Spring Ironmen 2017 #4
7:00-7:05 (6:15-6:20) Greet and Get Settled
7:05-7:20 (6:20-6:35) Welcome…..What’s been the value in this session so far (have a little sharing). So today we are going to focus on something we rarely struggle with or see……SHOW SHORT CLIP(s) OF AN ANGER SCEEN(s).
(ask men if any feelings stirred in them from clip…..)
-Take a minute to try and remember the last time you were angry-about what? (at someone, circumstance, seeing something, injustice, heard something, not getting my your way, etc)
-How did your anger manifest itself ?(verbal outburst, passive aggressive, accusative, physically….)
-Can you “identify” what kind of things tend to “set you off”? What’s at the “Core” of your emotions? (threatened, blocked desire, injustice, selfishness, powerlessness, etc)
*Def of Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure, antagonism (syn: rage, fury, indignation or wrath).
-Orge (noun) is a settled or abiding condition of mind, not sudden (see Eph 4:26, Col 3:8, Jas 1:19-20).
-Thumos (verb) is a more agitated condition, an outburst from inward indignation (see Eph 4:31, Rms 2:8).
*AGREE--DISAGREE: “Anger is an emotional response/reaction to something or someone over something that has occurred”.
-Willard: “Feelings are great friends, but terrible masters….” They are meant to tell us something, not to run our lives.
*So can “Anger” also be useful…..if so, how? (til the soil a little)
7:20-7:45 (6:35--7:00) TABLE TALK:
*What’s stirring in your heart/mind right now? How have you tended to express anger in your life when it surfaces? How well do you think you understand what is causing it?
*Can you think of a time when anger might be the “proper emotional response”-but it still lead to a hurtful reaction?
7:45-7:55 (7:00-7:10) Process TT Time…….
7:55-8:05(7:10-7:20) Jesus-and-Anger…..He “acted”-yet not sinful….protected sacred
*Mt 21:12f Cleansing of Temple….misuse of selling things and worshipping God (used religion to make $$$). Jesus is merciful-but He is also mighty! People being exploited and God being mocked “in” His Temple rightly angered Jesus (Is 56:7, Jer 7:11).
-Starts “In house….” vs. with culture…..
*Jesus didn’t touch-hit anyone….Bigger concern at stake and this action was called for (Wilberforcce….sugar boycott)
*Lk 11:37f: 6 Woes of False Religious Weights/Barriers to God
*Mk 10:13f: Indignant at the treatment of children/powerless
8:05-8:20 (7:20-7:35) An Antidote To Anger: (Any quick advice to yourself/or another? The
FACT is we will do something with our ANGER…..what?)….Start Here:
*Rms 2:4-6 : The Kindness of God shown to me/you….
*Col 3:13f : Forgive even as the Lord has forgiven you…
*Understand the reality of what mishandling anger can do….Bad feelings don’t die-they are buried alive and when they surface they can be 2x as ugly…..
*READ Eph 4:26-27-and-Jms 1:19-20…..(What do you hear…)
-Anger isn’t sin...what it leads to may or may not be.
-Don’t give anger time to brew…deal with it or drop it!
-It gives the evil one a hold on your life…..
-Quick to listen (vs respond)
-Slow to speak (because you are listening)
-Slow to “become….allow” angry….IS IT WORTH IT REALLY?
-Man’s (self-centered response) doesn’t bring about God’s best…..
*Action Steps:
-Discern if you can let it go or need to confront it (Prov 19:11)
-Go to pursue healing (as Lord did) vs. winning a war (Prov 15:1)
-Face and own what you may be bringing to the “Party….”
-Once “confronting things” has been decided don’t wait any longer
than necessary…..
-Go in a spirit of humility vs arrogance. “When you did/said____I feel/felt______and it made/makes me ______. I value you and our friendship and wanted to talk more about this and get your take on things (as able confess your stuff-giving and asking for forgivenss).
8:25-8:30 (7:40-7:45) Reflection Time…..
*Is there someone or something you are angry with or about? There is a price tag…..If so, are you willing to deal with it to be free? What’s 1 step you could take this week in that direction?
8:30/7:45 Announcements:
*$10 if you haven’t paid yet
*Training Opportunity
*Summer Session
*Can you think of a time in your life when you believe you were being “Greedy”? What do you think that was really all about?
*How would you describe “Greed” to someone? Now look the word up along with other synonymous words to check your definition out with?
*Spend some time looking at Lk 12: 13-21, Col 3:3-5, 1 Tim 6:6-10, 17-19. What do you here the scriptures saying with reference to greed?
*What would you recommend to someone who is trying to battle greed within their life? What help does Jesus in Lk 12: 22-34 offer to us?