



The PCES Board recognizes that advances in telecommunications have changed the way educators share ideas, transmit information, and contact others. The PCES Board supports staff efforts in using telecommunications to explore educational topics, conduct research, and contact others in the educational world. The privileges, responsibilities, and other proper guidelines for the use of telecommunications are outlined in the following Internet Acceptable Use Policy.


The Internet is an electronic highway connecting thousands of computers and millions of individual subscribers all over the world. Staff has access to:

A.up-to-date research and information on a variety of topics;

B.public domain software and shareware of all types;

C.many university library catalogs, such as the Library of Congress and ERIC; and

D.electronic mail communication (e-mail);

With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be of educational value in the context of a school setting. We have in place within our system a process for governing user accounts and privileges. As an educational organization, PCES has taken precautions to restrict access to controversial material. However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials and an industrious user may discover controversial information. We firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on this network far supersede the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the educational goals of PCES.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before signing. They have been developed so that end Users are aware of the responsibilities that they acquire through use of the Internet. In general these responsibilities require efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of the network resources. The signature at the end of this document is legally binding and indicates careful reading and understanding of the terms and conditions.


PCES will:

  1. provide technology access to the professional, administrative, clerical, and custodial PCES staff housed at SELF (referred to as “PCES User”).
  2. provide and update policies to maintain appropriate use of technology for PCESUsers.
  3. ensure that all PCES Users are aware of the rights and responsibilities associatedwith the use of PCES technology through the dissemination of handbooks which include the PCES Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
  4. ensure that any attempt to harm, modify, destroy, or otherwise change PCES data and technology are reported in writing to the Assistant Director for PCES.
  5. deal with the abuse of PCES technology privileges in a manner that is consistentwith PCES professional responsibilities as outlined in section 4.0 of this document.

PCES Users will:

  1. adhere to and support this PCES Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
  2. practice responsible use of all technology resources.
  3. notify appropriate personnel if a potential problem exists.

Internet Terms and Conditions of Use

The User understands and agrees that he/she shall not have an expectation of privacy in the use of and storage on PCES technology. By using PCES technology, the user consents to routine monitoring and maintenance of PCES technology performed in the ordinary course of business to maintain security and integrity. Monitoring includes, but is not limited to, reading, listening to, or otherwise monitoring the PCES User’s wire, oral, or electronic communications, including screening e-mails and tracking the User’s on-line Internet activity and other computer usage. In addition, backup files may be maintained for archive purposes and may contain copies of all User files, records, and communications.

  1. A. Acceptable use: Our purpose in offering the Internet is to support research and education in and among academic institutions in the United States by providing access to unique resources and opportunity for collaborative work. The use of the account must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives of PCES. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal regulations is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. Non-educational games, Internet Messenger, personal chat rooms, and chain letters are additional examples of inappropriate use. Use for commercial activity and product advertisement is prohibited. Users may not purchase materials directly via the internet, but must follow the existing requisition procedures established by PCES.

Staff members may use the Internet to send and/or receive personal messages providing such use does not interfere with professional responsibilities and duties and does not involve the conduct of any personal, discriminatory, or unlawful business. Internet access may not be used for political lobbying. It is permissible to use the system to communicate with elected representatives and to express opinion on political issues. Any exception to this section of acceptable use may be requested in writing to the Executive Director of PCES or his/her designee.

  1. Student confidentiality: PCES Users understand that the computer and any communication shared via telecommunications to the PCES network constitute a student record if the student is identifiable through that communication. A student record, if the student is identifiable via the communication, may not be destroyed. The student record is accessible to the parent and may be subpoenaed in a court of law. Therefore, any communication regarding a student via the Internet is confidential and needs to be regarded as a potential student record.
  1. The PCES User will be ultimately responsible for the use of the assigned individual account and all activity that occurs on that site. The PCES User will take all reasonable precautions to prevent other users from gaining access to and using that account. PCES Users will not share any account names and passwords, including e-mail, with other users or leave computer files, e-mails, or electronic network sessions open or unattended. The PCES User will immediately notify the Assistant Director if a potential security problem is identified.


The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in severe consequences including, but not limited to, a loss of those privileges and/or disciplinary action tailored to meet the specific violation. The administrators for PCES may request that a User’s privileges be suspended while an investigation is conducted by the Executive Director for PCES or his/her designee.

Network Etiquette

The user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following.

  1. Be polite in language and self-expression.
  2. Use appropriate language at all times.
  3. Ask permission (or notify the sender) before forwarding personal e-mail, just as you might ask, if told something, whether you should feel free to tell others.
  4. Remember: once you send something via e-mail, it may be forwarded to a variety of persons, without your knowledge or consent.
  5. Be aware that messages relating to, or in support of, illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.
  6. Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt its use by others. This includes but is not limited to:
  7. altering or destroying files, data, or passwords.
  8. spamming.
  9. creating or spreading computer viruses, worms, etc.
  10. engaging in DOS attacks.
  11. use of any shared computers will be prioritized so that educational purposes always take precedence over any personal use.
  12. participating in any other activities that contribute to the destruction of the network or related properties.


PCES makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the Internet service it is providing. PCES will not be responsible for any damages the PCES User suffers. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or the PCES User’s errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user’s risk. PCES specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. PCES Users are requested to backup the data on their computers once a week, at a minimum, and as requested by administration at any other noted times.


Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If a PCES User feels he/she can identify a security problem on the Internet, he/she must notify the Assistant Director for PCES. Additionally, if the PCES User inadvertently accesses an inappropriate site, he/she should immediately close the site and inform the Assistant Director of the violation. The Executive Director or his/her designee is in charge of assigning rights and privileges to individuals within the PCES organization using the PCES network.

  1. Impermissible Activities

The PCES User will not:

  1. attempt to gain unauthorized access to PCES technology.
  2. use PCES technology to gain unauthorized access to another computer system.
  3. go beyond the limits of authorized use.
  4. violate any local, state, or federal statutes in regard to the Internet.
  1. Unauthorized access includes but is not limited to:
  1. cracking.
  2. hacking.
  3. phreaking.
  4. spoofing.
  5. attempting to or gaining access to PCES technology through another user’s account.
  6. attempting to or gaining access to another PCES User’s e-mail, work folders, files, passwords, or data without prior permission.
  7. vandalizing, damaging, or disabling the property of another person or organization.

C. Additional acceptable use guidelines:

  1. PCES Users will have remote access to PCES technology via the internet. This remote access will be treated in the same manner as if the employee were physically on PCES property and using PCES technology. The employee’s remote computer must meet minimum configuration requirements that shall include anti-virus software and limitations on file sharing. An employee’s access to, and use of, PCES technology will be discontinued when the employee is either reassigned (voluntarily or involuntarily) to a job not requiring access or terminated.
  1. PCES Users, when using the PCES technology, will not download files from the Internet or upload files from disk during the routine performance of the employee’s assigned duties, unless necessary. If necessary, employees will download or upload files at a time when PCES technology is not being heavily used. Additionally, no files from the internet will be downloaded directed onto the employee’s computer or PCES server, but will be downloaded on a disk.
  1. Permission to use/import software must be requested from the Executive Director or his/her designee before any personal software is brought to school and installed on any computer. In addition, the staff member must provide either the licensing agreement from the manufacturer or a proof of purchase.
  1. PCES Users may subscribe to and participate in only high quality, professional educational or discussion group mail lists, list serves, or on-line chats.
  1. PCES Users will not access the Internet without first reading and signing the agreement as contained within this document. This signed document will become a part of the staff member’s personnel file.


The PCES Internet Acceptable Use Policy is available for public inspection at the PCES Administrative offices located at 750 Ransom Road, Valparaiso, Indiana46385.


As used in the PCES Internet Acceptable Use Policy the term:

“Chain letters” means a non-work related e-mail sent to a person that requests the person forward the e-mail to others.

Chat room or Blog” means a web site in which you log on to discuss specific topics which may be personal or professional.

“Cracking” means the illegal activity of breaking into computer systems through the security or other protection mechanisms that protect it, including firewalls.

“DOS Attack” means a denial of services attack designed to overload an electronic network with useless traffic and messages.

Educational purposes” means for educational activities, research, career or professional development, or administrative purposes.

“E-mail” means electronic messages generated using PCES technology system. It is also used generically to mean a web-based e-mail system.

“Firewall” means hardware, software, or both used in conjunction to prevent unauthorized access to an electronic network.

“Hacking” means the illegal activity of breaking into a computer system or electronic network, regardless of intent to harm.

Inappropriate material” means material that does not serve an instructional or educational purpose and that is profane, vulgar, lewd, obscene, offensive, indecent, sexually explicit, or threatening; advocates illegal or dangerous acts; causes disruption to PCES, its employees or students; advocates violence; contains knowingly false or defamatory information.

“Phreaking” means the use of a computer or other device to make free telephone calls or to charge calls to a different account.

“Spamming” means the practice of sending or forwarding “junk” e-mail to other users or members of distribution list.

“Spoofing” means a technique used to gain unauthorized access to a computer by sending messages and pretending that these messages originate from a trusted computer.

“Technology” means electronic media systems such as computers, electronic networks, messaging, and website publishing and the associated hardware and software programs used for purposes such as, but not limited to, developing, retrieving, storing, disseminating, and accessing instructional, educational , and administrative information.

“Trojan Horse” means a destructive computer program that enters a computer by pretending to be a simple and safe computer application.

“PCES User” means professional, administrative, clerical, and custodial PCES staff housed at SELF.

“Virus” means a replicating computer program or piece of code that is loaded onto a computer without the user’s knowledge and may attach itself to other computer programs and spread to other computer programs.

“Worms” means a type of virus that can replicate itself and use a computer’s memory but may or may not attach itself to other computer programs.