Review Process for Approved Provider Applications
- Two WNA CEAP Committee members will be ‘assigned’ to review each Approved Provider application according to the review schedule established by the WNA CEAP staff. One reviewer will be identified as the ‘lead’ for the application.
- Reviewers will briefly examine the application for any quantitative issues such as blank answers, references to other documents without narrative responses, etc.
- The ‘lead’ reviewer will contact the WNA Office if the application cannot be reviewed based on the quantitative examination.
- The WNA Office will confer with the WNA CEAP NPRL for next steps.
- The WNA NPRL will notify reviewers of the status of follow up.
- The WNA Office will send the resubmitted application to reviewers when ready.
- Reviewers will independently evaluate the Approved Provider application using the WNA CEAP “NURSE PEER REVIEW FORM, APPROVED PROVIDER (AP) APPLICATION – 2015 CRITERIA, REVIEW OF SELF-STUDY NARRATIVE ” (NEW Form #23). The applicant must answer every question and provide every example in the Self Study in narrative format.
- Reviewers will independently evaluate each Activity Sample using the WNA CEAP “NURSE PEER REVIEW FORM, APPROVED PROVIDER (AP) APPLICATION – 2015 CRITERIA, REVIEW OF SAMPLE ACTIVITY RECORD FORMS “ (NEW “Form # 24”).
- When both reviewers complete their evaluation of the Self Study and the Sample Activities, they will discuss their findings to reach consensus on whether the Self Study and Sample Activities meet, partially meet, or do not meet the criteria and what additional information is needed to make a decision about each criterion.
- The ‘lead’ will record the outcomes of this discussion on Form #23 and Form #24.
- For the narrative Self Study criteria determined “Not Met”, the ‘lead’ will contact the applicant for clarification and/or request additional or revised documents. The ‘lead’ will update Form #23 throughout the review process as needed.
- For the Sample Activities criteria determined not met, the ‘lead’ will simply record the final score at the end of Form #24. No revisions are requested or allowed.
- If the application requires extensive revision, the ‘lead’ reviewer will contact the WNA CEAP NPRL, who will contact the applicant for in-depth discussion and to determine next steps – see instructions in Form 23.
- When a final decision is made (met vs. not met) regarding each criterion, the ‘lead’ will document the decision on Form #23 (in the ‘Final Consensus Decision’ columns) AND on Form #24 (in the ‘Final Criteria Determination’ columns).
- The ‘lead’ reviewer will inform the applicant of their recommendation for approval or denial.
- All review materials including Form 23, Form 24, comments for the approval/denial letter and any additional/revised documents received from the applicant, will be forwarded to the Nurse Peer Review Leader, cc-ingMegan at the WNA office.
- The Nurse Peer Review Leader will examine the review findings and use the revised NPRL Matrix to compile the application scores and make an approval decision on the application.
- The Nurse Peer Review Leader will inform the applicant of the review decision via email.
- The Nurse Peer Review Leader will send to the WNA office all materials necessary for the final record, including Form 23, Form 24, comments for approval/denial letter, additional/revised documents received from the applicant, the NPRL Matrix and the initial notification email.
- An official approval/denial letter will be sent to the applicant by the WNA office and all documentation as noted above (#15) will be filed with the original application in the WNA office.
March 3, 2014 1