November 14, 2016 Rainbows First Addition 2016 Yearly Meeting
Rainbows First Addition Homeowners Association (HOA)
PO Box 357904
Gainesville, Fl. 32635-7904
November 14, 2016
November 14, 2016 Rainbows First Addition 2016 Yearly Meeting Page 1 of 2
November 14, 2016 Rainbows First Addition 2016 Yearly Meeting
Clifton & Myrna Janney
Kathy Hendrickson
November 14, 2016 Rainbows First Addition 2016 Yearly Meeting Page 1 of 2
November 14, 2016 Rainbows First Addition 2016 Yearly Meeting
Michael Steinberg & Penny Bryant
Brandon Peterson & Angela Vitale
Diane Clapper
Jeremy & Ashley Lightners
Matthew Avizinis
Don Kimbrell
Meeting called to order at 7:35pm by HOA Chairman, Kathy Hendrickson. A special welcome to our new neighbors!
1) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Myrna Janney. Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; motion seconded and passed.
2) Secretary Report: Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting was presented by Brandon Peterson. Motion made to accept the minutes as presented; motion seconded and passed.
3) NEW RESIDENTS: Lot 44 Jeremy & Ashley Lightner
Topics of Discussion:
Homeowners are strongly encouraged to pressure wash outside of homes
Ponds: Cliff Janney provided a summary of the history and current state of the retention ponds for all in attendance. The North Pond fountains were reinstalled in September due to the micro-organism, Bryozoan, burning up one of the fountains. During the last week of October, Bryozoan was found for the first time in the South Pond and had attached itself to the fountain screen. The South Pond is shallow and pulling the fountain to shore in order to inspect caused a pipe breakage. The replacement parts arrived at a cost of $135 in November. Brandon Peterson formally made a motion to vote for the installation of the South Pond fountain. It passed unanimously by those who voted. Brandon will research an electrician based on the recommendation from Penny Bryant to be hired for installing the fountain. Brandon also suggested having a maintenance plan for the fountains on a determined basis for cleaning to prevent future damage. He will research pond companies in the area. It was suggested to contact Cherry Tree and Sorrento.
Maintenance Area: Don Kimbrell stated he is pleased with the outcome of the lawn maintenance serviceman’s work and should be considered a renewal raise in the 2017 contract. He is currently being paid $6,300 for 2016. Don suggested a 5% raise or $300. Brandon made the suggestion of end-of-year bonus in consideration of a permanent raise. The attendees wanted to find out the fair market value of the service need under the current contract. Michael Steinberg and Brandon Peterson would submit quotes to do a cost/benefit analysis for the contracted work to help justify the raise/bonus Don asked for.
Signs: Michael Steinberg and Penny Bryant suggested they would help find bids for painting the Rainbows signs.
2017 Proposed Budget: The proposed budget was discussed by all in attendance.
Voting Results: Myrna accepted for the board
Conclusion: The 2017 Proposed Budget was passed, making the yearly HOA fees $270.00 for calendar year 2017, the same as 2016. The South Pond fountain will be installed.
Closing: Comments by HOA Chairman, Kathy Hendrickson: A special thank you to Don Kimbrell for his sensational work on keeping the ponds and lawn area in clean condition. Congratulations to all members and volunteers for a wonderful year.
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:45 pm by HOA Chairman, Kathy Hendrickson. Motion was seconded; meeting was adjourned.
Brandon Peterson, Secretary
November 14, 2016 Rainbows First Addition 2016 Yearly Meeting Page 1 of 2