Dyes in History and Archaeology DHA 30

A joint meeting with the Royal Society of Chemistry Historical Group

Wednesday 12th October to Saturday 15th October 2011

University of Derby Enterprise Centre,

37 Bridge Street,

Derby, DE1 3LA

Provisional Programme (draft 20 August 2011)

Wednesday 12th October 2011

Location: / Conference Centre, University of Derby Enterprise Centre
18:30 – 21:00 / Reception

Thursday 13th October 2011

Location: / Conference Centre, University of Derby Enterprise Centre
08:45-09:30 / Registration and Coffee
(incl. poster preparation)
09:30-09:40 / Opening remarks
Session 1 / Chair:
09:40-10:05 / The Colours of Sweden. A short history of the use of organic dyes and lakes in Sweden (1)
M Bergstrand and K Hinrichs Degerblad
10:05-10:30 / A colour boom: the di- and tri-aryl methane dyes (2)
M de Keijzer, M van Bommel and R Hofmann-de Keijzer
10:30-10:55 / At the close of the first synthetic dye epoch: synthetic and natural dyes and dyeing in review (3)
J. Richard Aspland
10:55-11:15 / Tea/coffee break
Session 2 / Chair:
11:15-11.40 / How surprising was the almost complete absence of indigo dyeing in the Pacific islands? (4)
R Feldman
11:40-12:05 / Mineral impurities as indicators of the origin of natural indigo samples (5)
P John, P García-Macías, P Harris, M Hodson
12:05-12:40 / Dyes recovered from shipwrecks; special reference to indigo from a Spanish galleon (6)
Rex Cowan and Jenny Balfour-Paul
12:40-13:05 / Indigo dyeing among the Yorubas of South Western Nigeria: A historical perspective. (7)
Adeola V. Popoola
13:05-14:10 / Lunch
Session 3 / Chair:
14:10-14:35 / ART, TRADE AND CHEMISTRY IN THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: The Colours of Cudbear and Galium and the Pioneering Work of Cuthbert and George Gordon of Leith and Glasgow. (8)
Vanessa Habib
14:35-15:00 / A Study of natural dyes of Egyptian paper: preliminary findings and discussion (9)
H Ebeid, A Geary, J Brown
15:00-15:25 / Natural dyes in Polish batik: a century of experiments (10)
K Schmidt-Przewozna, M Wronska-Friend
15:25-16:25 / Poster session and tea/coffee break
Session 4 / Chair:
16:25-16:50 / Unusual dyeing recipes from 18th century Languedoc illustrated-Historical and technical comments (11)
Dominique Cardon
16:50-17:25 / Woad is more than blue (12)
A Hartl, A Ness Proaño Gaibor, R Hofmann-de Keijzer, M R. van Bommel
19:00 for 19:30 / Conference Banquet
Cathedral Quarter Hotel, St Mary's Gate, Derby DE1 3JR

Friday 14th October 2011

Location: / Conference Centre, University of Derby Enterprise Centre
09:00-09:20 / Poster preparation
09:20-09:30 / Announcements
Session 5 / Chair:
09:30-09:55 / Shellfish purple in pre-Roman Italy: new evidence from Strozzacapponi (Perugia/Corciano) (13)
Margarita Gleba, Ina Vanden Berghe
09:55-10:20 / Identification of Tyrian Purple in Aegean Bronze Age pigments (14)
I Karapanagiotis, S Sotiropoulou, L Valianou
10:20-10:45 / What was The Royal Society doing with alum in the mid-17th century ? (15)
David Pybus
10:45-11:05 / Tea/coffee break
Session 6 / Chair:
11:05-11.30 / The use of hand held XRF as an aid to the identification of dyes (16)
Mike Dobby
11:30-11:55 / A New Methodology for the Analysis of Cochineal Dyes in Historical Textiles (17)
A Serrano, M Sousa, J Hallett, J Lopes, C Oliveira
11:55-12:20 / Are Transforms of Diffuse Reflectance Spectra Suitable for Use in Dye Identification? (18)
Terry Schaeffer and Diana Rambaldi
12:20-12:45 / Natural Organic Dyestuff Analysis: The Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) compared to the Diode Array Detector (DAD) (19)
L. Puchinger, R Paltram and E Brynzak
12:45-13:45 / Lunch
Session 7 / Chair:
13:45-14:10 / Determination of Yellow Dyes based on Quantitative Analysis of Protoberberine Alkaloids (20)
Yoshiko Sasaki, Ken Sasaki
14:10-14:35 / Identification of Dyes in Rare Fatimid Textiles in the museum of Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt (21)
O Abdel-Kareem, H E. Ahmed, K Elnagar
14:35-15:00 / Analysis of organic colorants at the British Museum and preliminary results from study of the Andean textile collection (22)
T Deviese, C Higgitt, N Bosscher and Lousiane Verger
15:00-16:00 / Poster session and tea/coffee break
Session 8 / Chair:
16:00-16:25 / Renaissance pigments from textiles: silks from the Victoria & Albert Museum and sources of dye for pigments in paintings from the National Gallery Collection (23)
David Peggie, Rachel Morrison, Jo Kirby and Lisa Monnas
16:25-16:50 / The preparation of madder-based pigments in antiquity (24)
Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke and Catherine Higgitt
16:50-17:15 / The Gösta Sandberg collection of dyed textile samples, dying equipment and archival material at the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg (25)
Margareta Ekroth Edebo, Anna Javér
17:15-17:40 / Dyes as Ink, Ink as Medicine - Drinking the Word of God in Northern Nigeria (26)
Michaelle Biddle
17:40-18:00 / Concluding remarks

Saturday 15th October 2011

09:30 / Excursion
Departure by coach from the conference suite Saturday 15 October at 09:30 to Matlock Bath for the Heights of Abraham
Finger buffet lunch in the Summit Bar & Terrace
Coach transfer to Masson Historic Textile Mill Museum for a guided tour.
Depart 17:00 to the conference centre.