Special track/session for Africa / the Middle East and the Francophone States

Call for Papers on ICCMIT2018

“Innovation Technology and Entrepreneurship”

Organized by:

1. Pr. Omar TANANE, Ph.D.

HASSAN II University Of Casablanca


Objectives and Motivation

The development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship also takes on important values ​​in teaching practices and in the valorization of scientific research, our purpose in this special edition is: To critically examine innovations and all kinds of solutions technology or patents filed by academic or private researchers; To promote the emergence, development and dissemination of research in the field of Pedagogy with entrepreneurial value; Contribute to enrich the body of knowledge of technological innovations and patent production; Strengthen the Entrepreneurial spirit among our students; Develop Innovation and Patent Production; Valorize research results; Establish channels for communication and media coverage of scientific and technological information; Contribute to the development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in all its aspects. The objectives of this the special session are:

• Identify best practices that can best serve as models (best practices);

• Support innovation and entrepreneurship by university graduates;

• Create a space for exchanges between researchers, teachers, entrepreneurship educators, trainers, managers and others interested in entrepreneurship issues;

• To inform on the state of research and training in the field the valorization of research and Entrepreneurship.

Scope and Interests

The new university's missions today must be focused on creating within its walls the ecosystem conducive to the emergence of innovative ideas, creating added values and vectors of economic growth.

All the actors in the creation of companies must work together on a single objective to build a chain of support to support the young entrepreneur since the idea sprouts in its head then its development by way of the financing and completion of its project.

It is a reason that the topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

·  innovation and technological solutions

·  pedagogy with entrepreneurial values

·  Articles proposing innovations to solve a technical problem or having the subject of a Patent filing.

·  Valorization of the results of the research

·  Licensing and licensing by companies.

·  Spin-off by process of detection and incubation of innovative projects resulting from a research activity.

Scientific Committee:

1.  Pr. O. TANANE Hassan II University of Casablanca. Morocco

2.  Pr. C. MARRAKCHI Hassan II University of Casablanca. Morocco

3.  Pr. A. KETTANI Hassan II University of Casablanca. Morocco

4.  Pr. F. BELMIR Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdillah University of Fes. Morocco

5.  Pr. F. ACHOUR Ibno Toufail University of Kenitra. Morocco

6.  Pr. B. IBN KHALDOUN Mohamed V University of Rabat. Morocco,

7.  Pr. A. EL BOUARI Hassan II University of Casablanca. Morocco.

8.  Pr. Y. ABBOUD Hassan II University of Casablanca. Morocco.

Paper Submission :

The submissiveness of the communication propositions:Will make itself under electronic format via E –mail . three evaluators, members of the scientific committee, will value every proposition.

All instructions and templates for submission can be found in the ICCMIT2018 website:

http://www.iccmit.net/. The accepted papers will be published by IEEE and it will appear on IEEE-Explore. Also, the best articles will be invited to be published again after expansion as book chapter in IGI Book as well as Journal of Information Retrieval "ACM Index journal".

Important Dates :

Authors are requested to consider the following conference important dates and deadlines.

Full paper submitted for revision in electronic form / Feb. 01, 2018
Notification of acceptance / Feb. 15, 2018
Conference registration / Feb. 15, 2018
Final paper submission and author's camera ready paper / March 2, 2018
Conference Dates / April 2 - 4, 2018

Contact us: Pr. Bassiri Mustapha Vice-President ICCMIT18 for Africa / the Middle East and the Francophone States

E-mail:[email protected]