Snowflake Lighting Requirements 1
(as of 12/18/2010)
Enclosed is a sample light plot (please adapt to your venue), a channel hookup, instrument schedule and a light cue list. The following is a description of the lighting systems (or washes) and specials. The gel color is listed but close substitutions are acceptable. Please provide frost (Rx132 or Rx119) for front light, side light and specials.
Please have plot prehung prior to company arrival.
Front Wash: (Channels 1 – 10 on sample plot)
This is a full front light system for areas DS of the set fence, Ideally it would be broken into 10 areas, 5 downstage and 5 upstage areas. This could be condensed to 6 areas, left, center and right upstage and downstage, if short on equipment or dimmers. There should be 1 instrument (preferably ellipsoidal) focused straight into each area from your venue’s FOH lighting position. These units are gelled with Rx53.
Side Light: (Channels 11 – 13 SR Side, Channels 14 – 16 SL Side)
This is a full stage light system for areas downstage of the set wall. Ideally it would be broken down into 3 lanes, downstage, midstage and upstage. Each lane would have 2 fixtures (preferably ellipsoidal) per side for near and far focus. The upstage plane includes one additional unit to be focused for the top of the fence. This is to light someone standing on the wall and for objects thrown over the fence. The side light could be condensed to a downstage and upstage lane, if short on equipment or dimmers. The SR Side lights are gelled with L075. The SL Side are gelled with L200.
Floor Side Light: (Channels 37 – 41)
This is a system of low side light. There are 2 instruments SR (one DS and one midstage). There are 3 instruments SL (DS, midstage and US). The instruments should be on floor plates or small booms. The lens height form floor is approx. 1'-0". They are gelled with L201.
Back Light: (Channels 17 – 41)
This is a full stage back light system for areas downstage of fence. This should be broken into 6 areas, left, center and right, upstage and downstage. Fresnels, Pars or Parnels should be used. They are gelled with Rx68.
Diagonal Wash: (Channels 23 –24)
This is a full stage template wash. These fixtures should be ellipsoidal and hung at opposite ends of the FOS lighting position. There should be 2 fixtures per channel. The SR fixtures are gelled L127. One fixture has template GAM696, the other has GAM697.
The SL fixtures are gelled with R47. One fixture has template GAM696, the other has GAM697.
Floor Gobo Wash: (Channel 42)
These instruments are on floor plates. Their purpose is to wash the actor and set wall with gobo texture. Ideally they would be slightly DS of the acting area so they create a diagonal wash. If this is not possible in your venue they can be moved to a balcony rail location. The template is GAM337.
Front Wash: (Channels 43 – 44)
This is a full stage front light wash of the acting area. They are gelled with R318.
Specials: (Channels 25 – 36)
Channel 25: Box Foot Light – This is a Par 16 that the company travels with. It is optional light that is used if the light positions on channel 31 are not sufficient to light the area. If needed, please provide power (standard “Edison” connector) to DS center on floor.
Channel 26: Street Lamp Top Light. This is used to highlight the street lamp and post. This should be an ellipsoidal gelled with L200.
Channel 27: Lamp Fill. This is used to create a cone of light spilling on the fence. It should be an ellipsoidal gelled with RX08.
Channel 28: Street Lamp Practical. The company will travel with this please provide power (standard “Edison” connector) US left of fence.
Channel 29: Billboard Lamp Practicals. The company travels with these. Please provide power (standard “Edison” Connector) US right of fence.
Channel 30: Billboard Special. This is to front light the billboard. It should be an ellipsoidal gelled with Rx08.
Channel 31: Down Center Box Special. Preferably 2 ellipsoidals, for left and right angles, from FOH position gelled with GAM107.
Channel 32: Center Box Special. Ellipsoidal gelled with GAM107.
Channel 33: Up Left Box Special. Ellipsoidal gelled with GAM107.
Channel 34: Bin Special. Ellipsoidal gelled with Rx08.
Channel 35: Top of Fence Special. Front light for person walking on fence. Two ellipsoidals gelled with R53.
Channel 36: Bed Special. Ellipsoidal gelled with Rx08.
Channel 45: Down Center Box Top.
Channel 46: Center Box Top.
Channel 47: Ski Special. Focused for actor standing on C box. Has template GAM337.
Channel 48: Up Left Box Top.
12 – R 53, lt. Blue
7 – L 75, dk. Blue
8 – L 200, dk. Blue
10 – R 68, dk. Blue
2 – L 127, Red
2 – R 47, Purple
4 – R 08, Straw
4 – G 107, Pink
5 – L 201, med. Blue
4 – R 318, Aztec Sun (orange)
R (Roscoe)
L (Lee)
G (GamColor)