Superfudge by Judy Blume


Chapter 1 Questions

1.  Can you relate to Peter (having a baby brother or sister)? What are your experiences like at your house? Are the same as Peter’s or different?

2.  Why was Peter wanting to run away?

3.  Why do you think Peter chose to stay at home?

4.  What kind of pet do you think Turtle is? How do you know?

Chapter 2 Questions

1.  What are your predictions about what is going to happen in this book?

2.  Do you think anyone is going to get into trouble? Who? Why?

3.  Who are going to be the main characters in this book?

Chapter 3 Questions

1.  Have you ever had to move to a new place? What was it like?

2.  Get an Atlas off of the bookshelf. Find the United States, then find Princeton. It is in the state of New Jersey. How would you describe how to get there from our state?

3.  Do you have any parents who stay at home with you? How does it make you feel?

4.  If you were going to write a book, like Peter’s dad was taking a year off to do, what would you want to write about?

Chapter 4 Questions

1.  When Peter says “sic her” to his dog, what does he mean?

2.  Has there ever been someone who you don’t get along with (like Peter and Sheila?)? How did you resolve the problem?

3.  What do you think of Fudge so far?

Superfudge by Judy Blume


Activity 1

Write a News Article

You and a partner are going to be reporters for the local newspaper. Write a paragraph describing Fudge and what kind of mischief he gets into. Your article needs to have the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when and why) about the topic. Don’t forget to include important details and events in your article.

Activity 2

Write an Advertisement

Peter’s favorite drink was Island Punch. Imagine that you are in charge of the company, and it is your job to make an advertisement to go in a newspaper trying to get people to buy it. Advertisements usually include a description of the item, its price, and instructions for contacting the seller. In your ad, be sure to include descriptive details about what it taste’s like, the price, and who likes to drink it. Don’t forget to include a big picture!

Activity 3

Write a Review

You and a partner are going to imagine what it would be like for Tootsie when Fudge was sticking stamps all over her (page 46 and 47). Write a paragraph and describe what Tootsie was feeling and thinking. Try to make it as funny as possible!

Superfudge by Judy Blume


VOCABULARY (Chapters 1 -4)

Look up each word in a dictionary. Write the first definition you come across.

Tousle: ______

Loon: ______

Lather: ______


Babble: ______

Sublet: ______


Lucite: ______


Choose three words and write them in three different sentences.

1.  ______


2.  ______


3.  ______


Superfudge by Judy Blume


Chapter 5 Questions

1.  Peter’s mom and dad use the words, “fantastic”, “fabulous”, and “unbelievable” to describe their new house. What words would you use to describe yours?

2.  How did Peter describe his new friend Alex (Page 54)?

3.  How did Peter describe Mrs. Muldour (Page 59)? Why do you think she wants worms?

Chapter 6 Questions

1.  What was Fudge afraid of?

2.  What was his dad’s solution to Fudge’s problem? Why didn’t Peter like that idea?

3.  What kind of trouble did Fudge get into on his first day of Kindergarten? How did the principal fix it?

Chapter 7 Questions

1.  What three birds was the family trying to get Fudge to pick? What were the different characteristics of each bird?

2.  What bird did Fudge end up with?

3.  What cured Fudge from sleeping outside his parents’ room?

Chapter 8 Questions

1.  Why was the painting in the window called Anita’s Anger?

2.  Think of a time when you were angry? What did you do?

3.  Anger is called an emotion. We feel a lot of different emotions everyday. What emotions have you felt today?

Superfudge by Judy Blume


Puppet Characters Retell Scene!

Your group will decide on ONE scene in Chapters 5 – 8 that you want to retell using puppets that you make. These puppets will be made out of paper bags, sticks and plates, and construction paper.

Puppet Characters Retell Scene!

Your group will decide on ONE scene in Chapters 5 – 8 that you want to retell using puppets that you make. These puppets will be made out of paper bags, sticks and plates, and construction paper.

Puppet Characters Retell Scene!

Your group will decide on ONE scene in Chapters 5 – 8 that you want to retell using puppets that you make. These puppets will be made out of paper bags, sticks and plates, and construction paper.

Superfudge by Judy Blume


VOCABULARY (Chapters 5 – 8)

Look up each word in a dictionary. Write the first definition you come across.


Cower: ______



Embellish: ______

Loot: ______

Screech: ______


Choose three words and write them in three different sentences.

1.  ______


2.  ______


3.  ______


Superfudge by Judy Blume


Chapter 9 Questions

1.  This chapter is titled “Superfudge”. Why did the author name the title that?

2.  Describe Daniel’s character. Would you want him as a friend? Why or why not?

3.  What were Alex and Jimmy like to each other when they first met? Why was Peter nervous about how the day was going to go?

4.  At the end of the day, how did Alex and Jimmy change towards each other?

Chapter 10 Questions

1.  What did Peter’s father sign up for? Why do you think he did that?

2.  What did Fudge ask Santa for? Give me details!

3.  Why doesn’t Peter believe in Santa? What were his reasons (Page 139, 140)?

Chapter 11 Questions

1.  Have you ever been to a sports event? Describe what it was like. Help the people in your group to see and hear what you did.

2.  Fudge had to describe someone as the author, Brian Tumkin drew. Grab a scratch piece of paper and get with a partner in your group. Sit back to back with them. You are going to secretly (with their eyes only) find someone in the class that you want to describe to your partner – but don’t tell your partner who it is! They are going to draw as you describe that person. Be sure to use as much detail as possible. When you are done, switch with your partner.

Chapter 12 Questions

1.  Which character are you most like in this book? Why?

2.  If you were going to write the next book in the series, what kind of mischief would Fudge get in?

3.  Did you enjoy reading the book? Why or why not?

4.  What was your favorite part of the book?

Superfudge by Judy Blume


Talk with your group and try to tell the story using the 6 most important events! This is called a summary. You are going to be making a Story Cube today of your book so make sure you all agree on 6 events.

Superfudge by Judy Blume


VOCABULARY (Chapters 9 – 12)

Look up each word in a dictionary. Write the first definition you come across.





Beckoned: ______


Toddle: ______

Babble: ______

Wriggle: ______


Choose three words and write them in three different sentences.

1.  ______


2.  ______


3.  ______
