Curriculum vitae of
Dr. Gajendra Singh, MBBS, MS (Anatomy)
Former Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University
Emeritus Professor, Banaras Hindu University
Date of birth : 1st November 1947
Nationality : Indian
Marital status : Married
Address for Correspondence Residential Address
Emeritus Professor, BHU P-2, Old Medical Enclave
& Banaras Hindu University Campus
Former Director Varanasi-221 005 (India).
Institute of Medical Sciences Fax No .: (0542) 2367568 [O]
Banaras Hindu University Phone No.: (0542) 2369341 [Res.]
Varanasi – 221 005 (India) Mobile No.: 9415223588
e-mail –
/ Year / University/CollegeM.B.B.S. / 1969 / King George's Medical College, Lucknow
M.S. (Anatomy) / 1974 / Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
professional EXPERIENCE:
Designation /From - To
PROFESSOR EMERITUS, Banaras Hindu University /August 20, 2013 - Continuing
DIRECTOR, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu UniversityDIRECTOR, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University /
Feb. 4. 2002 - July 19, 2002
Nov. 1, 2004 - Oct. 31, 2009
CHIEF PROCTOR, Banaras Hindu University /May 5, 1999 - July 22, 2002
DEAN, Faculty of Medicine, IMS, Banaras Hindu University / April 1, 2001 - 31 Mar. 2004HEAD, Department of Anatomy, IMS, BHU., Varanasi (Three times) /
June, 21, 1986 - June, 20, 88
Oct., 01, 1994 - Sept, 30, 97
Sept. 1, 2003 - Nov., 21, 04
PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY, I.M.S., Banaras Hindu University / Feb. 5, 1987 – June 30, 2013READER, Dept. of Anatomy, I.M.S., Banaras Hindu University / Feb. 8, 1979 - Feb., 04, 1987
SR. LECTURER IN ANATOMY, College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Nigeria / Aug. 1981 - Aug. 1983
(on leave from B.H.U.)
LECTURER IN ANATOMY, I.M.S., Banaras Hindu University / Jan. 28, 1975 - Feb., 07, 1979
DEMONSTRATOR IN ANATOMY, I.M.S., Banaras Hindu University / July 19, 1971 - Jan. 27, 1975
1. FELLOW, National Academy of Medical Sciences, FAMS, (India) New Delhi
2. Fellow, International Medical Sciences Academy, FIMSA, 2003
3. FELLOW, Sharir Rachna Institute (Ayurveda), FSRI, 2006
4. DR. DHARAM NARAYAN MEMORIAL GOLD MEDAL for presenting best paper at the XXIII National Conference of the Anatomical Society of India - 1974
5. DR. SHAMER SINGH MEMORIAL ORATION-2006 by Anatomical Society of India
7. MEMBER OF THE COURT OF BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY nominated by His Excellency the President of India.
8. DIRECTOR OF GRIEVANCES, (Ministry of HRD) Banaras Hindu University
9. VICE CHANCELLOR DESIGNATE, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh-12 June, 2008.
10. PRESIDENT, Anatomical Society of India 2010.
11. MEMBER, Governing body of the Indian Council of Medical Research
12. Member, Finance Committee, Banaras Hindu University.
13. REPRESENTATIVE of IMS, Banaras Hindu University in Medical Council of India.
14. MEMBER, Executive Committee, U.P. Rajashri Tandon Open University, Allahabad.
15. MEMBER, Academic Council, U.P. Rajashri Tandon Open University, Allahabad.
16. Faculty Member, National Teachers Training Centre, B.H.U.
17. Principal Investigator, Electron Microscope Facility, IMS, BHU.
18. Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of Schedule Casts and Schedule Tribes, BHU.
19. Chairman, Committee for implementation of the Act regarding persons with disabilities.
20. MEMBER, UGC Team to inspect Datta Maghe IMS (Deemed University).
21. MEMBER, UGC COMMITTEE for inspection of Colleges under KLE University, Belgaum
22. MEMBER, Working Group of Medical Council of India.
23. NODAL OFFICER, to co-ordinate between UGC and BHU for review of IX Plan performance and evaluation of the requirements of the X Plan.
24. Won “VAIJAANTI” TROPHY for the Institute for use of Hindi Language in Medicine Teaching, awarded by Banaras Hindu University
25. PRESIDENT, Sikh Association of BHU (University’s Official Body)
26. MEMBER, Academic Council, Banaras Hindu University.
27. VICE CHAIRMAN, “Rajbhasha Implementation Committee”, Banaras Hindu University
UNDERGRADUATE : Since July 1971
POSTGRADUATE : Since Jan. 1975
More than 110 in National and International Journal of high repute e.g. ACS NANO, Nanotechnology, Teratology (Birth Defects Research), (U.S.A.), Congenital Anomalies (Japan), In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. (U.S.A.), Archives of Andrology (U.S.A.), Neurosurgery (U.S.A.), Southern Medical Journal (USA), Firat tip dergisi (Turkey), Journal of General Internal Medicine (USA), Health Affairs. (USA), American Journal of Human Genetics, British Medical Journal, Osteoporosis International (UK), Chemotherapy, Intl Journal of Morphology (Chile), Singapore Medical Journal, Neuroanatomy (Turkey), Journal of Anatomical Society of India, Indian Journal of Medical Research, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Indian Journal of Pain, Journal of Human Ecology, Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (CIMID) (USA) and others.
Kindly see Annexure II.
In more than 8 books published from USA including Textbook of Forensic Medicine (II Edition) by Krogman, a Florida University Publication, UK, JAPAN and INDIA and profusely cited in International Journals of high repute (Annexure III).
¨ President, Anatomical Society of India, 2010
¨ Vice-President, Anatomical Society of India, 1992
¨ President, u.P. Chapter of Anatomical Society of India, 1988
¨ Vice President, U.P. Chapter of Anatomical Society of India, 1987
¨ President, Anatomical Society of India, Varanasi Branch
¨ Life Member, Anatomical Society of India
¨ Member, Teratology Society of U.S.A.
¨ Member, Japanese Teratology Society, Japan
¨ Member, Afro Asia Oceania Association of Anatomists
¨ Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences
¨ Member, Indian Society for Study of Pain
¨ Member, International Society of Lymphology (Varanasi Branch)
¨ Member, Indian Medical Association
¨ Member, Executive Committee, Anat. Society of India, 1977, 85, 87, 96
¨ Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Anatomical Society of India
¨ Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Anatomical Sciences
¨ Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Biomedical Research – an International Journal
¨ Member, Board of Studies in Anatomy, Aligarh University
¨ Member, Board of Studies in Anatomy, Gorakhpur University
¨ Member, External Expert, on P.G. Board of Research Studies, Burdwan University
¨ Member, Board of Studies, Allahabad University
¨ Member, Board of Studies, Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath
¨ Member, Advisory Board Health Renaissance a Scientific and Biomedical Journal of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal
¨ Member, Selection Committee, Aligarh University
¨ Member, Selection Committee, Delhi University
¨ Member, Selection Committee, U.P.S.C., New Delhi
¨ Member, Selection Committee, U.P.P.S.C., Allahabad
¨ Member, Selection Committee, P.G.I.M.E.R., Chandigarh
¨ Member, Selection Committee, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal
¨ Member, Selection Committee, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow
¨ Member, Academic Council, UP Rajashri Tandon Open University, Allahabad.
¨ Faculty Member, National Teachers Training Centre, B.H.U.
¨ Expert/Advisor, Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi
¨ Representative of BHU in Medical Council of India.
¨ Member, Working Group of Medical Council of India.
¨ Member, Selection Board for Principals of State Medical Colleges, UPSC, Allahabad.
¨ Member, Deva Institute of Healthcare & Research Pvt. Ltd.
1. Teratological effect of amniotic sac puncture/rupture
2. Determination of sex from skeletal remains
3. Electron Microscopy
4. Nanosciences
5. Medical Education
1. Title of the Project: “Effects of Silver nanoparticles on gonadal physiology of mice”
1. Effect of catecholamines on heart and aortic arches of developing chick embryo. Thesis by Dr. S. S. Bellad, 1979.
2. Effect of cyclophosphamide on the post-natal development of rat cerebellum. Thesis by Dr. A.N. Datta, 1981 (Thesis signed by HOD as I had left for Nigeria).
3. A correlative study of cleft palate induced by amniocentesis and its spontaneous prenatal repair in rat. Thesis by Dr. (Mrs.) C. Mohanty, 1987.
4. Correlation between reduced uterine blood supply and fetal malformation in rat. Thesis by Dr. (Miss) Nandita Datta, 1994.
5. Effect of teratogen cyclophosphamide on the murine CNS: correlation to the modulation of immune response – Dr. Prakash, 2004
6. Study of cyclophosphamide induced hydrocephalus in chick. Thesis by Dr. S.N. Singh, 1989.
7. A study of the effect of antineoplastic drugs on the healing of intestinal anastomosis in rat. Thesis by Dr. P.C.L. Das, 1989.
8. A study of incidence of deep vein thrombosis in surgical patients using colour doppler flow imaging. Thesis by Dr. Akhilesh Pandey.
9. Anthropometric study of indian proximal femur with special reference to intramedullary axis. Thesis by Dr. Anil Kumar Mishra (2003).
10. Concept of Cardiovascular system in Ayurveda with special reference to its western structure and location in the body. Thesis by Dr. H.C. Gupta, 1984.
11. Studies on "Asthi Sara" and its significance in relation to individual skeletal framework of the body with special reference to Anthropometry. Thesis by Dr. Udaya Samaratunga, 1997.
12. Clinical, immunological and ultrastructural evaluation of endothelil dysfunction in-patient with diabetic nephropathy after treatment with Herbal compound (RF3). Thesis by Dr. Rajesh Kumar, 2007.
13. Internal Limiting membrane: Transmission Electron Microscopic Evaluation. Thesis by Dr. Amit Mittal, 2008-10.
14. Effect of “Rohitahadhaya Choorna” on extra hepatic biliary apparatus in chronic cholecystitis and biliary litheasis patient. Thesis by Dr. Rashmi Gupta, 2008.
15. Clinicopathological study of Lupus Nephritis with special reference to MCP – I as a diagnostic and prognostic Biomarker of Lupus Flare. Thesis by Dr. Sanjeev Behuva, 2010.
16. Internal Limiting Membrane: Transmission Electron Microscopic Evaluation. Thesis by Dr. Amit Mittal, Ophthalmology, 2010
17. Characterization of the effect of silver nanoparticles in mice. Thesis by Dr. Shahare Brigesh Ramdas, Anatomy, 2011
M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery):
1. Fresh Cadaveric dye study and electron microscopic evaluation of deep fascia for applied fascial flap. Thesis by Dr. Partha Sarathi Barooah, 2007.
M.Sc. (Home Science):
1. Congenital malformations in man and probable role of certain food items. Dissertation by Miss Alka, 1992-93.
2. Effect of different nutrients on depression, sleep and memory in girl students (of BHU). Dissertation by Miss Meenu Chandel, 1992-93.
Ph.D. (Anatomy):
1. The influence of cyclophosphamide on developing male gonad in rat: A cytogenetic biochemical and histological study. Thesis by Dr. A.K. Saxena, 1990.
2. Effect of certain ayurvedic drugs (Butea monosperma, Hibbiscus rosa sinensis and Achyranthes aspera) on ovaries and their development during intra uterine life in mice. Thesis by Dr. Neelam Gupta, 2009 (Awarded)
3. Teratogenicity of ACE Inhibitors in Mice. Thesis by Dr. K.N. Singh, 2012 (Awarded)
4. Effect of Draksharlehya on Cyclophomide Induced Teratogenicity. Thesis by Dr. Sunil Kumar, 2012 (Awarded)
B.D.S. /MBBS/MS/ MD (Anatomy)/M.Sc. (Anatomy)/MD (Ayurveda)/ Ph.D.
· AIIMS, New Delhi / · Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences, Patna· King George's Medical College, Lucknow / · College of Med. Sciences, Benin University, Nigeria
· Institute of Medical Sciences, B.H.U / · North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri
· Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla / · Calcutta Medical College, Calcutta
· N.R.S. Medical College, Calcutta / · Patna Medical College, Patna
· Nalanda Medical College, Patna / · B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur
· M.L.B. Medical College, Jhansi / · Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan, W.B.
· Gaya Medical College, Gaya / · G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur
· S.N. Medical College, Agra / · Gauhati Medical College, Gauhati
· Univ. College of Med. Sciences, New Delhi / · Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan University
· M. L. N. medical College, Allahabad / · University of Pondicherry
· Dr. B. C. Ray Instt. Calcutta University / · B.P. Koirala Institute Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal
· MaharashtraUniversity of Health Sciences, Nashik
1. 21st Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1972, Jamashedpur
2. 23rd Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1974, Varanasi
3. 24th Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1975, Jabalpur
4. 25th Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1976, Lucknow
5. 26th Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1977, Bangalore
6. 27th Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1978, Patiala.
7. 29th Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1979, Patna
8. Ist Annual Conf. of U. P. Chapter of A. S. I. 1979, Lucknow
9. IInd Annual Conf. of U. P. Chapter of A. S. I. 1980, Varanasi
10. 32nd Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1983, Jammu
11. 35th Annual Conf. of Anat. Soc. of India 1986, Aligarh
12. IXth Annual Conf. of U. P. Chapter of A. S. I. 1986, Lucknow
13. Xth Annual Conf. of U. P. Chapter of A. S. I. 1987, Varanasi.
14. Training Programme on Medical Education, National Teachers Training Centre, IMS, BHU, Feb. 1987.
15. WHO/NIHFW Workshop on strengthening training of family planning in undergraduate medical education in India, IMS, BHU, 28th Nov. - 1st Dec., 1988.
16. 12th Local Workshop on Curriculum Planning, National Teachers Training Centre, IMS, BHU, 1989
17. WHO Workshop on Educational Science and Technology in Medical Education. 15th-17th Feb., 1996, IMS, BHU, as Faculty Member.
18. 35th Annual Conf. of the National Academy of Medical Sciences 8th to 10th March, 1996, IMS, BHU.
19. 44th National Conf. of the Anat. Soc. of India, NRS Medical College, Calcutta, 27th to 29th Dec., 1996.
20. Ann. Conf. of Indian Assoc. for Advancement of Med. Education. 12th-13th Apr., 1997 (Member, Advisory Committee).
21. Chief Co-ordinator, Ist Refresher Course in Medical Science for Teachers of Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, 18th September 1997 to 8th October 1997, by Academic Staff College, BHU.
22. XVII Nat. Cong. on Respiratory Diseases 5th-7th Dec. 1997, BHU, Varanasi & Chaired Session No. 29 on Sarcoidosis.
23. 47th Annual Conference of the Anatomical Society of India, 26-29 December, 1999, Jhansi.
24. Ist National Conference on medical education technology: Medical education Vision 20-21, 11-12 Aug. 2001, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.
25. 54th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, Amrita Inst. of Med. Sci. Kochi Dec. 2006.
26. 56th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, IMS, BHU, Varanasi Dec. 2008.