BTEC Sport

Key stage 4

This qualificationis equivalent to 2 GCSE’s.

Unit 1 - Fitness for Sport and Exercise

In this unit learners will:

  • Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training.
  • Explore different fitness training methods.
  • Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels.

How is this assessed?

This unit is externally assessed using an onscreen test, which is set and marked by Edexcel. The test lasts for one hour and has 50 marks. There are different types of questions, including objective and short-answer questions. Where appropriate, questions will contain graphics, photos, animations or videos.

Unit 2 - Practical Sports Performance

In this unit learners will:

  • Understand the rules, regulations and scoring systems for selected sports.
  • Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports.
  • Be able to review sports performance.

How is this assessed?

Student achievement for this unit will be assessed through a series of assignments. There will be one assignment per learning aim. The student will choose 2 sports to participate in and demonstrate their skills, techniques and knowledge of tactics. Video and picture evidence will be gathered and then reviewed by the student.

Unit 5 - Training for Personal Fitness

In this unit learners will:

  • Design a personal fitness training programme.
  • Know about exercise adherence factors and strategies for continued training success.
  • Implement a self-designed personal fitness training programme to achieve own goals and objectives.
  • Review a personal fitness training programme.

How is this assessed?

When taking part in this unit the student will create and develop their own fitness training programme. They will evaluate their individual fitness capabilities before and after the programme. At the end of the training programme they will review what they have done and see whether it has affected their fitness levels in a positive way.

Unit 6- Leading Sports Activities

In this unit, learners will:

  • Know the attributes associated with successful sports leadership.
  • Undertake the planning and leading of sports activities.
  • Review the planning and leading of sports activities.

How is this assessed?

In this unit the students will research two different sports leaders. They will look at what attributes a successful sports leader should have. Students will plan and lead their own sporting activity to a group. After the session has taken place the students will review their activity and highlight what went well and improvements that could be made for next time.

Students that choose BTEC Sport as their 1st option will have 10 periods a week. Those that choose it as their 2nd option will have 5 lessons a week.

Subject Overview

BTEC Sport

Autumn 1​ / Unit 1-Fitness for sport and exercise / Online test at the end of the unit.
Autumn 2​ / Unit 1-Fitness for sport and exercise
1​ / Unit 5- Training for personal fitness / Fitness assignment- Creating and reviewing a fitness programme
2​ / Unit 2- Practical sports performance / 3 assignments using 2 different sports
1​ / Unit 2- Practical sports performance
Unit 6- Leading Sports activities / 3 assignments using 2 different sports (continued)
Assignment- Analysing 2 Sports leaders
2​ / Unit 6-Leading Sports activities / Assignment-Planning, leading and reviewing a sports activity