Standards-based EA+ Report Card
Kindergarten Classroom Teachers
SPRING 2012-2013
I. Accessing the Report Card
II. Selecting the Grade Period (fall, winter, spring)
III. Modifying the Display Options
IV. Where to Enter Grades
V. Entering Grades
VI. Entering Comments
VII. Previewing and Printing
VIII. Saving a Hard Copy
Appendix A: Viewing and Printing Dropped Students
Appendix B: Changing the Term View
Appendix C: Printing a Report Card for One Student
Appendix D: FAQS
Appendix E: Specially Designed Instruction Codes M & S
1. Select Educator Access (EA+) on your
2. Log into EA+ using your username (first initial, last name) and password.
3. Select “My Gradebook” (the report card is inside).
4. Two gradebook links will be listed. The first link is for inputting the a.m. session grades and comments. The second link is for inputting the p.m. session grades and comments. Select the first link to input grades and comments if you teach all day kindergarten.
5. When the gradebook opens, look at the letters at the top of the columns. The letters tell you which term you are viewing (F = FALL, W = WINTER, S = SPRING).
6. If the term displayed does not match the term you wish to enter grades for, select the “Display Options” menu and click “Grade Period Display.”
7. Check the term you wish to enter/view grades for. Select “Save.” NOTE: The current term will always show. It is a default selection. Uncheck the terms you do not need to use to improve system-loading time.
Before entering grades for spring term, you may wish to change the student and event display settings. Changing the student display setting will allow you to order the names by first or last name and see the column headings fully.
8. To change the student display options, locate the “Display Options” menu and select “Student Display.”
9. Select one radio button under Name Display. An example of how the name will display is on the right. If you wish for the names of dropped students to appear, check the Dropped students box. Under Sorting Options, select a sorting radio button. Select “Save” when you are finished.
10. To expand the column headers, locate the display menu and select “Event Display.”
11. Under skill heading, select the radio button on the right that shows the full view of the Term, Subject, Skill. Select “Save” when you are finished.
NOTE: See Appendix A if you wish to view dropped students before continuing.
12. Note the solid and diagonally striped headings. The solid area is the subject area. DO NOT enter grades under the solid area. The diagonally striped headings are the standards-based skill areas. You will be entering final grades under ALL of the diagonally striped headings you have grades for. Ignore the “Additional Comment” column.
13. As you scroll across to the right, you will notice that the work habits and social and behavior skills areas also have diagonal stripes. You will also enter final grades in these columns.
14. To enter final grades for a skill area, click on the diagonally striped skill area heading.
15. When the diagonally striped skill area opens you can:
A. Enter final grades (1, 2, 3, 4, M, S) in the first column for that skill area student-by-student and click save, or
B. Select the mass assign drop-down menu arrow (1, 2, 3, 4, M, S) press ok at the default prompt, and click save, or (SEE PICTURES BELOW)
C. Enter individual grades for some students and then use the mass assign menu to fill the same grade to the remaining students.
Method B Screen shots:
16. Repeat steps 14-15 for all skill areas (diagonally shaded areas).
NOTE: Diagonally shaded yellow columns are difficult to see.
17. To enter comments, select a student’s name from the gradebook main screen. Clicking on the Comments tab (center of picture) is NOT recommended.
18. Select the “Comments” tab.
19. The Comments tab page will load. Click the “Edit Comments” button on the right to edit comments for any of the three terms (FALL, WINTER, SPRING). There is not a separate “Edit Comments” button for each term.
20. After making sure the correct term (FALL, WINTER, SPRING) is listed above the comment boxes you are going to complete, continue with these instructions.
The comment boxes at the top are for posting preformed comments for just that student. Click the drop-down arrow to select a preformed comment. (This is where preformed district RTI comments are located).
The freeform comment textboxes are listed next. The Class Comment textbox is for a general comment that is not subject specific. There are also Work Habits and Social and Behavior Skills Comment boxes. Kindergarten also has an additional Comments Comment box. Each box is limited to approximately 10 lines (exactly 1,500 characters).
21. Click the “Save” button.
22. The Comments Tab page will load again. To select another student, without returning to the gradebook homepage, click the drop-down arrow in the upper left-hand corner and select another student’s name. Make sure the correct term (FALL, WINTER, SPRING) is listed above the comment boxes you are going to complete. Repeat steps 19-22 for all students.
CAUTION: Before printing final copies of your report cards, make sure that you have heard from all specialists that their grade entry is complete. Their grades boxes will not appear until they enter grades.
23. Prior to printing, preview the report by selecting the “Reports” menu and scrolling down to “Standards Report Card.” NOTE: A quicker way to preview one report card is to click on the student’s name.
24. Select “Add a new Template.”
25. Type “Spring Report Card 2013” in the Report Template Name field. Select “Save.”
26. Select spring term from the drop-down menu. NOTE: If you will be printing report cards for dropped students, select the checkbox “Print All Dropped Classes.” Select “Save.”
27. Double-check that your Spring Report Card 2013 template is highlighted and select “Print.”
28. Wait for Queued to change to Running.
29. Wait for “Report Finished Processing” box to appear, and select “Display Report.”
30. Click “OK” to open the pdf.
NOTE: If the following download error occurs press “OK” and select “Retry”
31. The report card will appear. The F in each subject means Fall Trimester, W in each subject means Winter Trimester, S in each subject means Spring Trimester. You can switch pages/students by selecting the pages icon.
32. To print, select “File” from the Firefox browser menu and scroll down to select “Print.”
33. To save a hard copy, follow the directions for printing. When the pdf generates, select “File” from the browser menu and scroll down to select “Save As.” Name your document and choose the location you wish to save to.
· Instructions for backing up your report cards to your building file server
· End-of-the-year instructions for “turning in” your electronic gradebook (for teachers who stored assignments in the electronic gradebook)
Rev. TOSA CURTIS 5/30/13
Appendix A: Instructions for Viewing & Printing Dropped Student(s) in EA + Gradebook
1. Click on the “Students” heading.
2. Check the “Dropped Students” box under Display Options and select “Save.”
3. The names of dropped students will appear in the gradebook student list with their names highlighted in beige.
4. Select the “Reports” menu and scroll down to “Standards Report Card.”
5. Highlight your template for the term and select “Modify parameters of Template.” For example, “Spring Report Card 2013.” If you have not created a template for the term yet, select “Add a new Template.”
6. Select spring term from the drop-down menu AND select “Print All Dropped Classes.”
7. Select the report template you wish to print. Click on “Select Different Students.”
8. Press “Clear All”.
9. Scroll down to the bottom and check the dropped student(s) names and select “Print.”
10. Wait for Queued to change to Running.
11. Wait for “Report Finished Processing” box to appear, and select “Display Report.”
Rev. TOSA CURTIS 6/1/11
Appendix B: Changing the Term View
1. To change the main screen grade book display to fall, winter, or spring, click on the “Display Options” menu and select “Grade Period Display.”
2. Check the term you wish to view and select “Save.” NOTE: The current term will always show. It is a default selection. Uncheck the terms you do not need to improve the system loading time.
Rev. TOSA CURTIS 11/28/11
Appendix C: Printing a Report Card for One Student
1. Select the “Reports” menu and click on “Standards Report Card.”
2. Select the report template you wish to print. Click on “Select Different Students.”
3. Press “Clear All”.
4. Then check the student(s) you wish to print and select “Print.”
Rev. TOSA CURTIS 11/15/09
Appendix D: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Question: Do I need to enter attendance or will it automatically appear on the student report cards?
Answer: Classroom teachers do not enter attendance information. The attendance and tardy boxes will automatically transfer and fill from the attendance clerk’s information.
Comment Boxes
Question A: How much text can be entered in the comment boxes?
Answer: The comment boxes are limited to 1,500 characters. When you reach the maximum characters, the input stops.
Question B: Can I fill through comments so that all students have the same comment for the same subject?
Answer: No, unfortunately this is not an option. However, you can copy and paste.
Question C: Can I type comments in Word and then copy and paste them into the comment boxes?
Answer: Yes, you can copy and paste from a Word document into the comment boxes.
Question D: Where will comments appear on the report card?
Answer: Comments will appear at the end of the report card. Any preformed comments will appear first. The general comments and subject area comments will follow.
Question E: How many comment boxes should I fill in? Do I need to fill in every box?
Answer: Contact your building principal to understand district report card comment expectations.
Job-Share Situation
Question: I job-share with another teacher. Can both of our names appear on the report card?
Answer: Yes. Submit a Technology Service Request if both names are not appearing.
Not Graded
Question: What do I enter in the gradebook if I do not grade a skill area this term?
Answer: Leave the entry box blank. A note in the Grade Scale Descriptors indicates that an asterisk in the skill box means the skill was “not evaluated at this time.” The teacher does not enter the asterisk; it automatically generates.
Question A: How do I print a report card for only one student?
Answer: Select the “Reports” menu and click on “Standards Report Card.” Select the report template you wish to print. Click on “Select Different Students.” Press “Clear All”. Then check the student(s) you wish to print and select “Print.” See Appendix C for screen shots.
Question B: Can I print back-to-back?
Answer: Printing duplex is not recommended. Based upon comment input, some student report cards are longer than others.
Kindergarten Progress Check Sheet
Question A: Do I send home a progress check (letter names, forms letters, letter sounds) sheet with each report card?
Answer: The kindergarten progress check sheet that was previously page four of the kindergarten report card is now optional.
Question A: How can I easily indicate whether students are benchmark, intensive, or strategic in reading?
Answer: Enter the comment codes BR, IR, SR in the preformed comment boxes. A sentence indicating their reading level will automatically generate. (i.e.: At this time, your student is being served in a benchmark group for reading.)
Question B: I do walk-to-read with my grade level team. How do I get my students reading grades entered?
Answer: All teachers in a walk-to-read situation will need to give the grades to each other outside of the WESPaC system. Teachers cannot enter grades in other teachers’ gradebooks.
Special Codes: M & S
Question: How do I use the M and S codes for students who qualify for specially designed instruction?
Answer: S codes can only be used for subjects and skill areas in which the student qualifies. M & S can be entered in skill areas as 4, 3, 2, 1 are entered. Contact your special education teacher/case manager for further information on standard’s based grading versus progress towards goals clarification. For assistance with entry, please contact the helpline at 6767.
Specialists Grades
Question: How do I enter specialist’s grades?
Answer: Specialists grades will automatically transfer to the report card. This will only happen after the specialists have inputted grades. In fact, the specialist teacher’s name will not even appear until some grades have been entered. Specialists should e-mail or contact you to inform you their grade input is complete.
Rev. TOSA CURTIS 12/1/10
Appendix E: Instructions for S & M Report Card Code Inputting
These directions outline how to input codes S and M for students.
1. Click the diagonally shaded skill area column heading in which S should be inputted. (Reading comprehension is used in the example pictured below).
2. Locate the student’s name and type S as the score in the left-hand entry area (see picture below). If a 1-4 score already appears, delete the 1-4 and type in an S. (Ignore the numbers to the right. This is not a grade percentage, but a weight calculation percentage.) Click “Save.”
3. Repeat steps 1-2 for all other skill areas in which the student is qualified and you wish to reflect an S.
Rev. TOSA CURTIS 3/11/11