Clayburn Middle School PAC Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2017

Attending: Linda Pollastretti, Tanya C, Vicki L, Sarah K, Ryan D, Yolanda D, Angie B, Chelley C

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  1. Motion to approve minutes of May 10, 2017 minutes.
  2. Motion – Sarah K
  3. Seconded – Tanya C
  1. Principal’s Report – Mrs. Pollastretti
  2. 2017-18 Projections of students
  3. 25 divisions with one grade 7/8 split class
  4. 78 designated students
  5. New for growth and composition (designated students)
  6. Mrs Supeene teaching grade 6, Mrs Olson teaching grade 8, Mrs Born in Learning Commons, Mrs Wyse (new) teaching grade 6
  7. New Position: Learning Commons Teacher
  8. Changes to LSS (full time counsellor, grade generalists, structured supports)
  1. Activities
  2. Buildiners Club Run4Water raised $4700
  3. Kick Start – currently running
  4. Aboriginal – art project J Havens and PowWow dancer performed for grade 8’s
  5. Year End Activites are underway (Greek Day, Grade 7 Camp)
  1. New Report Cards Next Year
  2. Shown an example of how the new reports will look and work
  1. School Goals
  2. Assessment
  3. Learning targets clearly stated (“I can” statements)
  4. Inquiry Based (build the ADST curriculum, Core Competencies)
  5. Each teacher will use an inquiry approach in TWO units of their choice
  6. MAKER space to facilitate
  7. Integrate coding
  8. Use of Learning Commons
  9. School Culture
  10. Build Community Culture
  11. Gym Strip (all gr 6 & 7)
  12. School Spirit (point system)
  13. House system for participation in Fun Days, etc
  14. Student Leadership
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Chelley
  2. See hand outs
  3. Gaming Grant has been applied for. Will here in September the results. Chelley will reconcile the gaming account online for our expenditures from this year.
  4. Once purchased has been made for year endbbq’s / activities then a cheque for remainder of amount in the gaming account in order to empty the gaming account. For the purchase of the tent.
  5. Recap
  6. Big thanks to Bonita for doing taking on Menchies. Well done!
  1. Needs
  2. Canteen Volunteers: More needed!
  3. Menchie volunteers for June 23 (Friday)
  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Staff Appreciation Luncheon – June 16
  3. Year End events for each grade
  1. New Business:
  2. Singlets for track/cross county is approximately $1200 (not the $2000 that they originally thought). These will be numbered (on the back) so very easy to track. Motion to spend up to $1200 on the singlets – Angie; Seconded by Sarah
  1. Voting for next year’s executive:
  2. Chair person: Tanya
  3. Vice Chair:Vicki
  4. Treasurer:Chelley
  5. Secretary: Yolanda

Additional Positions:

  1. Book Fair: Jen K
  2. Menchies: Bonita K (?)
  1. Next Meeting: September date to be announced.
  1. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. Motioned by Chelleyand seconded by Ryan.

Submitted by : Vicki Leppky