OPAL Chinese (Mandarin) Elementary


This accelerated course is designed for students who have learned some Mandarin Chinese and wish to further their study to a higher level. Students who register for this course are expected to have learnt the basics of the language such as the pronunciation, the writing system and fundamental grammar and are able to recognise no less than 200 characters.

Course material:

Discover China Student's Book 2 Macmillan ISBN: 9780230406391

Discover China Workbook 2 Macmillan ISBN: 780230406407 (optional)

The course book will be supplemented as necessary by handouts provided by the tutor.Materials and reference grammars are available in the Language centre library and students are encouraged to self-access these, seeking advice from the Librarian if they wish.Students will be given the opportunity to manage their own learning and develop their own language learning style.

Course description:

The course adopts a communicative approach for teaching and learning the language with emphasis on grammar and oral skills. Participants are expected to do a substantial amount of homework and preparation for each lesson, which will amount to at least an additional four hours’ work per week. Regular attendance is essential. A high level of commitment and dedication will be appreciated.

Please note that OPAL tutors will provide a detailed ‘week-by-week’ course outline on the beginning of each term.

Structural content:


  • Relative clauses as modifying phrases
  • Expressing past actions using 是……的
  • Expressing succession using 就and才
  • Using modal verbs应该、可能、得
  • Duplication of adjectives地地道道、开开心心
  • Expressing future tense using要and 会
  • Double subjects in Chinese sentences
  • Expressing equally important qualities using又……又…….
  • Making comparisons using “A比/没有B + adjective”
  • Making comparatives and superlatives with 更and最
  • Expressing distance using“从A到B”
  • Expressing sequence of events using 先……然后
  • Expressing existence using着
  • Expressing additional reasons using除了…….以外,还…….
  • Expressing concurrent events using一边……一边……
  • Noun phrase with的
  • Duplication of verbs看一看/试一试
  • Passive voice with 被
  • Simple directional complements 进来and坐下
  • Describing appearance using “subject +verb +着+ noun”
  • Expressing continuous tense using 正在
  • Expressing cause and effect using因为…….所以…….
  • Giving instructions using imperatives
  • Expressing similarities using 跟/和…….一样

Communicative content:

  • Describing daily routines
  • Expressing feelings, opinion and possibility
  • Talking about the weather and what clothes to wear
  • Comparing the weather in different places
  • Making exchanges between a host and guest during a home visit
  • Talking about different rooms in a house
  • Talking about festivals
  • Asking and giving directions and suggestions
  • Talking about room furniture and location
  • Understanding hotel check-in procedures
  • Making and responding to requests
  • Asking and answering questions about rules and signs
  • Ordering at a restaurant
  • Identifying features or testes of different cuisines
  • Understanding exchanges about bargaining
  • Talking about a travel experience
  • Talking about a place of natural beauty through comparison
  • Asking and describing about people’s appearance
  • Talking about illness
  • Identifying and talking features of people’s personalities and characteristics

Chinese Mandarin Elementary Assessment Framework:

Continuous assessment (participation & coursework) 20%

A one hour 45mns final examination at the beginning of Trinity Term

(listening element in Week 8 of Hilary term): 40%

A project to be presented by the end of week 6 in Trinity Term: 40%

Final marks & recommendation:

50 – 59 Pass

60 – 69 Good Pass

70 – 79 Pass with merit

80 – 89 Distinction

90+ - Distinction*

Course aims and the learning outcomes:

The course aims to increase confidence and accuracy in using Mandarin Chinese by developing communication skills, backed up by an understanding of grammar.

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Describing daily routines
  • Expressing feelings, opinion and possibility
  • Talking about the weather and what clothes to wear
  • Comparing the weather in different places
  • Making exchanges between a host and guest during a home visit
  • Talking about different rooms in a house
  • Talking about festivals
  • Asking and giving directions and suggestions
  • Talking about room furniture and location
  • Understanding hotel check-in procedures
  • Making and responding to requests
  • Asking and answering questions about rules and signs
  • Ordering at a restaurant
  • Identifying features or testes of different cuisines
  • Understanding exchanges about bargaining
  • Talking about a travel experience
  • Talking about a place of natural beauty through comparison
  • Asking and describing about people’s appearance
  • Talking about illness
  • Identifying and talking features of people’s personalities and characteristics