

2. Position: ______Year: ______

Association: ______

3. Position: ______Year: ______

Association: ______

4. Position: ______Year: ______

Association: ______

Applicant Statement:

In the space below or another sheet of paper, please write a brief statement in response to the questions.

What are your teacher leadership and/or professional learning experiences around quality assessment? What is your vision of a system of assessment to empower meaningful student learning? How has your teacher leadership impacted the capacity of educators to deepen their education practice? Why did you apply to be a Quality Assessment Professional Practice Cadre 2.0 member and how will you be an asset?

Statement of Support:

I, ______, in the capacity of supervisor for this applicant, support this application to become a QAPP Cadre 2.0 member. I understand participation means having absences to attend professional learning or meetings, delivering professional learning, or providing technical assistance in other districts. I also understand the applicant will engage in action research in his/her classroom while implementing new classroom assessment strategies. In my role, I will help facilitate the applicant’s work as a QAPP Cadre 2.0 member.



Disclaimer and Signature:

If I am selected as a QAPP Cadre 2.0 member, I agree to be available for meeting dates, and place priority in my schedule for QAPP events over other volunteer OEA positions. I also understand that if I am selected, I become a contractor for OEA and would not be permitted to gather signatures or engage in campaign work for the Better Oregon campaign.

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to my selection for the OEA QAPP Cadre 2.0, I understand that false or misleading information in my application can result in my release.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Mail or email the required forms to OEA by Monday, June 27, 2016at 5:00 pm

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

No exceptions will be made.

Mail or email the application materials to:

Penny Hildreth

Office of the Associate Executive Director

OEA Center for Great Public Schools

6900 SW Atlanta St

Portland, OR 97223
