Student Government Association Minutes

February 14, 2017

I.  ROLL CALL: Marissa Cremin, Geoffery Gichuhi, Daniel Chamberlain, Nick Gott, Aleixa Gagnon, Joanne Kaprielian, Dianelise Acevedo, and Brianna Pelloso were absent. Andrew Morin and Alina Bracken sent alternates.

II.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM February 7, 2016: Minutes were approved.


A.  Welcome, I would like to introduce the Dean of Students Sue LaMontagne.

1.  Sue LaMontagne: Happy Valentine’s Day. You may not have noticed, but I haven’t been here. This is my first SGA meeting of the semester. I feel like it’s the first week of school. I have missed you guys, I am so thrilled to be here and I should be here every meeting hereafter. Best of luck this semester. I look forward to working with you. You’ve got some great opportunities to have your voice heard, not only in hiring some Vice Presidents, those searches going on, but there will be some searches after that and there’s policy revisions coming up. You are going to have lots of voice to give and we’re going to be relying on you to give that so I’m sure you’ll see me throughout the semester and I’m just really glad to see all your faces and welcome back.

B.  I move to appoint Aaliyah Mercer as Diversity and Inclusion Representative to SGA for the remainder of the 2016-2017 academic year. Motion carries.

C.  On Wednesday, February 8 the Veteran and Military Services office moved over form Horace Mann to Room 15 in Bates Hall. This move is one of a few that is being done in order to move the office of Institutional Advancement back to campus form downtown.

D.  The Office of Non-Discrimination Compliance is holding a panel presentation on President Trump’s executive order regarding immigration. It will take place tomorrow, February 15 at 4:00pm in the Loughman Living Room in Scanlon. This will be a unit opportunity, as well as a fantastic opportunity to learn more about what the executive order means. I hope to see you all there.

E.  Items not listed on the agenda.


A.  All University Committee: Jacob Lotter

1.  I am up here today to talk about the past meeting of the All-University Committee last week. AUC is the campus-wide governing committee. All policies, programs, and classes must go through AUC for approval before being fully-vetted.

2.  At this past meeting AUC discussed the recommendation from the Academic Planning Committee to suggest that Academic Affairs reorganize in schools and colleges. The recommendation had gone to the President in January, and the President stated in an email to Fac/Staff that he planned to discuss the change with the Board of Trustees. AUC expressed concern that the recommendation would take effect without campus feedback on the final decision. With that Lynn Shelley, the chair of AUC, submitted a request to the President asking that there be open forums for the campus community to give feedback on Academic Planning’s recommendations. The President took that request and agrees that the campus should have feedback one more time. Those forums will be scheduled for later in the semester, and I will have more information for you all when they come up. I will also forward both the original message the President sent to Fac/staff about the recommendation, as well as the recommendation to everyone tonight.

B.  Neighborhood Advisory Board: No Report


A.  My name is Arielyss Santiago and I am excited and grateful to be serving as The Vice President of Student Life for the remainder of this semester. My role as Vice President of Student Life is to oversee and monitor any and all issues that are relevant to students in any and all areas, to be a voice for the voiceless. I am aware that I am a new face to you all, with that being said if any of you have any questions for me please feel free to come and ask! My office hours are Mondays 11:30am-1:30pm, Tuesdays 3:00pm-4:00pm and Thursdays 11:00am-12:00pm., between last week and this week I am in the process of getting committees and members situated and learning the ropes over all. Thank you all for the warm welcomes, Happy Valentine’s Day!

B.  Student Affairs Committee: No Report

C.  Diversity/Inclusion Committee: No Report

D.  Food Services Committee: Rehana Yusif

1.  Starting February 13 the grab and go station has closed at 5:00pm and the late night menu begins at 5:30pm. In the DC the stir fry station will stay open until 9:00pm. We are hoping to start this on this upcoming Monday, February 20. There will also be a half salad bar open until 9:00pm.

2.  We are currently doing some experimenting with fries, since the fries that we currently have are not that popular. The DC will be trying different providers for fries until we find one that most students love. These fries will still be gluten free and can be eaten by vegetarians. The DC is asking that if the fries at the burger station are cold please feel free to ask someone nicely to make a new batch. They are more than willing to make it.

3.  Make sure you and your friends stop by the DC where registered dietitian Lauren Smith will be available to discuss Healthy Eating Tips, Navigating your way through the DC, and Establishing Positive Eating Behaviors. These “Chew on That” events are occurring February 22, March 22 and April 26 from 11:00am to 2:00pm in the DC. Make sure you guys come, there will be great prizes along with the events.

4.  If you see something different in the DC that you have never eaten before please try it. You won’t know whether you like it or not until you try it.

5.  To answer your concern Cam Swan, the gluten free pasta was taken away because it doesn’t hold up as well if it sits in the pans for long periods of time. Feel free to ask for some gluten free pasta, the DC is more than willing to make them, but keep in mind that it does take a while.

E.  Health Committee: No Report

F.  Parking Control Board: No Report

G.  Student Athletic Advisory Board: No Report

H.  Substance Advisory Committee: No Report

I.  Community Relations/Fundraising Report: No Report


A.  Academic Policies Committee: No Report

B.  Curriculum Committee: No Report

C.  Enrollment Management Committee: No Report

D.  Academic Technology and Information Services Committee: No Report

E.  International Programs Committee: Rhynell Christopher

1.  The International Programs Committee met Friday, February 10 where we discussed the review of two new short term programs for the winter of 2018 until the summer of 2020.

a.  These courses include a Music concert choir trip to Italy where they will perform in four city s including the Vatican, Rome, Florence and more.

b.  Another course includes a history trip to the Adirondacks’ in New York, where the students will be interacting with nature by visiting lakes, hiking mountains, visiting the Olympic sites tour, and many more outdoor activities.

c.  These short term trips range between a week up to two weeks

2.  Global Awareness Week will be coming up in a few weeks, in April. I will have more details later, we are planning the event and looking at performers to attend and demonstrate their culture to the campus.

3.  On January 30 there was a Lunar New Year celebration where President Torrecilha came and spoke about the Trump ban as well as attended the festivities.

4.  On March 30, there will be an International Lunch featuring food from China and the regions from where the international students are from.

5.  There will also be a study abroad fair in the DC where students from recent study will share their experiences from their trips.

6.  The University has also been awarded $5,000.00 for study abroad grants more details will follow.

F.  Writing Liaison: No Report


A.  Programming update: Madeline Dexter

1.  Thank you to everyone that came out yesterday that made the Stuff-a-Plush event so successful. For those of you who don’t know, the 120 stuffed animals were gone within the first 9 minutes of the event. Thank you to all the CAB volunteers that helped assist with that event and allowed it to run so smoothly. The Ice Cream bar was also a huge hit and we ran out around 8:00pm.

2.  Our next single awareness week event is tomorrow at 7:00pm to 11:00pm in the Owl’s Nest. Come out to Condom Casino and play some card games with us. The poker chips you would normally play with will be replaced with condoms, which you can take home.

3.  WSKB is holding a Coffee House event on Thursday, February 16 at 7:00pm in the Owl’s Nest as part of Singles Awareness Week. Please go out and support them by either being an active audience member or going up on stage to preform something.

4.  The 2017 WSU Black Girls Rock Award ceremony will be taking place Thursday, February 16 at 6:00pm in Scanlon Banquet Hall. The ceremony is to honor and celebrate women of color for their contributions to the campus community. One of our senators, Nnedi Oranekwu, is a recipient of the award this year. Everyone please give her a huge round of applause. If you all have the opportunity, please attend and support Nnedi and the rest of the amazing women on our campus

5.  CAB Trivia is next Wednesday, February 22 at 8:00pm in the Owl’s Nest. Theme is still being decided but please keep it on your radar. There is always free pizza.

6.  This weekend I have had the opportunity to go to the National Convention of Campus Activities in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference spans from this Friday to next Tuesday night when we will be traveling home. This means that I will not be here for the next SGA meeting. If your club is having any events, please still feel free to email me so that I can include them in a report that will be read for me next week.

7.  CAB meets Wednesdays at 5:00pm in the SGA room E017. We are always looking for new, fresh ideas for the committee so please consider joining.


A.  Finance Report: Marcus DiBacco

1.  I would to inform you that I have decided to move the operating budget from $15,000.00 to $13,000.00. This change is because we have already spent some money in funding activities and events for students and I would like to put some additional funding off to the side.

2.  I am pleased to present you with our first finance proposal of the year. This proposal is for Circle K club’s annual conference and is for $951.30. Every year Circle K club goes to this conference in order to partake in District Board elections, network with other Circle K clubs across New England, and learn new skills in leadership and how to operate our chapter of Circle K. In regards to their own club funds, Circle K fundraises throughout the year, but all of their proceeds go to charities. The Finance Committee is in unanimous support of this allocation, which would bring our operating budget to $12,048.70.

3.  I move to allocate $951.30 to Circle K. Motion carries.

4.  Earlier this week I attended the Budget and planning committee. We discussed the financials for the Fiscal Year 2017 and once again we are in good shape. One thing that I believe we should all be aware of is that there is discussion of raising the student fees to $420.00 per semester. Now please do not freak out, I have scheduled meetings with the appropriate staff and administration and we are working on lowering the increase. Please remember that the people who work for this institution also work in favor of you.

a.  Rehana Yusif: You said you’re putting off money to the side, for what?

b.  Marcus DiBacco: I’m just not putting it specifically for clubs because we do a lot of other events.

c.  Rehana Yusif: For these increased student fees are there going to be forums or is it just going to be you representing us?

d.  Marcus DiBacco: My first initial talk is next Friday, February 17 and I’m going to see first if I can do anything about it and then forums so we will see what happens.

e.  Cam Swan: What’s the basis for the increase?

f.  Marcus DiBacco: The student activities fee right now is $43.57 but that won’t be affected by this increase.

g.  Andrew Manchino: What will be affected by this increase?

h.  Marcus DiBacco: It’s just going to be your general tuition type deal.

B.  Foundation Report: Marcus DiBacco

1.  Last week I attended the Westfield State Foundation Inc. Board of Directors quarterly meeting. For those of you who do not know, The Westfield State Foundation Inc. is a body of mostly alumni who seek to raise money for our university. During the meeting we discussed how money was being raised for the school and where the money was coming from. In case anyone is wondering our investments are handled by the vanguard company. We also heard from multiple members of the campus community discussing any financial issues and how well our school id doing. I am pleased to report that the University has made a steady bit of money and that we are in good shape. Also, you should have seen their faces when I told them how much the SGA budget is.

IX.  SERETARY’S REPORT: Karina Sallaway/Rebecca Kennedy