Chairman: Cllr Graham Bowles
Parish Clerk: Joanne Jones, Neutral Farm House, Mill Lane, Butley. IP12 3PA
Tel: 01394 459400, E-Mail:
Notice is hereby given that the next meeting ofBlaxhall Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 1st July2015 at 7:30pm in
BlaxhallVillage Hall
Members of the Public & Press are invited to attend
1.Public Forum
Members of the public are invited to express their views and concerns on matters relating to this agenda. Members of the public, whilst welcome to attend, are however, not permitted to take part in the formal meeting itself.
2.To receive apologies for absence
3.To receive declarations of interest regarding matters on this agenda
3.1 – To consider any dispensations
4.Report by Suffolk Constabulary
5.Report by County Cllr Andrew Reid
6.Report by District Cllr Ray Herring
7. Reports from Village Organizations
8.To approve the draft minutes of the Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 13th May 2015 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd June 2015
9.Matters Arising from the Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 13th May 2015 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd June 2015
10.Parish Clerk's Report
11. Parish Council Business
11.1 - Assets of Community Value in Blaxhall – To receive an update and consider matters relating to the forthcoming appeal
11.2 – Formation of a Charitable Trust - To receive an update
- Environment Matters – To report on any matters relating to Highways, Footpaths, and Allotments etc. and consider any actions required
12.1 – Flooding in Blaxhall – To receive an update from Cllr Waring
12.2 – To consider the replacement of the signs on the Big Common at Snape Rd
13.Planning Matters
13.1. New Applications
None received but to include any received prior to the meeting
13.2 Update on Existing Applications
Planning Ref: DC/15/1929/AGO
Location: Land at Pump Square, Blaxhall
Proposal: Erection of six metal silo feed bins and related groundworks and access.
After very careful consideration Blaxhall Parish Council agreed not to Object, in principle to this application but wished to make the following comments:-
It was felt the applicant should ensure that adequate screening was provided to the site and thereafter maintained sufficiently.
There were concerns regarding increased additional traffic on the already very small lanes surrounding the proposed site.
Also after heavy rain this route is often the only route out of Blaxhall and therefore the applicant should also ensure that maintenance and care of the surrounding roads is adhered to at all times.
Concerns were also raised regarding heavy agricultural vehicles turning into the entrance on a regular basis and it was thought these could cause severe damage to the entrance road surface.
Within the application it states the applicants name is A Hayward & Son Ltd whereby the applicant admitted at last night’s meeting that this company had now been dissolved and therefore it was felt this application could be incorrect in light of this information.
It was also pointed out to SCDC that although the Parish Council did not Objectto this application, in principle, that in fact 2 members did Object along with several members of the public who also attended this meeting as it was felt the location for this application was inappropriate. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date.
Planning Ref: DC/15/1732/ARM
Location: Land and Buildings opposite Ship Cottages, Ship Corner, Blaxhall
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following grant of Outline planning permission DC/14/3247/OUT (Proposed 3 Bedroom house).
The Parish Council had No Objections to this application but suggested the proposed dwelling should be sited further back from the highway. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date.
Planning Ref: DC/15/0264/FUL
Location: OS 0942,Dock Farm Road, Blaxhall
Proposal: Erection of Dutch Barn (hay and straw storage), involving partial lowering of site
and formation of field access.
The Parish Council Supported this application, on the proviso that adequate maintenance
and provision to protect the road would be carried out. They also requested that the size
of the building should be scaled down. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date.
Bank Balances as at 31/5/15: A/C 10796573 - £9,031.39, A/C 90184039 - £7,639.65
Income Received
Bentwaters Parks Ltd – for Pine and Birch Logs - £909.84
14.1 Payments to be approved
Jo Jones Salary & Expenses- £267.22
HMRC (PAYE – Jo Jones)- £ 88.80
LCPAS (Councillor Course – Cllr Smedley)- £ 20.00
14.2 – To carry out a review of the Parish Council Asset Register
14.3 -To consider and approve that Blaxhall Village Hall/Playing Field Committee have
delegated powers not to have to go out to tender for any work required which is to be less
than £1000.00.
15.1 – Sizewell C Community Engagement Events
16.Chairman's Notices
17.Any other matters arising
18.Questions/comments/items for the next meeting to be held on Wednesday 2nd September 2015
19.Public Forum
Signed: Joanne Jones, Clerk to the Council Date: 24th June 2015