109. Aviation Management Information System FundamentalsPage 1 of 7



[a] OPNAVINST 4790.2H, Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), Vol. I

[b] NAVSUP Publication 485 (Rev. 3), Afloat Supply Procedures, Vol. II



[e] NAVAIRINST 13700.15C, Aircraft Engine Management System

[f] COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 4790.60, Similar to Automated

Maintenance Environment





[k] Local Directives and Standard Operating Procedures

[l] OPNAVINST 4790.2H, Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), Vol. V




.1 Explain the following management information systems:

a. NALCOMIS [ref. a, ch. 10] (Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System)

NAVAL AVIATION LOGISTICS COMMAND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (NALCOMIS) ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY (OMA) - A modern, real time, on-line responsive computer based automated MIS, allows Navy and Marine Corps aviation maintenance unit personnel to record flight and maintenance actions. O-level maintenance managers can use this data to quickly obtain timely and accurate aircraft and equipment maintenance status, scheduled maintenance requirements and additional information required in their day-to-day management and decision making process.


The replacement system for the Application Data for Material Readiness List. A collection of technical and cataloging data identifying SE end items required for O-level, I-level, and D-level aircraft maintenance. SERMIS provides the SECA with on-line visibility of source, allowance, inventory, and rework data to aid in inventory control. SERMIS is the repository of master data for printing IMRLs and provides in-use asset visibility to NAVICP, NAVAIRWARCENACDIV Lakehurst, NJ, and COMNAVAIRSYSCOM.

c. LAMS [ref. a, ch. 10]

LOCAL ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LAMS) - An automated MIS which provided standardized local management of IMRL assets through the use of bar code technology. It provides for an accurate wall towall inventory, which can be accomplished by unit personnel, resulting in significant reductions ofmanpower expenditures and operational disruptions. Once implemented, LAMS uses the SE Transaction Report (OPNAV 4790/64) as the source document; therefore, it is compatible with SERMIS. It is designed to interface with existing and scheduled SE management programs.

d. SEATS/ICAPS [ref. a, ch. 10]is a microcomputer based system which provides a standardized method to manage, report and generate hard copy history records on ALSS components and installed explosive devices. (ICAPS is no longer used)


A metrology system for the recall and reporting of test equipment by means of MIS techniques, maintains records of calibration and automatically recalls items when due for calibration. See CUSTOMER ACTIVITY, FIELD CALIBRATION ACTIVITY (FCA), FORMATS, METER CARD, and SUBCUSTODIAN.

f. SUADPS [ref. b, sec. 5300]

Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing System.

All transfers and cash sales of material from a SAC 207 activity to anonsupported activity (except excess offloads) will be processed using the SUADPS-RTMaterial Requirements External (MRE) Function except USID A activities which will useUNREP. Transfers are classified into the following types:

a. Transfers To End-Use Operating Forces (DI X34). The service designator codeassigned to the activity will normally be R or V and the fund or accounting code will indicatethat DFAS will be the authorized accounting activity (AAA).

b. Transfers To End-UseShore Activities (DI X38). The activity's service designator codeis N, fund code or accounting data cited is not NWCF and AAA is other than DFAS.

c. Transfers To NWCF Activities (Other Supply Officers) (DI X37). The accounting datacited or applicable to the fund code on the transfer document must contain the NWCFappropriation 97X4930. This category includes SAC 207 ships and activities and NWCFfacilities ashore (FISC, NSY, or NAS).

d. Offload Of Excess Material (DI X37).

e. Cash Sales (DI X35).

g. ASKIT [ref. c]

* Aviation Storekeeper Information Tracking. The ASKIT system is designed to assist in the areas of material requisitioning, requisition tracking, follow-up and financial data processing and management by reducing the amount of time required to accomplish day to day tasks. The system supports multi-OFC, multi-fund code, multi-detachment and multi-TEC. ASKIT essentially automates the accounting functions as prescribed by P-3013 and other funding related instructions from COMNAVAIRPAC andCOMNAVAIRLANT.

h. SALTS [ref. d]

* Streamlined Automated Logistics Transmission System. WinSALTS is a Client-Server application designed to be a "One Stop" Logistics Network, able to pick-up and deliver all your data requirements with only one login and password. WinSALTS is used to "prepare" files for transmission, from various sources within your command (i.e., requisitions from the SNAP system, payroll data from disbursing, or e-mail from the crew). Each file is assigned a unique name, encrypted, and then compressed to about one-third its original size.

The data is transmitted to the SALTS project at the Naval Support Activity Philadelphia, where WinSALTS Central routes it to its final destination, based on the file suffix (which is assigned by the WinSALTS Client), or by the addresses provided (for e-mail and messages). Data transmitted via INMARSAT satellite is received at one of the INMARSAT earth stations in Connecticut or California, then sent over telephone land lines to WinSALTS Central at NSA Philadelphia.WinSALTS can also be used with regular telephone lines or over the INTERNET. The WinSALTS Client works in an offline method, meaning file preparation is done inside the Client, and only when the WinSALTS Operator elects to connect to SALTS central, is the actual connection made. During this short (burst) transmission (usually only a few minutes via modem, or a few seconds through the INTERNET), all prepared files are uploaded to WinSALTS Central, and all files awaiting pickup in your "mailbox" are downloaded into your PC for further processing. Program updates are automatically transmitted and update your Client, eliminating manual program maintenance.

WinSALTS is available 24 hours a day and has a 100% audit trail. Data file delivery to final destinations is usually accomplished in a matter of a few minutes, except where data owners request data only a few times each day.

i. AEMS [ref. e]

AIRCRAFT ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AEMS): An automated engine management system that provides on-line status and condition of any engine, propulsion system, or module. The system is used extensively by ACCs and other managers to effect the most efficient distribution of engine assets.

The AEMS tracks location and status (installed, uninstalled, RFI and non-RFI) of engines, propulsion systems, and modules world wide, and provides reasons for any changes. The system also tracks both RFI and non-RFI spare engines, propulsion systems, and modules which are in transit, awaiting repair or rework, or actually in repair or rework. The system is used extensively by controlling custodian and other managers to effect the most efficient distribution of engine assets. Refer to NAVAIRINST 13700.15 and ACC instructions for detailed procedures.

j. SAME [ref. f]

The I level SAME system database contains the assets that are in the custody of the respective I level. The database is used to identify usage driven maintenance and to update the asset data as I level maintenance is completed on F/A-18 F414-GE-400/F404-GE-400/402 engines, components and modules. Each I level database resides on an I level server.

k. SERP [ref. g]

l. Automated AMRR [ref. k] Aircraft Material Readiness Report.

m. Automated management information and tracking system [ref. l, ch. 22] The Automated Management Information and Tracking System is accessible via modem and a toll free number. If log-on authorization cannot be obtained through the Program Manager at (703) 246-0291, activities should request ACC/TYCOM assistance. Once authorization is received, users must access Automated Management Information and Tracking System at least once every 180 days to prevent removal of authorization. The Automated Management Information and Tracking System is updated twice a year.

n. ASM [ref. a, ch. 20] (Aviation Maintenance Training Continuum System)

a. Purpose.

ASM is an unclassified training management tool, that supports AMTCS in the schoolhouseand the fleet as depicted in Figure 20-2. It is a software application designed for AMTCS to identify job taskrequirements, assist in determining proficiencies, document qualification/certifications, track completedtraining, and test the knowledge of all Navy and Marine Corps aviation maintenance personnel. It alsoprovides feedback to management.

b. Policy.

OPNAV, the Director of Air Warfare (N78), as program sponsor, shall provide overallprogram direction. The following policies are applicable:

(1) ASM, a training management system, shall be implemented as directed by TCMB using inputsfrom ACCs/TYCOMs.

(2) Life-cycle support for the application program and associated hardware/software will beprovided through COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (PMA 205).

(3) Standardized procedures will be developed by OPNAV (N782) in cooperation with theACC/TYCOM to the maximum extent consistent with organizational requirements and capabilities.

(4) Final skill qualification remains with the activity. Minimum skill certification requirements willbe established by the appropriate Wing Commander to meet safety requirements.

c. Responsibilities

(1) OPNAV, the Director of Air Warfare (N78) shall:

(a) Establish policy and exercise overall support for the AMTCS Software Modules.

(b) Program aviation training resources requirements.

(c) Identify and plan manpower requirements.

(2) COMNAVAIRSYSCOM, through the Aviation Training Systems Program Office (PMA 205),shall:

(a) Provide program management and oversight for OPNAV sponsored training activities.

(b) Develop, implement, and support ASM software/hardware requirements and trainingmaterials.

(c) Provide technical assistance, advice, and liaison as requested or required.

(d) Perform annual assessments of ASM hardware/software.

(e) Coordinate through CNATT to ensure compliance with ILE guidelines and educationalrequirements for IMI standards and conventions pertaining to all naval aviation training programs.

(f) Maintain, distribute, and provide life-cycle support for each legacy weapon system MTLdata bank.

(3) ACCs/TYCOMs shall:

(a) Monitor implementation and (if applicable) issue directives, provide guidance, and ensurethat adequate planning and support are in place for the ASM fielding.

(b) Identify ASM software/hardware functional requirements and data usage.

(c) Establish, coordinate, and direct administration of ASM implementation to ensure cleardefinition of lower echelon requirements.

(d) Provide coordination and assistance to CNATT in the management of the MTL data bankdevelopment to ensure clear definition of training requirements.

(e) Maintain liaison for planning, development, maintenance, and validation of MTLmaterials.

(f) In conjunction with CNATT, standardize and coordinate functional parameters, reportrequirements, and data usage of ASM.

(g) Ensure training support materials for ASM administrators/users are available.

(4) CNATT shall:

(a) In conjunction with ACCs/TYCOMs, standardize and coordinate ASM software/hardwarefunctional parameters, report requirements, and data usage.

(b) Develop, maintain, distribute, and provide life-cycle support for each weapon system MTLdata bank.

(c) Maintain close liaison and coordination between ACC/TYCOM and Wing AMTCScoordinators.

Figure 20-2: Aviation Maintenance Training Continuum System

d. ASM is the software application module that supports AMTCS in the schoolhouse and the fleet. It is a software application designed to:

(1) Identify individual/group job requirements using task list.

(2) Automatically track OJT through NALCOMIS.

(3) Document qualifications/certifications progress with Electronic/

Certification Record.

(4) Test knowledge through a Test and Evaluation module.

(5) Provide feedback to assist management/monitoring of the system.


SESS is designed for the management of SE. This system provides automated methods of PM scheduling for SE, TD compliance, and supply requisition management. Implementation and use of SESS is strongly recommended.

p. NITRAS [ref. n] Navy Integrated Training Resource Administration System.

.2 Discuss the following web based resources:

a. NALDA [ref. h]

NAVAL AVIATION LOGISTICS DATA ANALYSIS (NALDA) - An automated data base and information retrieval system for aviation logistics management and technical decision support. Analysis capability is provided through interactive query and batch processing from remote terminals. NALDA assists users in making improved decisions affecting fleet aircraft readiness. Users can define, identify, and isolate logistics problem areas from a centralized data bank of integrated aviation logistics information.

b. WEB EI [ref. i]

COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (AIR- 4.0) has provided a NAVAIR EI web site enabled capabilityto O-level and I-level maintenance activities to create, transmit, and track EI and HMR requests.Requests will be routed to assigned FSTs and automatically routed to other concerned activities. This NAVAIR EI web site enabled capability also permits maintenance activities to receive reports and other information, conduct technical dialog with the FST engineer, and verify statusof an EI. This web site is accessible at by all organizations with a rolein the EI process.

c. NATEC [ref. j] Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command.

d. NTMPS [ref. m] Navy Training Management and Planning System

NTMPS - a Navy owned and operated Training Management System under the auspices of the Naval Education and Training Command - combines multiple funding, facilities, personnel, manpower, equipment and training courses information databases into a single, integrated database for all levels of training management and planning.
This public web site provides an introduction to the content and capabilities of NTMPS. For further information, or to gain access, contact the NTMPS Support Office

e. CANTRAC [ref. o] Catalog of Navy Training Courses

Created by LTJG KyungNho "TACO" KimReviewed by CWO3 Dale Lansdown