Lorena Cordova and Michael McLaughlin

Department of Biological Sciences

Saddleback College

Mission Viejo, CA, 92692

The experiment was conducted to determine if there was an increase or decrease in growth length at difference temperatures in the Painted Lady larva, Vanessa cardui. Suggested gammar “This experiment was conducted to determine if an increase or decrease in temperature would alter the growth length of the Painted Lady larva, Vanessa cardui.” Larvae were exposed to low, medium (room temperature) and high temperatures. The larvae were separated into three groups of ten and placed into three separate incubators at 16ºC, 22ºC, and 28ºC, respectively. The length of each caterpillar was measured every other day for a total of seven days. It was hypothesized that the larvae in the warmest incubator would have a greater growth rate than the larvae in Suggested grammar “inside” the coolest incubator. No significant difference was found for the growth length of larvae between the 16ºC and 22ºC incubators (p>0.05, one-tailed ANOVA). There was also no statistical difference between the control (22ºC) and higher (28º) incubation temperatures (p>0.05, one-tailed ANOVA). Using a Post Hoc test, a significant difference was found between the growth of larvae at the low temperature of 16ºC and the high temperature of 28ºC (p<0.05, one-tailed). The null hypothesis was rejected from this study. The difference in growth may have been due to the altered metabolic rates of the larvae, which may have been affected by the varying environmental temperatures. (Overall, there are some grammar mistakes on abstract part. Otherwise, the content of abstract is clear.)


There are certain species of butterflies that live in the northern regions of America. When temperatures decrease and winter approaches, the butterflies migrate south towards Florida and Mexico (Bryant, 1977). There is a general trend between butterflies and the ambient temperature. As climate temperature increases, butterfly populations likewise increases (Pollard, 1998). A change of climate temperature by an order of 3°C can result in an increase of butterfly populations as soon as two to three weeks. The trend suggests an overall preference towards warm temperatures.

Although, many factors affect larval growth, temperature and food quality are among the greatest to impact growth rates, consumption rates, utilization efficiencies, and developmental time in many herbivorous insects (Levesque et al., 2002). Not surprisingly, the growth rate and diet in larval state strongly depend upon daytime temperature (Stamp and Bowers, 1990). Larvae living in environments with a temperature of 18°C or lower have shown stunted growth rates compared to larvae in warmer temperatures such as 24°C and 30°C. The duration of the instar stage of metamorphosis can decrease significantly with increasing temperatures (Levesque et al., 2002). As data would suggest, rates of metamorphosis should increase as the environmental temperature increases.

However, there is a limiting relationship between maximum temperature and maximum growth rate. As temperatures increase towards 37°C, larvae are observed to have suppressed mass accumulation rates and poor survivability (Scriber and Lederhouse, 1983). Growth and consumption rates of caterpillars increase between 14°C and 26°C, reach a maximum at 34°C, and quickly decline above 38°C (Kingsolver and Woods, 1997).

This study will look into the effects of temperature on the growth of Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui, larvae. Previous research indicates a preference towards warmer temperature in larvae which results in an increased growth rate, and consequently, a reduced metamorphosis time span. (Where is a reference to a citation?) It is hypothesized that larvae placed in a warm 30°C environment will yield significantly larger growth lengths than larvae living in a cool 16°C environment. (Overall, there are no grammatical errors, but a reference to a citation is needed. The content is concise.)

Materials and Methods

In order to observe the differences in growth of larvae, data was recorded over the span of seven days. Thirty Painted Lady larvae were purchased from Chase'N Butterflies© and used in this study. The Suggested grammar “This” study took place at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, CA. Ten larvae were placed in Suggested grammar “into” three separate plastic containers of equal size with equal amounts of food. Initial larval lengths were recorded, in millimeters, of each larva using a caliper. The three containers, each containing ten larvae, were then placed in separate incubators with settings of 16ºC, 22ºC and 28ºC, respectively. The incubator set at 22ºC served as the control group.

The lengths of each larva was measured every other day (day 1, day 3, day 5 and day 7) up until the first cocoon was observed (day 10), which was in the 28ºC incubator. All raw data was transferred to an MS Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington) spreadsheet and then analyzed. Growth difference was calculated by subtracting the final lengths of each larva on day seven by the initial lengths of each larva on day one. A one-tailed ANOVA was used to analyze growth differences in the three incubation temperatures. Further Post Hoc testing was used to determine where the statistical difference lied within the groups.

Average mean Suggested grammar “The average mean” length at each temperature for all the days recorded was calculated separately. A general trend line was then produced using this data for the three incubation temperatures.

(Overall, there are some suggestions for grammar.)


On day one, the average length of the caterpillars was 9.7 mm ± 1.2 (± SEM, n=10) in the 16°C incubator, 10.2 mm ± 1.1 (± SEM, n=10) in the 22°C incubator, and 10.6 mm ± 1.9 (± SEM, n=10) in the 28°C incubator.

Measurements of the average length of the caterpillars on day three was 10.9 mm ± 1.0 (± SEM, n=10) in the 16°C incubator, 10.7 mm ± 1.3 (± SEM, n=10) in the 22°C incubator and 11.9 mm ± 1.8 (± SEM, n=10) in the 28°C incubator.

Day five results yielded the average length of caterpillars of 11.3 mm ± 1.2 (± SEM, n=10) in the 16°C incubator, 12.7 mm ± 1.3 (± SEM, n=10) in the 22°C incubator, and 15.1 mm ± 2.2 (± SEM, n=10) in the 28°C incubator.

The measurements of day seven resulted with an average length of the caterpillars of 12.6 mm ± 1.1 (± SEM, n=10) in the 16°C incubator, 14.5 mm ± 2.0 (± SEM, n=10) in the 22°C incubator, and 16.6 mm ± 2.3 (± SEM, n=10) in the 28°C incubator. The means created a general trend of increase for all three incubation temperatures.

The general trend was graphed between all three incubation temperatures using the average lengths for each day observed (Figure 1).

Figure 1. General trend of V. cardui larvae at 16°C, 22°C and 28°C. Larvae in the highest temperature of 28ºC have the largest final length measurements.

The ANOVA revealed a statistical difference between caterpillar growth in the three incubation temperatures (p= 0.014, one-tailed ANOVA). Further Post Hoc testing showed no statistical difference between growth in the 16°C and 22°C incubators (p>0.05). There was also no significant difference between growth in the 22°C and 28°C incubators (p>0.05). However, there was a statistical difference between the 16°C and 28°C incubators (p<0.05) (Figure 2).

Figure 2. There was no statistical difference in growth between caterpillars in the 16°C and 22°C incubators nor the 22°C and 28°C incubators (p>0.05, one-tailed Post Hoc test). There was a statistical difference in growth between the caterpillars in the 16°C and 28°C incubators (p<0.05, one-tailed Post Hoc test). Error bars represent mean ± SEM.

(Put the title of the x-axis for figures 1 & 2.)


The 16°C and 22°C incubation temperatures had no statistical difference between growth rate of the larvae (p>0.05). The same holds true for larvae between 22°C and 28°C incubation temperatures (p>0.05). This is most likely due to the negligible differences in the temperatures. While the trend lines show the control group with greater growth lengths than the 16°C group, the data was not enough to be considered statistically different. There was, however, a statistical difference found between growth in the two extreme temperatures, 16°C and 28°C (p<0.05). The hypothesis for this study was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected.

The results support that warmer temperatures are more ideal for larval growth than cooler temperatures. Two cocoons were present in the 28°C incubator on the tenth day of this study. These cocoons were further observed to have completed metamorphosis and emerged as butterflies within four days. The average metamorphosis length of the common butterfly larvae lasts approximately seven to ten days (Pelling et al., 2008). Based on past research and the findings in this study, metamorphosis rates appear to increase when larvae are in warmer temperatures. (Where is a reference to a citation?)

A possible explanation for the increased growth in warmer temperature may be found in the metabolic rates of the larvae. Caterpillars in warmer outdoor environments were found to have increased respiration rates, which also correlated to a direct increase in food consumption (Bennett et al., 1999). Larvae incubated in warm conditions had drastically higher oxygen consumption rates along with elevated metabolic states (Kukal and Dawson, 2002). The increased temperature and food consumption would elevate growth rates in the larval stage and would increase the rate of metamorphosis. A further study could look at measuring metabolic rates in larvae in response to low and high temperatures. (Overall, the content is clear.)

Literature Cited

Bennett, V.A., Kukal, O., and Lee, R.E. 1999, Metabolic opportunists: feeding and temperature influence the rate and pattern of respiration in the high arctic woollybear caterpillar gynaephora groenlandica (lymantriidae). The Journal of Experimental Biology,

202: 47-53.

Bryant, P. 1977, Monarch Danaus plexippus. University of California Press: 349.

Kingsolver, J.G., Woods, H.A. 1997, Thermal Sensitivity of Growth and Feeding

in Manduca sexta Caterpillars. Physiological Zoology, 70, no.6: 631-638.

Kukal, O. and Dawson, T.E. 2002, Temperature and food quality influences feeding behavior, assimilation efficiency and growth rate of arctic woolly-bear caterpillars. Oecologia, 79, no. 4: 526-532.

Levesque, K.R., Fortin, M., Mauffette, Y. 2002, Temperature and food quality effects on growth, consumption and post-ingestive utilization efficiencies of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 92: 127-136.

Pelling, E.A., Wilkinson, P.R., Stringer, R., Gimzewski, J.K. 2008, Dynamic mechanical oscillations during metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6, no. 30: 29-37.

Pollard, E., 1988, Temperature, Rainfall and Butterfly Numbers. Journal of Applied Ecology, 25, no. 3: 819-828.

Scriber, J.M. and Lederhouse, R.C. 1983, Temperature as a Factor in the Development and Feeding Ecology of Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillars, Papilio glaucus (Lepidoptera). Oikos, 40, no. 1: 95-102.

Stamp, N.E. and Bowers, M.D. 1990, Variation in Food Quality and Temperature Constrain Foraging of Gregarious Caterpillars. Ecology, 71, no. 3: 1031-1039.

Stamp, N.E. 1990, Growth versus molting time of caterpillars as a function of temperature, nutrient concentration and the phenolic rutin. Oecologia, 82, no.1: 107-113.

Review Form

Department of Biological Sciences

Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Author (s):Lorena Cordova and Michael McLaughlin______



Summarize the paper succinctly and dispassionately. Do not criticize here, just show that you understood the paper.

This experiment was an attempt to determine whether an increase or decrease in temperature would alter the larval growth length of the Painted Lady larva. By conducting a live experiment in controlled conditions, one can compare a hypothesis with actual results as well as see any variances or differences from past experiments from written materials.

General Comments

Generally explain the paper’s strengths and weaknesses and whether they are serious, or important to our current state of knowledge.

Perhaps some photographs of the larvae shown side to side next to a ruler to show the scale of the larvae as well as the differences in growth would be a nice addition to this report. Photos of each container labeled with the larvae inside. Perhaps some photos of the larvae taken next to a measuring device showing the temperature for each group.

Technical Criticism

Review technical issues, organization and clarity. Provide a table of typographical errors, grammatical errors, and minor textual problems. It's not the reviewer's job to copy Edit the paper, mark the manuscript.

This paper was a final version This paper was a rough draft


o This paper should be published as is

o This paper should be published with revision

o This paper should not be published

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