California Society of Health-System PharmacistsPage 1 of 1

Board Meeting Highlights

July 14-15, 2017



July 14-15, 2017

TheCSHPBoardofDirectors(Board)conductsaminimum offourmeetingsperyearandonestrategic planningsession. Approvedminutesareavailableuponboardapprovalandratification. Tokeepour membersinformedoftheitemsdiscussed atboardmeetings,CSHPproducesBoardMeetingHighlights aftereachboardmeeting.Thissummary isforinformationalpurposesonlyandshouldnotbeviewedas officialminutesoftheboardmeeting.

TheJuly 14-15, 2017Boardof DirectorsMeetingwasheldat CSHP’s office in Sacramento.


Guests at the meeting (July 15, 2017 only):

SSEC student representativesMylien Hoang(Touro University) & Alexi Kimura(UCSF)



  1. Ratifiedaproposaltoapprovetheminutesfrom theJune 28 and July 5, 2017BODmeetings as written.



  1. ApprovedSTP:- CSHP Code of Conduct- Procedure for Enforcement
  2. Approved STP:- Criteria for achieving Affiliate Chapter of Distinction awards
  3. Approved STP: Selection of the 2017 Student Leadership Awards
  4. Approved STP: DSHP Bylaws revision proposal
  5. Approved STP: CSHP Board -Confidentiality Agreement.
  6. Approved STP: CSHP Board -Commitment Agreement
  7. Approved STP: Review Chapter Grant Policy
  8. Approved STP: Additional information on the STP format
  9. Approved STP: GGSHP Bylaws revision proposal
  10. Approved STP:STP Innovation in Pharmacy Practice Award
  11. Approved as voted STP:-Selection of the 2017 Student Chapter Community Service Project Awards: Asthma Education, Poison Prevention, & Tobacco Cessation
  12. Approved as amended STP:To review ACP financial audit process
  13. Approved as amended STP: Create STP for CCTF's face-to-face meeting
  14. The BOD reviewed the 5 year old admin policies as assigned and:

Approved as suggested:

  1. A-2012-13- Student Delegates: Election and Certification
  2. A-2012-22- Travel: Executive Vice President
  3. A-2012-34- Board of Directors: Guidelines for Communications in the Absence of E-mail
  4. A-2012-03- Fees Grid
  5. A-2012-11- Multi-Year Contracts

Approved as amended:

  1. A-2012-32- Board of Directors: Meeting Guidelines
  2. A-2012-18- Seminar: Sponsor a Student Program
  3. A-2012-26- Financial Reserves

15. The Board reviewed the professional policies submitted by COPA for HOD and the following was the BOD decision:

Approved as suggested:

  1. STP 1605-Safety of Epidural Steroid Injections
  2. STP 1608- Therapeutic indication in CDS
  3. STP 1612- Interprofessional Education
  4. STP 1613-Cultural Competency
  5. STP 1614-Controlled Substance Diversion and Patient Access
  6. STP 1617-Automated Preparation and Dispensing Technology for Sterile Preparations
  7. STP 1620-Promotion of Off-Label Uses
  8. STP 1621-Timely Board of Pharmacy Licensing
  9. STP 1623-Home Intravenous Therapy
  10. STP 1625- Tobacco Products and Electronic Nicotine Devices
  11. STP 1626- Telepharmacy
  12. STP-Pharmacy Intern
  13. STP-COPA Review CPhA End of Life Options

Approved as amended:

  1. STP 1609 - pharmacy technician training
  2. STP 1610 -Career Opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians
  3. STP 1611-Leadership Development


1. President’s Report: Hanni, on behalf of Ferraresi updated on the Sterile Compounding

Committee. Hanni informed that the Blue Ribbon Committee is working on updating the

administrative policy.

2. President-Elect’s Report: Dong, updated on the status of CCTF appointments for 2017-2018 and

streamlining of the committees in alignment with the goals of the organization.

3. Chair of the Board: So, reported on the possible additional BOD meeting at the Seminar to

discuss the proposed language chages in the HOD proposals before the House of Delegates


4. Treasurer’s Report: Chan presented and informed the BOD on the various financial terms and their implecations on the financial documents. The financials for June were discusssed along with the recommendations by the auditors and the plan of action for implementation.
the draft budget for 2017-2018 was discussed and approved.

5. HouseofDelegatesChairHannirequested the BOD liaisons to submit the location details for

the RDC. Hanni update the BOD that the CON are in the final stages of the lsate for the 2017


6. CEODeMartiniupdated the Board on the following:

A. Membership status report

B. Spring conference planning

C. Seminar 2017

D. ASHP-Retirement of Beverly Black

E. Website Design:DeMartini informed the board that the CSHP website would be redesigned to have a member only tab and would be done inhouse.

F. SB 716: DeMartini discussed the current status of SB 716 and the opposition letter from Southern California chapter and CPhA. DeMartini informed the BOD of supporting organizations include ASHP, PTCB, CHA, SEIU, CCAP, NPTA, CARA and letter from a BOP member.

DeMartini informed that SB716 was heard in and passed unanimously the Assembly Business and Professions Committee on July 11, 2017.

The board discussed SB 716 in length. They discussed the communication from chapters to understand their concerns and how to best address them.The BOD ratified their decision to continue sponsorship of SB 716.

7. New Practitioner Executive Committee Chair, Nguyen presented on the QID, Forum for peer networking education and discussed on the beta testing that the NPEC is doing on the platform. It will be a member only benefit that CSHP will promote.


A. Western States Conference: DeMartini informed the group of the process of closing up with WSC.

B. CSHP representation at the BOP meetings: The BOD discussed on having increased pressence of CSHP at the BOP meetings and to identify Subject Matter Expert’s(SME) to represent at various committee meetings of BOP.


The Executive session was held on July 14, 2017 between 1:50 PM to 2: 35PM. No motions was reported.