Nugent FLEET VEHICLE Driver Information & Safety Handbook
The intention of the Handbook is to provide drivers with a summary of the key issues relating to Nugent’s Occupational Road Risk (ORR) Policy and best practice guidance for safe vehicle use
Introduction: / This Handbook summarises important information and provides instruction and guidance aimed at ensuring the safest operation of fleet motor vehicles.The Handbook should be read in conjunction with any other policies and relevant documentation e.g. Health & Safety Manual, Vehicle Manufacturer’s Handbook and the Nugent Fleet Transport Policy.
Any questions regarding this Handbook should be referred to your line manager in the first instance.
Scope: / The content of this Handbook applies to any person authorised to drive a Nugent fleet vehicle on Nugent business.
Employee Responsibilities: / By signing the declaration form provided at the end of this Handbook, you confirm that you and any authorised person nominated by you have read, understood and will comply at all times with Nugent policies and procedures relating to the use of fleet motor vehicles. You also acknowledge that any breach of the policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.
Section 1 – Driving/Use
1.1 Driving Requirements: / It is a legal requirement that any one driving a motor vehicle on a road, or in a public place, must be in possession of a current driving licence valid for the type of vehicle in question.
Before any person is allowed to drive a company vehicle they must submit a completed driver’s questionnaire and their original (not a copy) driving licence to the employee’s line manager for verification. A mandate authorising the company to check details of the licence with DVLA, if felt necessary, must also be signed.
Nugent reserves the right to refuse authorisation to drive depending on the information disclosed on the driver questionnaire and/or driver’s licence.
Completion of driver questionnaires and submission of driving licences will be requested at least once a year. It is however your responsibility to notify Nugent immediately if any material changes, such as subsequent endorsements, penalties, periods of disqualification, notice of intended prosecution or health issues, affect your (or your nominated drivers’) licence or ability to drive. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action being taken against you.
1.2 Authorised Drivers: / Only persons authorised in writing by Nugent are allowed to drive Nugent vehicles. Authorisation will normally be granted to:
You, other employees and authorised volunteers of Nugent
Provided that:
All drivers must be 17 years of age or over and has a full driving licence for the type of vehicle concerned.
Must have completed a satisfactory driver declaration and submitted this to Nugent along with their driving licence
Allowing a non-authorised person to drive a company vehicle may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.
1.3 Authorised Use: / The use of fleet vehicles is restricted to the business of Nugent only and should not be used for social, domestic or pleasure purposes. The only exception to these restrictions is if the vehicle is provided as part of your contract of employment. (Company Car)
Fleet vehicles must not be used on the business or activities of any other person or organisation unless specific permission has been given in writing and an appropriate Certificate of Insurance issued.
Driving tuition, racing, pacemaking, speed testing, reliability trials and carrying passengers for hire or reward are excluded uses under the Nugent insurance policy and are forbidden.
Only those employees or other persons, who have been formally authorised by their Establishment, Department, or Project, may drive a Nugent vehicle (providing they are entitled to drive that vehicle within the law).
Heads of Establishment, Department or Project, or their nominated Vehicle Controller must ensure that Authorised Drivers receive a copy of this Hand Book and sign to say that they have read and understood it before driving any vehicle.
These conditions apply to all Establishments, Departments and Projects within Nugent who are responsible for Nugent Vehicles.
Authorised Drivers must remove the ignition key and lock the vehicle when leaving it unattended – even if briefly – otherwise Nugent insurance may be invalidated.
1.4 Mobile Telephones: / It is illegal to use a hand held phone or similar device whilst driving. Nugent has banned the use of mobile phones and hands free kits. Research has shown that the conversation has a considerable distracting effect on the driver. Please refer to policy.
Under no circumstances should a driver make outgoing calls unless the vehicle is parked in a safe location with the engine turned off.
Calls received whilst driving must not answered. Wait until you are able to park your car safely before returning the call.
Mobile phones should never be used in petrol filling stations or in other places where there is a risk of explosion, e.g. some customer sites such as hospitals or chemical works, or in the vicinity of aircraft.
1.5 Smoking in Company Provided Vehicles / Smoking is not permitted in any fleet vehicles and ‘no smoking’ signs are displayed in accordance with the legislative requirements. If your vehicle does not have the necessary signs, these can be obtained from your line manager or Health and Safety Manager.
1.6 Fines/Penalties: / All fines incurred are the responsibility of the driver and should be paid immediately. If you (or your nominated authorised drivers) fail to pay a fine, Nugent may have to do so. In that case, the amount of the fine plus an administration fee may be deducted from your salary and disciplinary action may be taken against you.
The driver of the vehicle must drive within the law at all times, including: -
· ensuring that a valid Road Fund License is displayed
· ensuring that traffic signs and statutory speed limits are observed
· ensuring that the vehicle is legally parked and not in breach of any regulations.
· ensuring that the vehicle is not driven whilst under the influence or after the consumption of alcohol or drugs.
Authorised Drivers must notify their line manager in writing, if they have been charged or convicted of any motoring offence.
The Head of Establishment, Department or Project (who may seek advice from the Health and Safety Manager) must review the status of such a driver.
1.7 Insurance: / Company Vehicles
All Nugent vehicles are insured under the company’s motor fleet insurance programme and fully comprehensive.
A copy of the appropriate Insurance Certificate is available from your line manger on request.
See Section 4 for the procedures to be followed should you be involved in an accident.
Insurance Limitations
Nugent vehicles may NOT be used for:
· any social or private purpose of any nature other than those authorised by Nugent. The only exception to these restrictions is if the vehicle is provided as part of your contract of employment. (Company Car)
· any business purposes other than those undertaken on behalf of Nugent
· towing trailers, caravans etc., where manufacturer’s specified maximum tow load is exceeded
· towing, racing, pace-making, rally driving or any other competitive event
· any business use unauthorised by Nugent
If the vehicle is used in contravention of these conditions, any resulting damage or charges will be the absolute responsibility of the Authorised Driver to whom the vehicle has been issued. Such use will render the employee liable to disciplinary proceedings and possibly to withdrawal of the vehicle from the department.
Insurance Excess
The department allocated the vehicle is liable for the insurance excess in respect of any costs for repairing damage etc following an accident/incident.
Loss or Damage to Vehicle
Employees are required to report the loss of, or damage to, any Nugent vehicle to the police in the first instance and then to provide a written report to the Health and Safety Manager on the following working day. An Insurance Claim Form will be made available and it must be completed promptly and returned to the Health and Safety Manager.
When a vehicle is handed over from one Authorised Driver to another, any damage/defects must be noted on the Vehicle Safety Checklist before the vehicle is used otherwise the new driver may be held liable for damage.
In the event of an accident involving the vehicle, the Authorised Driver is required to notify the Health and Safety Manager and if required, complete a Claim Form (as above) as soon as possible after the accident.
Drivers should never admit liability. They should however gather all relevant information as our insurers may reject any admission of liability consequently, leaving the employee liable for costs involved.
The Authorised Driver is responsible for obtaining the names and addresses of any persons involved in the accident as well as those of witnesses.
A Vehicle Accident Report Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Department, who must submit it to the Health and Safety Manager within 24 hours of the accident.
Authorised Driver must immediately pass on to the Health and Safety Manager any correspondence received, unanswered, to enable these matters to be dealt with promptly by Nugent.
Driver’s Personal Effects
No cover is provided under Nugent insurance policy for driver’s personal items.
1.8 Annual Documentation Checks / The Vehicle Controller is responsible for checking that each prospective Driver has a valid, current and appropriate driving license and for maintaining a list of Authorised Drivers.
An Authorised Driver Form must be completed and/or updated every six months.
The Vehicle Controller must check that no Driver has any serious motoring convictions, such as DR10. This could invalidate our insurance and make the employee personally and the Department liable for any accident or repair costs and consequent liability.
1.9 Other Documentation: / Copies of the registration document and MOT Certificate for fleet vehicles are held by your line manager.
Road Fund Licences for fleet vehicles will be arranged by Nugent or the lease company and must be displayed at all times. Stolen or lost discs must be reported to your line manager immediately.
1.10 Use of Vehicle Abroad: / If you wish to take a fleet vehicle abroad, you should submit the request in writing to your line manager giving at least three weeks notice, so that the relevant documents can be issued.
If the trip is for service user holiday purposes, you must arrange European Breakdown cover and provide evidence to your line manager.
Section 2 - Vehicles:
2.1 Selection: / Fleet vehicles are chosen carefully to ensure that they are suitable for the use to which they will be put.
No alterations should be made to the specification of a fleet vehicle unless there is good reason and permission has first been obtained from your line manager.
On allocation, appropriate training will be given to familiarise the employee with the vehicle’s controls and operation. Where special needs are identified, the line manager will take appropriate action.
Income Tax, Fuel Duty & P11D
Those who drive Nugent vehicles other than for Nugent business – including to and from work – must declare this, as there will be Taxation implications. Further information can be obtained from the Finance department.
2.2 Condition of Vehicle: / Any vehicle used on Nugent business reflects on the charity and as such should be clean and in good condition, inside and out.
If a lease vehicle is returned in a poor or unclean condition when due to be returned to the lease company, Nugent reserves the right to recharge the cost of making good to any employee concerned if charges are incurred.
2.3 Maintenance – Routine Checks By Driver: / To ensure your safety and the reliability of the vehicle, you should regularly undertake the following checks:
n Tyres: Check for cuts, damage and tread depth prior to any journey. Pressure checks, including the spare wheel, should be made at least once a week.
n Lights: Check that all lights, including indicators, are operating correctly prior to a journey.
n Glass: Windscreens, windows, mirrors and light covers should be kept clean at all times when the vehicle is in use.
n Fluids: Oil, radiator and washer bottle levels should be checked regularly and always before a long journey. Clutch and brake fluid levels should also be checked on a regular basis.
n Battery: Check the battery level on a regular basis and keep connections clean and tight. This is particularly important during cold weather when the battery is more prone to failure.
2.4 General Maintenance & Repairs / Nugent Fleet Vehicles
All servicing and repair of company vehicles is managed by Arnold Clark. A handbook is provided and can be obtained from your line manager
Employees allocated a fleet vehicle are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is serviced in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations and any legislative requirement covering disabled passenger vehicles.
The vehicle’s service book must be presented to the garage for completion at each service and you must sign for all work undertaken before leaving the garage. Invoices for servicing will be submitted by the garage to Arnold Clark for settlement.
You must not book a fleet vehicle in for servicing outside of these arrangements and under no circumstances should you undertake servicing or repair of the vehicle yourself (other than for the routine maintenance issues outlined above).