Project Grant Proposal

Before submitting your request, please visit What We Fund (Pacific or Chesapeake) to review the specific funding priorities in the region where you wish to apply. You may also find it helpful to visit Our Grantees to review funding from previous years. Please forward the completed Cover Letter and Proposal via email only to Julie Hester, for Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bay projects or Anna Lindgren, for Pacific Region projects.

Applicant Information

Organization Name / Date
City, State Zip
Proposal Contact / Email
Telephone / Fax
Tax ID Number
Funds Requested / $
Organizational Budget / $
Project Budget / $


For purposes of this application, project can also mean program, initiative, campaign, or department.

Project Name

Brief Project Description (2-3 sentences maximum)

Examples: Educates decision makers, enforces regulations, promotes a practice

Conservation Target/Scope (5-6 sentences maximum, map or sketch also welcome)

What does your project propose to conserve or protect, and what is the geographic scope?

Target examples: wetlands, menhaden, water quality

Scope examples: Bay, city, coast, national

Threats/Opportunities (5-10 sentences maximum)

Which threats (factors with a negative affect) are you trying to address, in order of importance? Are there opportunities (factors with a positive effect) that can be taken advantage of?

Threat examples: Fishing, development nutrients, invasive species

Opportunity examples: Conservation plan is in place, consumer awareness has increased

Stresses (5-10 sentences maximum)

What do the threats named above do to the target?

Examples: Reduce population, degrade habitat, create unfavorable conditions

Contributing Factors (5-10 sentences maximum)

What are the social, economic, or political factors that enable or add to the persistence of the threats you have identified? In other words, what are you up against?

Examples: Fishing is an iconic, culturally and economically important activity and way of life for many coastal communities. The severe economic downturn has hit rural communities disproportionally hard. Therefore, state elected officials are reluctant to close areas to fishing.

Objectives (5-10 sentences maximum)

What is this project trying to achieve in the next 1-3 years?

Examples: Increased water flows, budget for enforcement was increased, a bill is endorsed by x# of senators

Goals (5-10 sentences maximum)

What is this project trying to achieve in the next 3-5 years?

Examples: X level of water quality, z amount of habitat protection, a bill is passed by voters

Strategies (5-10 sentences maximum)

What strategies do you use to achieve your objectives for this project?

Examples: Education, convening, research, litigation

Assumptions (5-10 sentences maximum)

How do you assume that your strategies and actions will influence and achieve your objectives, and in turn, your goals? You are welcome to include a results chain or other diagram.


Litigation is an effective means of curtailing sewage spills because such spills are prohibited by the Clean Water Act, and feasible management and engineering solutions are available.

Public education and advocacy efforts will succeed in bringing about a reduction in disposable bag use because City officials and businesses have already expressed their commitment to implementing measures to do so and because polling conducted a year ago indicates that citizens are ready and willing to make the effort to shift to reusables.


What are the actions you plan to take to implement those strategies, and what is the timeline to initiate the actions for the project? Please note any important dates or events.

Actions examples: Create tools, provide policy review, attend hearings

Timeline examples: Within the Next 3-6 months we will…; January 15 – Meeting where committee votes to approve or deny request


You are welcome to include as an attachment any diagrams or tables you have developed that address the below questions, rather than providing a narrative.


What are the specific indicators you will use to show that your project is making progress? What are the current levels of those indicators?

Examples: x% reduction in pollution, adoption of specific policies, square miles of protected area


How will information be collected to measure indicators, and who will collect it?

Examples: Government reports, scientific testing, surveys


Who will you provide the information to, and what actions do you anticipate they will take as a result? Please be specific.

Examples: California state officials will hold a hearing, recreational fishermen will support the management plan, mom bloggers will boycott the product



Who are the people involved in designing, implementing, managing, and monitoring this project? Please describe their roles and skills.

Board Members (Provide a list below, or include as an attachment)

Include affiliations and length of service


What organizations do you collaborate with on this project, and how do you work together?

Examples: Organization X provides scientific expertise, organization Y disseminates information to decision-makers

Leadership Relationships

What relationships do you have with leaders, such as business executives and policymakers, and how might you work with them to achieve your goals for this project?


Please use the below questions to tell us more about your organization. Answers should focus on your organization as a whole, not just the project.

Year Founded
Number of Staff


Please provide a brief paragraph of your organization’s history, mission and goals

Challenges/Opportunities (5-10 sentences maximum per question)

Describe the challenges/opportunities facing the organization in the immediate future, and both the negative and positive repercussions.

Examples: We finished last year in a deficit, so we had to cut a program, but this allowed us to focus more on our mission

And in the next 3-5 years?

Examples: Executive Director is retiring; a merger is being considered

Planning (5-10 sentences maximum)

How is the organization addressing those challenges and opportunities?

Examples: Board engagement strategy, executive transition plan, partnering with non-traditional allies

Annual Report

Do you have an electronic copy of your annual report?

Yes, and I have attached it

No, we don’t have an annual report

No, we only have a hard copy report

Strategic Plan

Do you have an electronic copy of your strategic plan?

Yes, and I have attached it

No, we don’t have a strategic plan

No, we only have a hard copy report

Green Certification/Environmental Policy

Is your organization green certified, or do you have an environmental policy in place that details your internal efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle or otherwise lessen your impact on the environment?




Fiscal Year

What fiscal year does the organization operate on?

Financial Statements and Budgets

·  For the previous fiscal year:

o  Statement of Activities/ Profit & Loss

o  Organizational budget[1] and actuals

o  Project budget[2] and actuals

o  Project funding sources[3]

o  Percentage of Board members making contributions, and total $ amount of contributions

·  For the current or upcoming fiscal year:

o  Organizational budget

o  Project budget

o  Project funding sources[4]

Letters of Support

Please include two letters of support, choosing from the below categories. We welcome letters of support in e-mail form.

Partner Letter of Support - a recent letter of support from a partner that you collaborate with on this project

Funder Letter of Support - a recent letter of support from a funder of the organization


I certify that the above information is true and accurate.

Signature of Authorized Board Member,
Executive Director or Project Officer / Date
Print Name and Title

Grant Proposal—The Campbell Foundation - $25k and above

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[1] Each budget should include both revenue and expense. We welcome you to submit documents in any format, but at a minimum, revenue should include a breakdown by funding type (in-kind, corporate, grants, etc), and the expense should include salaries, taxes, benefits, travel, supplies, contractor/professional fees, insurance, occupancy, printing/marketing/website

[2] Project budgets should also include all the above items

[3] Include name and amount for all gifts greater than $10,000

[4] Please indicate the name of the funder, the amount of funding requested, and whether it is applied for, in hand, or pledged