Integrated Children’s Services Respected and Included Outcome Group Minutes7th April 2015
Present: Maggie Hepburn (ACVO) , Mike Melvin (ACVO) Colin Lemmon (ACC), Craig Singer (ACC) Anna Garden (VSA), Maggie Cruickshank (ACC), Colin Wright (ACC)Apologies:Joyce Duncan (ACVO), Laurence Alfred(CYPVSPF Chair)
Scribe: Maggie Hepburn
Agenda Point / Minute / Action Point / Who/When
- Welcome
- Minutes of Last Meeting/Matters Arising
Agreed, no matters arising.
Updates from Respected and Included Group members:
- Care Inspectorate Joint inspection Report and Action plan
- Next steps around 3 key areas identified at workshop in February
MH let the group know that the first draft of the City wide Action Plan has been sent round. This is a response to the Inspection report received in February. Each of the Outcome groups has been asked to contribute to the Action Plan and this will form the basis for the future direction of Integrated Children’s Services working in the future.
The group then went on to discuss the key points for inclusion in the Action Plan, beginning with the work around the development of a local Young carer’s Strategy.
The point was raised that there had been a Working with Young Carers toolkit launched in the Shire for schools and recommended getting in touch with Katy Arthur, and MH said she would get in touch with Katy to ask about the toolkit.
Colin Lemmon let the group know that the his team have done work with on identifying and supporting Young Carers, information sessions in schools, linking in with the ADP, for staff training in schools. We discussed the difficulty of identifying those who might be unseen Carers, as being those more likely to have Parents / Carers who have substance misuse or mental health problems.
Craig Singer talked about the point in the Action Plan (section 2.1. Impact on Children and Young people) relating to Inclusion, and ensuring that this includes LGBT young people. Craig spoke about Zone Youth, the work they had done at the Learning Festival, and the interest shown from participants for their peer education model.
Maggie Cruickshank suggested that we should organise an event in September to mark anti-bullying week. Mike Melvin let the group know that GREC (Grampian Racial Equality Council) had been trying to get into schools to raise awareness too and had raised concerns that there were under reporting of prejudice incidents.MH let the group know that she had been contacted by Caroline Hastings as part of information gathering around the Stonewall Education Equality index and she will follow up on this. Need to keep this one on the agenda.
Maggie Cruickshank let the group know that The Family Firm (internship opportunities for Looked After Children) is re-launching in September 15, and this is tied strongly to the new Corporate Parenting responsibilities.
The group discussed the voice of Young People in policy and planning and asked the question “how do we get different people in different organisations to acknowledge that young people should be involved in the discussion?”
Colin Wright suggested the National Standards for Community engagement, and that the new Children and Young People Act, and the UNCRC have created the drive to ensure that children and young people’s views are taken into account. Mike Melvin also let the group know that the new Public Involvement Officer for NHS Grampian is Evonne Llewellyn, and she should be invited to attend the group.
Craig Singer let the group know that Education Scotland have seconded one of their Officers to write about the day to day reality of Children’s rights.
Maggie Cruickshank let the group know that Nick Newlands from the Scottish Government was coming to Aberdeen to lead a discussion on parts 10 and 11 of the Children and Young People Act, Aftercare and Continuing Care. Maggie would send out information about this event. / Follow up
Follow up – ask Caroline Hastings about the completed Stonewall report.
Further discuss the idea of an event in September to mark Anti-Bullying week.
Send round the National Standards for Community Engagement / MH
- Date of next meeting