Contemporary Music
Marketing Recording Skills and Music Development
Touring Out of Round Presentation Festivals and Venues
*Before completing this form, ensure you have discussed your application with the relevant Arts South AustraliaArts Development Officer (ph: 8463 5444).
1Applicant’s details !Important
Name of applicant (individual / group / organisation):Street address:
Postal address:
Work ph: / Home ph:
Fax: / Mobile:
Is this application by:
IndividualGroupInc. association
CompanyState Gov. agencyLocal Gov. agency
Do you have an ABN? Y NIf you do, record here:
Do you have an ACN? Y NIf you do, record here:
Have you applied for an ABN and are waiting for it to be allocated?Y N
Are you registered with the Australian Tax Office for the GST?Y N
2Organisations and groups only
Contact person: / Position:Chair / CEO / Responsible person: / Position:
Postal address:
Work ph: / Email:
3Individuals only
Gender:M F Other* Do you have an Australian Citizenship or permanent residency status? Y N
* Are you currently living in SA? Y N
Important: If you have answered NO to either of these questions *, please address in your application.
Office use onlyClient number:Application number:
4Project summary
Title:Brief description:
Start date: / End date:
5Amount requested from Arts South Australia
$ (exclusive of GST)6Art form area
Literature Visual art, craft and design Performing arts7Arts practice
PoetryFictionNon-fictionVisual artCraftDesign
Digital artCommunity artsMulti art form
Interdisciplinary artsOther
8Professional status
What is your professional status, or that of your group?Emerging Established Not applicable
9Other information (individuals only)
Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) artist? Y NIf yes, what is your language group?
Are you a person with disability? Y N
Are you a person from a culturally and linguistically diverse background? Y N
Are you a person living in a regional or remote community? Y N
10Other information (about the project)
Does this application involve specific initiatives, targeted services or programs with the following groups or individuals?Youth (under 26) Y N
People with disability Y N
People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds Y N
People living in regional or remote communities Y N
Does the activity (at any stage) involve working with children and
young people aged under 18 years? Y N
If yes, have you read, and do you comply with Arts South Australia's
Protocols for working with children in art? Y N
Protocols can be downloaded from:
* Does this project directly involve ATSI people as artists or participants? Y N
* Does this project involve the representation of ATSI people, art or culture? Y N
Important: if you have answered YES to either of these questions *, you must provide additional information on the ATSI arts processes and protocols being followed in your proposal. Applications from or involving ATSI artists or cultures should be discussed with the Arts Development Officer, ATSI Arts, prior to the application being submitted.
How did you find out about Arts South Australia’s support and funding programs?
WebsiteSocial media (ie. Facebook)Arts South Australia information session
Word of mouthPrint advert / newsletterArts South Australia email bulletin
11Auspicing (if applicable)
If you would like assistance with the financial management of your project, please contact the relevant Arts South Australia project officer prior to submitting your application.Will this project be auspiced by a third party? Y N
12Support material
Please list every item of support material that you have included with your application.Type of support material (ie. URLs, books, DVD, CDs)Number of copies / samples
13Funding proposal
All applicants must provide:AProject description
Your one-page project outline should be a clear and concise description of the activity to be undertaken with the grant, concentrating on, for example: what you want to do; why you want to do it; how you are planning to do it; who the artists involved are; when and where you intend to do it.Please include a timeline or itinerary.
Maximum two pages at 11pt font.
BDevelopment statement
Describe how this project will benefit your professional development and career opportunities and/or that of the artist you are working with For example, what is your/the artist’s professional goal and how will this project assist in achieving this?Maximum one page at 11pt font.
CLetters of support and confirmation of activity
Please provide letters of support and confirmation validating the artist or project.DProject partners
Please provide letters of support and confirmation by project partners and participants of the proposed activity if applicable.EBiographical information
Your biography should be limited to two pages. If there is more than one artist involved in the project, please provide a brief biography on each person, of no more than 400 words per person.FBudget
You must submit a balanced income and expenditure budget clearly indicating the budget items for which Arts South Australia funding is being sought.If you are applying to the Australia Council for the Arts for this project, please explain in a note with your budget the amount being requested, the fund you are applying to, and the closing date. Provide the same information for any other sponsor organisation or funding programs you are applying to.
The following Budget tableis a typical example of expenditure and income for a variety of projects and activities.
This as a guide only.As long as you ensure that the budget you supply is clearly understood, you may use any format you choose.
Ensure that you include copies of quotes to support all major expenses listed in your budget.
* It is essential that Arts South Australia funded items are clearly marked with an asterisk.
Income / $ / Expenditure / $ / Mark Arts South Australia funded items with an * asterisk
Arts South Australia requested amount: / $ / Administration costs:
Box office / gate / $ / Phone / Fax / $
Registrations / $ / Postage / $
Merchandise / $ / Insurance / $
Exhibiting / participating fees / $ / Photocopying / $
Rent / $
Administrators / $
Other / $
Grants: / Marketing / promotion costs:
Local Govt. (confirmed or pending) / $ / Advertising / $
State Govt.(confirmed or pending) / $ / Photography / $
Federal Govt. (confirmed or pending) / $ / Poster / invitation / $
Other (confirmed or pending) / $ / Program / catalogues / publications / $
Other / $
Sponsorship / donations: / Salaries / fees:
$ / Administrator / event coordinator / $
$ / Artistic / creative personnel / $
$ / Technical staff / $
$ / Artists fees, Artist 1 / $
Own contribution:
(individual or organisation) / Artists fees, Artist 2 / $
$ / Living allowance / per diems / $
$ / Mentor fee / $
$ / Other / $
Other, including in-kind: / Operational costs:
$ / Travel / transport / fares / $
$ / Accommodation / $
$ / Event / running costs / $
$ / Venue hire / $
$ / Equipment hire / $
$ / Materials / $
$ / Technical / $
$ / Freight / $
$ / Other / $
Total Income / $ / Total Expenditure / $
Total Income must equal Total Expenditure
GMarketing / Promotional plan
Please describe in detail who the target market/audience is for this project and how you expect to connect with them. How will this activity contribute to your overall audience development strategy?Maximum two pages at 11pt font.
HSupport material and artistic documentation
Support material and artistic documentation to enable the panel to assess the artistic merit of your project.Support material may include:
- URL links to soundcloud, vimeo, youtube or other websites are preferred
- Music must be supplied in MP3 format only if not via web links
- If you choose to supply video files for review, please ensure that the material is fully PC and Windows compatible.
Support material can be collected from Arts South Australia after notification of the result of your application. If not collected within two months of notification, Arts South Australia will dispose of material.
Support material will not be accepted after the closing date.
IAdelaide UNESCO City of Music
In December 2015, Adelaide won the prestigious international designation as a UNESCO City of Music. Adelaide joins 115 other cities in 54 countries as part of UNESCO's Creative Cities Network.Arts South Australia is proud of this designation and would like you to consider how you may recognise this in your project.
Please provide a short description of how your project contributes to Adelaide UNESCO City of Music, and how you will recognise this in your project.
While use of this branding is encouraged to strengthen our identity in this space, whenever the logo is used, it must be approved by Sarah Bleby, Director, Office of Adelaide UNESCO City of Music via email at .
If this is my first application to the program, I have discussed my application with the relevant Arts South Australia officerI have labelled all support material and numbered the pages of my application
I have supplied the signed original plus the electronic copy of the entire application including supporting documents
I have retained a copy of this application for my records
Where appropriate, I have supplied current letters of support for the relevant Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander artists or organisations endorsing the cultural merits of the project.
Tick each relevant box and sign at the bottom (note: unsigned applications are considered ineligible).I, certify that:
I have read the Arts South Australiaprogram guidelinesand have discussed my application with the relevant Arts South Australia officer
I am an eligible applicant
I have no overdue funding acquittals due to any Arts South Australia program (speak to an Arts South Australia officer if you are not sure)
The activity I am applying for is due to start after the relevant notification date
The information in my application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate
I understand that anything wrong or missing may disqualify my application
I understand that the peer assessment panel may decide not to recommend my application
I consent to Arts South Australia using the personal information I have provided for the purpose of managing the grant assessment and approval process, including the collation of statistics
I agree to my name, suburb, grant details and project description being presented in media releases and published on the Arts South Australia website, if my application is successful
I consent to Arts South Australia using the personal information I have provided to advise me of Arts South Australia grant programs, services, initiatives and events
I consent to Arts South Australia providing my name, project description and contact details to Members of Parliament to enable letters of congratulation to be sent, if my application is successful, and acknowledge that Arts South Australia is then unable to prevent the information being used for other purposes
My project involves working with children and young people aged under 18 years and that I have read and agree to comply with Arts South Australia’s Protocols for Working with Children in Art: