Illinois Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association

Columbia College Chicago

600 S. Michigan Ave., 8th Floor Lounge

Quarterly Meeting

Saturday, December 5, 2009

12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Present: Autumn Gillmore, IL ADTA Chapter President

Charla Weatherby, IL ADTA Chapter Vice-President and acting Secretary

Laura Allen, IL ADTA Chapter Treasurer

Aisha Bell, D. Darcy, Alexandria D’Aurio, Nicole DiBacco, Kyla Gilmore, Autumn Gillmore, Sang Meong Lee, Amanda Mitchell, Akiko Nishida, Anna O’Connell, Cricket Platl, Aqueena Smith, Shawna Solsvig, Sabrina Washington, Chuck Yopst


§  Meeting called to order at 12:21 p.m. by Autumn Gillmore

§  Welcome and Introductions: Charla Weatherby

§  Close eyes and take time to center self. State name and what you are looking forward to during the holidays.

§  Reports:

o  Autumn moved to approve Minutes from September 10, 2009. Laura seconded and minutes were approved.

o  Treasury report: Laura Allen

§  On September 11, 2009, the FDIC took control of our bank.

§  Our current balance is $2,279.62.

§  We have paid a half year of dues to CICO and renewed our bonding.

§  CICO dues are $20 per person payable to Laura.

o  CICO report: Kyla Gilmore, CICO Secretary

§  Kyla is CICO Secretary!

§  ILMC Association and CICO were both working with Dan Stacey. For legal reasons, Dan now works with CICO contractually.

§  CICO is moving toward an Advisory Committee versus a Board.

§  Discussion has ensued and changes have been made because of denied insurance claims that were excluding LCPC services.

o  MAL report: No report.

o  GAC report: No report.

o  M.O.V.E.D.: No report.

§  New Business:

o  Official change from Registry to Board Certification on October 9, 2009 at 8:23 a.m. PST!

§  Updated certification were sent automatically by the ADTA

o  Support ADTA by shopping on click on the link on the ADTA website.

o  ADTA IL Chapter was contacted about classes for children with special needs. Some ADTA members have responded.

§  Old Information:

o  ADTA Conference October 8-11, 2009, Portland, OR

§  Amanda Mitchell and Sabrina Washington attended the conference and presented posters.

§  45th Annual ADTA Conference: September 23-26, 2010, Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, NY.

o  Alumni Concert: Laura Allen

§  Concert is Thursday, March 4 and Friday, March 5, 2010, at Hamlin Park at 7 p.m.

§  Dancers are still needed!

§  Intern and course work must be complete to participate.

§  There is an Alumni Scholarship for current students.

§  A Technical Director is needed. This is a paid position.

o  Scholarship Opportunities: Laura Allen

§  Grants for scholarship applications were provided.

o  Website through Columbia College: Autumn Gillmore

§  The Columbia College Alumni page has not been designed yet.

o  Announcements:

§  Our IL ADTA Chapter FACEBOOK page is open for postings of performances, job opportunities, etc.

·  An invite to our next meeting will be posted here.

§  Information for authentic movement workshops with Susan Cahill was provided.

§  Laura Allen invited everyone to sign up for the ILADTA yahoo group List serve.

§  Sang Meong Lee presented a DMT workshop in Korea, and announced there is an opening at Anixter Center as she is vacating her position.

§  Akiko Nishida is a member of the ADTA Asian/Asian-American Professional Interest Group, created to reach out to the Asian community. Members of this group act as consultants for the ethics committee.

§  Reminder for all to pick up a CEU certificate as they exit.

§  Next Meeting:

o  March 2010. Date, time and location to be decided.

§  Meeting was adjourned at 1:22 p.m. by Autumn Gillmore. Seconded by Shawna Solsvig.

§  After the meeting was adjourned, Cricket Platl, current DMT&C student, facilitated dancing! Then a Holiday White Elephant Exchanged ensued.

Respectfully submitted by: Charla Weatherby


IL ADTA Chapter Minutes from December 5, 2009