Requirements for attendance for RTDs for ST3-7 KSS trainees in KSS posts, London trainees in KSS posts andKSS trainees in London posts

Dates of KSS RTDs

For the year to October 2017, KSS higher RTDs will be on an ad hoc basis with information about dates and venues going to the college tutors and on the website. From October 2017 the aim is for ST3-7 RTDs to be on the third Friday of a month and ST1/2s to be the first Friday.

Dates of London RTDs

London trainees (those that have ARCPs under London’s aegis) are split into 2 groups with fixed training days

-ST1 – 4: RTDs are in

October / 4th Friday
January / 3rd Friday
February / 4th Friday
May / 3rd Friday
September / 3rd Friday

-ST 5 – 7: RTDs are in

November / 2nd Friday
January / 2nd Friday
May / 2nd Friday
July / 2nd Friday
September / 2nd Friday

All London trainees attend the trainees’ congress in March (this is their 6th RTD): date will change each year and be advertised on London website

Expectations for attendance depending on base hospital

KSS trainees in a KSS post

There will be 8 RTDs organised throughout the year and trainees will need to evidence attendance at 4 of them. Dates and subjects will be published well in advance both on the website and via the college tutors and trainee reps. Trainees will be expected to discuss which RTDs are most useful for them at their stage of training with their ESs and swap around in their rotas to ensure attendance at 4. A log of all RTDs should be kept by the trainee along with an attendance record, and reason for non-attendance if applicable.

London trainees (those with ARCPs under London’s aegis) in a London post

100% attendance for possible away days, i.e. not when on call/nights or on leave as mandatory.Trainees need to be able to evidence accountability for 6 away days eg2 KSS attended; 2 London attended, one missed owing to on call and one missed owing to annual leave would be accepted as 100% attendance (trainees are welcome to attend RTDs on a voluntary basis while on maternity leave or annual leave but this is not mandatory).

London trainees (those with ARCPs under London’s aegis) spending a year in a KSS post

As per London trainees in a London hospital above: 100% attendance for possible away days, i.e. not when on call/nights or on leave as mandatory.London trainees in a KSS post can attend KSS RTDs as long as they register in advance. Trainees need to be able to evidence accountability for 6 away days eg 2 KSS attended; 2 London attended, one missed owing to on call and one missed owing to annual leave would be accepted as 100% attendance (trainees are welcome to attend RTDs on a voluntary basis while on maternity leave or annual leave but this is not mandatory). These trainees are welcome to KSS RTDs at the relevant level and will be able to book via KSS website. These trainees need to be mindful of fairness with rota covers, ensure the service is shared out fairly, (i.e., it would not be fair for a London trainee in a KSS post who has access to all away days to attend >6at the expense of a fellow KSS trainee who has been on call / night for 4 of them and can only attend the remaining 2.​

KSS trainees (those with ARCPs under KSS’s aegis) spending a year in a London post

As per ARCP requirements, trainees will need to attend 4 KSS sessions but since London deanery is happy for KSS trainees to attend London RTDs trainees may also attend up to 2 other London days to make up 6 in total. There will be 8 KSS RTDs organised throughout the year and trainees will need to evidence attendance at 4 of them. Dates and subjects will be published well in advance both on the website and via the college tutors and trainee reps. Trainees will be expected to discuss which RTDs are most useful for them at their stage of training with their ESs and swap around in their rotas to ensure attendance at 4. A log of all RTDs should be kept by the trainee along with an attendance record, and reason for non-attendance if applicable.

London has agreed that KSS trainees in a London post can attend any of the London RTDs. KSS trainees in a London post need to be mindful of fairness with rota covers, ensure the service is shared out fairly, (i.e., it would not be fair for a KSS trainee in a London post who has access to all London away days to attend >6at the expense of a fellow London trainee who has been on call / night for 4 of them and can only attend the remaining 2.​