Minutes of the St. Michael & All Angels Vestry
May 18, 2015
Meeting opened at6:35 p.m.
Present: Rector Kevin Huddleston; Assistant Rector David Cox; Sr. Warden David Wiggins; Jr. Warden Bob Carlson; Treasurer Win Zoellner; Clerk Lindsay Mohn; Stephanie Stratemeier; Kent Jackson; Mike Meng; Debbie Treglia; Elizabeth Gooch; Judy Miksch; David Schlomer; Walker Phillips; Jerry Cormack;
Absent: Leta Anderson; Ronda Barker; Damon Matthew
Meeting opened with a reflection led by Jerry.
Next, the group did two community building exercises suggested by Leta.
Kevin+ opened his report bynoting that he has been at STMAA for six months. He discussed the projected 5 year demographics of the area within a 5 mile radius of the parish. These suggest that most families maintaining a residence will have Jr. High, or Sr. High School aged children, or will be empty nesters. The families that will likely be moving into the area will be those with toddlers. STMAA statistics currently show about 200 children between the ages of birth through age ten. SundaySchool is poorly attended, with only about 30 children onaverage each week. He would like to set a goal to increase that average to 80 - 100. Kevin+ distributed a flow chart showing his recommendations for Ministry Responsibilities. He emphasized that we need a point person for each one of theseministry areas, and that we need to put some systems into place so that it is clear how things are to be run. Kevin+ feels strongly that children want to attendSundaySchool, and is recommending a change in the curriculum as a starting point to that end. He would also like theChildren's Chapel experience to be more chapel centered. Kevin+ recommended keeping some of the current Adult Formation in action, as well as adding acouple of things that parishioners can participate in between the mainSundayservices. He encouraged the Vestry to email him with comments or questions about his report.
Win gave the Treasurer's report. Income continues to trend down, below budget as well as below prior year. Expenses also continue to be below budget. Jim Albrecht reviewed the income side, and noted that the numbers were not that different fromlast year, which had many receiptsoccurring at the end of the year. He will look at the pledge detail at the end of May, and will send electronic quarterly statements to all pledging members. Father Kevin's office has been painted, and the shelving is in. Thefurniture is on order. The Day School window project is still in aninformation gathering stage. Jim A. set up a PayPal account (specifically for the Men's trip), so we can now accept electronic payments by way of thewebsite. The handicap parking issue isbeing reviewed by Finance aswell as Building & Grounds. Bob distributed a schematic diagram of the potential to add spaces that are ADA compliant. Parishioner Kim Sorenson is a landscapearchitect with particular expertise in this type of project. Bob moved to hire Kim to do a preliminary study of the issue. Elizabeth seconded the motion, which was taken to a vote and passed unanimously. This will potentially be a capital campaign issue.
Kevin+ thanked everyone for their help and participation at the Bishop's lunch yesterday. He reminded the Vestry of his personal calendar issues over the next couple of months.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lindsay Mohn
Clerk of the Vestry