NOTE: Sentences in italics are a guide as to what should be covered in each section. Delete these as you go, do not use as headings/sub-headings.

  • The Project Description section must not exceed 10 A4 pages.
  • Text must be size 12 point Times New Roman, 0.5cm margins. References only may be in 10 point.
  • Ensure the information you provide under these headings addresses the Industrial Transformation Research Hubsscheme objectives (see section B4.1 of the Funding Rules)
  • The uploaded PDFmust use the headings below (that are in CAPITALS), and in the exact order provided.


This must be the same title as the ARC Research Hub Title in Part A1 of the proposal form, and must not exceed 75 characters.

Use of an Executive Summary in the Project Description:

Unanimous feedback from ARC Panels and Assessors has indicated that the first page of a Project Description is a “make or break” for capturing audience interest and introducing the projects merit.In approximately half a page, provide an executive summary with arguments/statements that respond to the following:

What is the nature of the challenge?

Which part is the focus of the project and why is it important to address it?

How are others trying to address it?

How do you propose to address it and why is your approach different, better and more exciting/innovative?

Why you /your Team are particularly suited?

The executive summary should segue into the project-specific aims and comprehensive background. Do not provide a title for the Executive Summary.



  • Describe the high level aims and background of the proposal.
  • Include information about the importance and value of this research to both academic knowledge and to industry in the priority area with reference to national/international progress in this field of research.
  • Refer only to refereed papers or significant industry publications that are widely available to the national and international research communities.
  • Include a summary of the relevant work if the rationale for a proposal rests upon manuscripts that are still in the process of being published, or on results of work that may not be available to assessors.


  • Outline the conceptual framework of the proposal, showing how it accords with the high level aims:
  • Describe the thematic research areas that will comprise the Hub and include a research plan and proposed timelines for each.
  • In the research plan, detail any specific projects that sit within the thematic areas. Describe the project design and methods and demonstrate that these are adequately developed.
  • Describe how each of the specified projects contributes to the thematic area and to the overall aims and conceptual framework of the proposal, demonstrating that each project is integrated under the high level aims to form a cohesive Hub.
  • Be clear as to how the Hub Director will manage the thematic areas with a focus on the outcomes. Describe how the Hub Director will manage interactions with the Partner Organisation(s) and any geographically dispersed nodes.
  • Include a summary of the relevant work if the rationale for a proposal rests upon manuscripts that are still in the process of being published, or on results of work that may not be available to assessors.


Describe how:

  • The Research Hub meets the objectives of the Industrial Transformation Research Hubs scheme.
  • The research clearly addresses one or more of the Industrial Transformation Priorities.
  • The anticipated outcomes will advance the knowledge base of the discipline(s).
  • The proposal aims and concepts demonstrate originality and innovation.
  • The proposed research will provide benefits to Australian industry.
  • The new methodologies or technologies will be developed in the course of the project.
  • The proposal may result in national economic, environmental and/or social benefits.
  • The Hub plan anticipates and addresses potential inherent risks. In a brief analysis, indicate what could go wrong and how it would be addressed.
  • The project may contribute to Practical Research Challenges associated with the Science and Research Priorities (if the research has been nominated as focussing upon a topic or outcome that falls within one of the Science and Research Priorities).


  • Outline the plans for communicating research results, including scholarly communications and public engagement communication and dissemination. These communication and dissemination activities should involve Hub Higher Degree by Research students and post-doctoral fellows as part of their broader research training.


  • Describe the level of collaboration including the development of national and international networks and linkages that will be established through this project.



  • The contribution from each Partner Organisation must be specific to the project and not be part of a broader contribution to the Administering Organisation.
  • Demonstrate that each Partner Organisation is genuinely committed to, and prepared to collaborate and engage in the project at an appropriate level.


  • Outline how the proposal fits into each Partner Organisation’s overall strategic plan. Explain and/or quantify how the proposal is of value to each Partner Organisation and/or the industry sector.
  • Identify KPIs specific to this proposal and explain and/or quantify their value, for example, value could be in efficiency savings or increased production or sales (Note, numbers generally provide more useful information than descriptions. KPIs must be measurable, achievable and time bound).
  • Explain how the project is likely to lead to further collaboration between the Partner Organisation(s) and the Administering Organisation, and to develop long-term alliances.


  • Describe the suitability of the existing or developing project research environment within the Administering Organisation, Partner Organisation(s) and or collaborating organisation(s) for this Project.
  • Describe how the project aligns with the Administering Organisation’s strategic research plan or other strategic developments, if applicable.


  • Outline the feasibility and benefit of the project, in terms of design, budget and proposed timeline.
  • Outline the benefit to Australian industry.


  • Summarise the role, responsibilities and contributions of each participant: Hub Director, Chief Investigator and Partner Investigator.
  • Summarise the roles and levels of involvement of other participants, for example, the Hub Manager and any technical staff.
  • Summarise the collaboration arrangements for all organisations and team(s).


  • Outline plans for the management of data produced as a result of the proposed research, including but not limited to storage, access and re-use arrangements. It is not sufficient to state that their organisation has a data management policy - researchers are encouraged to highlight specific plans for the management of their research data.


  • Include a list of relevant references. This may include references to the participants’ previous work, recognising the breadth of backgrounds of the different participants.
  • References may be in 10-point font.
  • Acknowledge any significant contributors to this Proposal (other than listed investigators) and the nature of their contribution.