Greene County Board of Commissioners
August Monthly Meeting
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Chairman Channell led the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence.
Call to Order: Chairman Channell called the Work Session to order at 6:05 p.m.
Roll Call: Commissioners Torbert, Andrews, Sanders, Rhodes and Chairman Channell were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.
Minutes: The Minutes from the July 2008 Regular Meeting and the July 17, 2008 Called Meeting were discussed. The Chairman inquired with the Commissioners to determine if any corrections were necessary. No corrections were noted. No official action was taken.
Planning & Zoning:
Preliminary Plat Request for Oaks Subdivision, Phase I: After discussing several issues with the applicant, by consensus, the Commissioners postponed consideration of the Preliminary Plat request for Oaks Subdivision, Phase I until the next monthly meeting. No official action was taken.
Rezoning Request from LR1/A1 to LR2 for Greene Hills Development: The Commissioners reviewed a request from Greene Hills Development, LLC for rezoning of 24.8 acres on Reid Duvall Road to LR2. The property is designated as part of tax map 10, parcel 4B. The applicant agreed to only allow single-family homes with such designation appearing on the final plat. No official action was taken.
Variance Request for Alan Abbot, 1200 Sunset Bluff, Side-yard Setback: The Commissioners reviewed a request from Alan Abbot for a variance of eleven feet to the side-yard setback. The parcel of land contains .593 acres zoned LR1 designated as part of tax map 36B, parcel 19A, and is located at 1200 Sunset Bluff. No official action was taken.
Final Plat Request for Armor’s Ford, Section III, Reynolds Plantation: The Commissioners reviewed a request from Linger Longer Development for Final Plat approval for Armor’s Ford, Section III. The parcel of land contains 6.84 acres zoned PUD designated as part of tax map 57, parcel 7 located in Reynolds Plantation. No official action was taken.
Final Plat Request for Davis Ridge, Section IA, Reynolds Plantation: The Commissioners reviewed a request from Linger Longer Development for a Final Plat approval for Davis Ridge, Section IA. The parcel of land contains 5.74 acres zoned PUD designated as part of tax map 78, parcel 5 located in Reynolds Plantation. No official action was taken.
Final Plat Request for Jones’ Bluff, Section I, Reynolds Plantation: The Commissioners reviewed a request from Linger Longer Development for a Final Plat approval for Jones’ Ridge, Section I. The parcel of land contains 15.10 acres zoned PUD designated as part of tax map78, parcel 5 located in Reynolds Plantation. No official action was taken.
Business Items:
Ratification of Property Acquisition and Budget Adjustment: The Board discussed the need to formally ratify the acquisition of 2.17 acres at 1750 Hwy 77 South that had been purchased for use as an EMS station. It was noted that a budget adjustment would also be needed to account for the acquisition. No official action was taken.
Resolution for Condemnation on Meadow Crest Road: The Board discussed the acquisition through condemnation of land on Meadow Crest Road for use as a Convenience/Recycling Center. The legal steps have been followed and now require a formal Resolution from the Board. No official action was taken.
LARP List: The Commissioners received information regarding the Georgia Department of Transportation Local Assistance Road Program (LARP). The County submits a list of roads each year for resurfacing consideration under the Georgia DOT Local Assistance Road program. The Road Department has prepared a proposed list for consideration. No official action was taken.
Adjournment: Chairman Channell adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m.
Chairman Channell led the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence.
Call to Order: Chairman Channell called the Work Session to order at 6:02 p.m.
Roll Call: Commissioners Torbert, Andrews, Sanders, Rhodes and Chairman Channell were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.
Minutes: Commissioner Andrews motioned to approve the minutes from the July 2008 Regular Monthly Meeting, and the July 17, 2008 Called Meeting. Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning & Zoning:
Rezoning Request from LR1/A1 to LR2 for Greene Hills Development: Commissioner Torbert motioned to approve the rezoning of 24.8 acres identified as part of tax map 10, parcel 4B located on Reid Duvall Road to LR2. Commissioner Andrews seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Variance Request for Alan Abbot, 1200 Sunset Bluff, Side-yard Setback: Commissioner Sanders motioned to approve the request for a variance of eleven feet to the side-yard setback for Alan Abbot for property located at 1200 Sunset Bluff for the construction of a carport on his existing home, Commissioner Rhodes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Final Plat Request for Armor’s Ford, Section III, Reynolds Plantation: Commissioner Sanders motioned to approve the Final Plat for Armor’s Ford, Section III in Reynolds Plantation, Commissioner Andrews seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Final Plat Request for Davis Ridge, Section IA, Reynolds Plantation: Commissioner Andrews motioned to approve the Final Plat for Davis Ridge, Section IA in Reynolds Plantation. Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Final Plat Request for Jones’ Bluff, Section I, Reynolds Plantation: Commissioner Sanders motioned to approve the Final Plat for Jones’ Bluff, Section I in Reynolds Plantation. Commissioner Rhodes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Business Items:
Ratification of Property Acquisition and Budget Adjustment: Commissioner Andrews motioned to ratify the property purchase on State Route 77 for use as an ambulance station, and to make the necessary budget adjustments from contingency to account for the purchase. Commissioner Torbert seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution for Condemnation on Meadow Crest Road: Commissioner Sanders motioned to adopt Resolution Number 2008.8.19 authorizing the condemnation of property on Meadow Crest Road for the Greene County Convenience Center, and to waive the reading of the Resolution. Commissioner Rhodes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
LARP List: Commissioner Torbert motioned to approve the submission of the LARP list to the Georgia Department of Transportation. Commissioner Andrews seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner’s Report:
District One Commissioner had no report.
District Two Commissioner had no report.
District Three Commissioner had no report.
District Four Commissioner had no report.
Chairman Channell reported that he and the County Manager met with the Bond Rating Service, and the County Manager did an excellent job representing the County. He was happy that the 2008 millage rate was below 5 mils. He also remarked that the airport looks extremely good, commended the project’s progress. Commissioner Torbert has spoken with Oaks Subdivision applicant and they think they have everything work out. Very well pleased how well the Commissioners are working together.
Executive Session: None
Adjournment: Chairman Channell adjourned the meeting at 6:16 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sylvia V. Hill, County Clerk
The above minutes were adopted and approved this day 16th day of September, 2008.
Dene Channell, Chairman W.L. Sanders, Vice-Chairman
Titus Andrews, Sr., Commissioner Gerald Torbert, Commissioner
Marion Rhodes, Commissioner