Duval – School Name – 2017-18 SIP
Problem Solving Quick Report
Action Plan for ImprovementProblem Solving Key
G = Goal B = Barrier S = Strategy AS = Action Step
Step (1-5) / Description / Measurable / Step (1.b, 6-8)
G1. / If we retain highly qualified Montessori trained teachers then students will be fully immersed in the Montessori Method to improve students grade level proficiency. / Summative Results
FSA Reading 50%
Reading Gains 55%
Reading BQ 56%
Math 46%
Math Gains 63%
Math BQ 60%
FCAT Science Proficiency 44%
Civics EOC Pass 93%
Acceleration 88% / 1.b
Progress Monitoring
District and School Data (Achieve 3000 (, iReady, Mid-Year, EOC, Classroom progress checks) / 8
G1.B1 / Montessori-trained teachers will implement Montessori lessons with fidelity and are willing to remain at John E. Ford for a three-year commitment after receiving certification.
G1.B1.S1 / Provide Montessori certification courses to new teachers free of charge in turn for a three-year commitment. Provide certified Montessori Philosophy training to all certificated and non-certificated staff. / Effectiveness: Is this process functioning as it should? Is this having an effect on the goal? How do you know?
When Montessori lessons are implemented with fidelity students will achieve at higher levels, as evidenced in I-Ready, Achieve 3000, district assessmentsand DAR. By fulfilling the requirements as outlined by the training, teacher will receive a Montessori certification diploma after approximately 11 months. / 7
G1.B1.S1.AS1 / Secure Montessori training for new teachers with Amelia Island Montessori / Fidelity: Are we doing it the way we planned to do it? Things we’re doing to meet the strategy…
Admin will monitor weekly assignments from training and practicums using classroom walkthrough documents.Observe lesson transfer in classrooms based on new training or philosophy. / 6
G1.B1.S1.AS2 / Secure Montessori Philosophy training as a review for all staff through Amelia Island Montessori
G1.B1.S2 / Provide opportunities for teachers to engage in Montessori lesson studies to apply The Montessori Method learned through their certification courses and build their practice. / Effectiveness:
Teachers are given the opportunity to participate in lesson study daily in their classrooms. This study provides experiences with strong instructional practice (individualized work plans) aligned with a peaceful environment, yoga, meditation and peace table (Conflict Resolution). / 7
G1.B1.S2.AS1 / Teachers will implement Montessori lessons in the classroom daily with fidelity. / Fidelity:
Admin and coaches will monitor common planning and classroom lesson plans/small group plans weekly. / 6
G1.B1.S2.AS2 / Teachers will receive support in Montessori works and lesson study during common planning.
G2. / If teachers exhibit a high level of content knowledge on Florida Standards /item specs, then they will be able to make targeted data driven decisions to instruct students to higher achievement levels. / Summative Results:
Student proficiency will increase overall, along with BQ and LG. / 1.b
Progress Monitoring:
Admin will monitor Achieve, I-Ready, common assessments and district assessments for targeted growth. / 8
G2.B1 / Understanding the core curriculum is a tool to build instruction to meet the standards / 7
G2.B1.S1 / Through weekly common planning and lesson studies, teachers will lesson plan, collaboratively and with precision, to effectively teach to the core curriculum standard being addressed. / Effectiveness:
Observational data (bi-weekly classroom walkthroughs) and student data will be collected to ensure implementation of lesson plans and lesson study practices developed with teachers during common planning. / 7
G2.B1.S1.AS1 / Teachers will examine data targets, (I-Ready, Achieve 3000 and common assessments) for each child in common planning monthly. / Fidelity:
Monitor teacher data targets through common planning meetings with coaches. (Coaches/Admin)
Admin will monitor weekly small group lesson plans. / 6
G2.B1.S1.AS2 / Teachers will submit small group lesson plans targeted for student need weekly.
G2.B2 / Teachers lack content knowledge of Florida Standards in reading and math and understanding how to make data-driven instructional decisions. / 7
G2.B2.S1 / Through weekly common planning, teachers will be given opportunities to unpack standards to become more fluent in planning and instruction. / Effectiveness:
Small group lesson plans will reflect scaffolded instruction for students. / 7
G2.B2.S1.AS1 / Coaches will unpack grade level standards during common planning weekly. / Fidelity:
Coaches will provide this PD monthly during common planning time. Admin will observe and check for lesson alignment to standards in weekly small group plans provided by teachers and in classroom observations. / 6
G2.B2.S1.AS2 / Teachers will create student learning rubrics for literacy and math anchor standards in grades K-8.
G2.B2.S2 / During common planning, teachers will become familiar with item specs associated with Florida Standards to increase their understanding of how the standards are assessed. / Effectiveness:
Coaches and teachers will review classroom instruction using the item specs for each standard during weekly common planning times. / 7
G2.B2.S2.A1 / Coaches will provide PD during common planning for item specification review. / Fidelity:
Classroom instruction and assessments will match the level of rigor found in the item specs for each standard. / 6
G2.B2.S3 / Effectiveness: / 7
G2.B2.S3.AS1 / Fidelity: / 6