Citizen Corps

Minutes June 10, 2008

Alamosa County Building

Attendance taken: Sue Davis, Citizen Corps Coordinator; Mike Rogers, Alamosa County Coroner; Jeff Babcock, SLV Homeland Security; Mary Jane Tarver, Forbes Park CERT; Beth Quinlan, SLV EPR Training Coordinator; Jim Claire, SLV REC/ Hazmat; Lori Maes-Vialpando, Costilla County Emergency Management; Linda Brown, Rio Grande County Public Health; Doug Davie, Rio Grande County Commissioner; David R. Osborn, SLV EPR Planning Coordinator; Charlotte Bobicki, Senator Salazar’s SLV Representative; Kimberly Bryant, Saguache County Emergency Manager/BGVFD; Jon Montano, SLV RETAC; Warren Stephan, Crestone CERT; Frances Valdez, South Central Seniors; Ayesha Williams, National Park Service; Julie Chapman, Conejos County EM.

NOTE: Need to add the following individuals to the Citizen Corps rooster for future agenda purposes; Julie Chapman; Conejos County Emergency management,

Special Guests; Captain Lawrence Martin; CSP, Brent Gilleland; CSP Haz Mat, Mike Rogers; Alamosa County Coroner/Haz Mat, Jim Claire; SLV REC/Haz Mat

Meeting called to order at 9:10 AM

Sue introduced herself as there where many new attendee’s

Sue apologized for canceling last months meeting due to the death in her family

Introductions: Each individual in attendance stated their name and organization


-Beth informed the council of an upcoming CERC training June 26th, from 1 to 4:30 P

-Frances brought an emergency planning guide from a C4H training

-Sue provided the results of the Community Survey administered at the 9 Health Fairs which provided input for the HLS Targeted Capabilities document.

-Jeff has a CART (Community Animal Response Training) Training on June 20th from 8:30 till 5:00 P on the first floor of the Alamosa County building

-This class will provide you with information on how to care for animals during a disaster.

-Jeff will be assembling a committee to update the SLV animal plan

-This is a federal requirement that we have a plan to deal with animals

-ICS 300 and 400 classes are being offered. Sue passed around the schedule of this training for anyone interested

-ICS 700 will be provided on the 19th of June. This class is being taught by Beth and Jon Montano

-Ayesha Williams said she is interested in more PIO training and inquired about the same

David inquired if Ayesha would be interested in joining the newly formed SLV Incident Management Team (IMT)

-Jon Montano is trying to get an awareness Meth training class here for one day in the SLV.

-Currently working on submitting 2008 Citizen Corps grant due June 30. The grant will mainly include Coordinator salary and operating expenses. All training expenses will be submitted in the Homeland Security grant.

Old Business:

-LEPC: Sue explained our intentions on becoming an LEPC. Sue spoke to Tim Gablehouse and we are awaiting a letter to officially designate as a LEPC.

-Sue discussed doing a radio show on Emergency Preparedness on KRZA on the fifth Thursday’s during the year.

-Jeff suggested having those interested in PIO do the radio broadcast

-Sue asked for assistance with this task. Ayesha offered to help Sue

-Beth discussed the Sally 2008 Hotwash event that the county and city had last week. -Training and communication was of issue. Beth advised that we had an EOC meeting last evening and no city officials other than Kathy Rogers attended.

-Charlotte B. advised that there have been turf issues between the City and County of Alamosa for a long time. Charlotte said she is hearing the same thing from the City and suggests that we continue to make efforts to work with one-another and make compromises for the better good.

-Kimberly Bryant passed out a copy of a draft letter she prepared on behalf of Citizen Corps. This letter is addressed to “Dear Neighbor” and is requesting the public’s assistance in distributing emergency planning and disaster preparedness information.

-Jeff noted that this is in fact the right venue to push this letter and preparedness message.

-Kimberly asked the council how best to distribute this information. Saturday June 21st there is a parade where we could distribute Citizen Corps information

New Business:

-Captain Martin explained the current situation with alleged hazmat loads on Colorado 114. This hwy is not a hazmat route, and the community automatically assumes hazmat transportation is occurring. The CSP has been putting out lots of fires with individuals calling Senators, Governor’s Office etc.

-We do have ethanol being transported into the SLV

-They are mixing ethanol here in the SLV also

-Captain Martin then informed the council of the San Luis Valley Hazardous Material Team.

-Captain Martin told us how they operate on a $13,000 budget and what their capabilities are.

-CSP communications dispatches for the SLV Haz Mat Team

-The SLV Haz Mat Team has experience with “Meth Houses” as well

-Sue displayed the “Be Ready” shirt and hat received at the State Annual meeting. She also showed the CERT back pack which will be given to each certified CERT member.

These were purchased with the special $3500 grant received in May.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 A