Room: 205
learning about living organisms through class lectures, labs, discussions and activities
lab skills,
discover relationships between living things and their environment
gain insight into how organisms are classified
develop a better appreciation for the natural world in which you live
It is your responsibility to
come to class on time
be prepared with the required reading, homework or assignment completed before class begins
catch up on all work missed due illness or absences.
Students are expected to maintain an attitude of cooperation and respect to your teacher, classmates and any guests we may have including TOC’s. This includes –
a. Arriving on time
b. Being prepared with appropriate materials
c. Listening quietly
d. Asking questions
e. Working on assignments during allotted time
Homework is to be completed before class begins. Assignments MUST be handed in on time! Assignments and tests that are not completed will result in a mark of “zero” until they are completed. Late assignments will NOT be accepted once marked/reviewed assignments have been returned to the class.
Labs, Homework, Quizzes & Projects:30%
Tests: 60%
Final Exam:10%
MsMireau’s virtual classroom –Edublog site
Visit the Biology 11 section on my Edublog to use as a resource for your course. Here you will find powerpoints, videos handouts, notes and interesting links or information to enhance the Biology 11 course.
Any students that plagiarize any portion of an assignment will receive a zero and possibly a comment on their report card. The problem will also be referred to administration. For your own protection, keep all drafts of all work until the end of the school year.
B1 / apply the Kingdom system of classification to study the diversity of organismsEvolution:
C1 / describe the process of evolutionEcology:
D1 / analyze the functional inter-relationships of organisms within an ecosystemMicrobiology:
E1 / evaluate the evidence used to classify viruses as living or non-livingE2 / evaluate the effects of viruses on human health
E3 / analyze monerans as a lifeform at the prokaryotic level of organization
E4 / evaluate the effectiveness of various antibiotics, disinfectants, or antiseptics on bacterial cultures
Plant Biology:
F1 / analyze how the increasing complexity of algae, mosses, and ferns represent an evolutionary continuum of adaptation to a land environmentF2 / analyze how the increasing complexity of gymnosperms and angiosperms contribute to survival in a land environment
Animal Biology:
G1 / analyze how the increasing complexity of animal phyla represents an evolutionary continuumG2 / analyze the increasing complexity of the Phylum Porifera and the Phylum Cnidaria
G3 / analyse the increasing complexity of the Phylum Platyhelminthes, the Phylum Nematoda, and the Phylum Annelida
G4 / analyze the increasing complexity of the Phylum Mollusca, the Phylum Echinodermata, and the Phylum Arthropoda
G5 / relate the complexity of the form and function of vertebrates to the evolutionary continuum of animals
The complete list of curriculum outcomes from the provincial Integrated Resource Packages are on the Ministry of Education site:
I firmly believe that each and every student should have every opportunity to do well. If you have any concerns or comments please contact me immediately.
B Mireau