Clerk: Mrs Judith Bradbury Longbourn ,South Farm Close

Rodmell, East Sussex BN7 3HW

01273 470713

Parish Council Members are Summoned to the Meeting to be held on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 8pm in Rodmell Village Hall

Signed...... Dated......

Judith Bradbury,Clerk

Members of the Public are welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings


1. To receive for acceptance any apologies from Councillors & any Declarations of

Interest on any items covered in this Agenda. To receive for acceptance any requests to

consider dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

Public Questions

The next ten minutes are available for the public to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the following agenda. The public are welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting(s)

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5h January 2015 & the

extraordinary meeting of 27th January 2015.

3. Finance Report

To receive the bank statement reconciliation for January & February 2015

To authorise payment of cheques as per the attached schedule .

To consider & approve the appointment of the Council's internal auditor for the financial year end March 2015

4. Clerks & / or Councillors Report on progress on items from the last meeting not otherwise

covered on this Agenda & other items for noting & information purposes only :-


the Ouse Valley Cycle Network

replacement noticeboard

installation of the defibrillator

Broadband – an exchange of correspondence with Norman Baker MP

preparation for the annual parish assembly

Community Transport for the Lewes Area (CTLA)

Community Match Funding Application – Rodmell to Northease footpath link

To receive an update on this application following a site meeting with Sarah Valentine ,

Project Manager, Infrastructure Design & Delivery , ESCC

Parking on The Dicklands

To receive a report from Councillors Sellick & Smart as to the feasibility of repairing

damage to the rutted grass margins at The Dicklands & the likely costs/timescales with

the intention of opening this up for broader debate at the annual parish assembly.

7. Maintenance reviews of The Dicklands, The School Playground & The Sports Field

8 . Planning

To consider a response to the following applications :-

APP/Y9507/W/15/3002162 Non determination of planning application ref SDNP/14/05468/CND ( Variation of condition 1 attached to planning approval LW/09/1177 to vary the use of the building as a facility connected to game shooting & agriculture , the use shall occur between Monday to Saturday 7am- 5pm ). Land at buildings at Iford Farm Newhaven Road Iford. To consider whether the Council wishes to submit any response tothe appellant’s Statement of Planning Appeal Grounds.

APP/P1425/C/14/3001421 Appeal against Enforcement Notice served in respect of an alleged breach of planning control , the change of use from agriculture to the breeding & rearing of game birds on land at Iford Farm , The Street , Iford . To note it has been agreed that this appeal will be dealt with by inquiry . The inquiry date is to be confirmed in due course. To consider if the Council wishes to be represented at the inquiry or send further representation in writing.

SDNP/15/00575/CND Rise Farm , Cockshut Road . Removal of condition 2 attached to planning approval LW/05/1892 (Section 73a retrospective application for change of use of Units 1 , 2 & 3 from agriculture to industrial ) to allow access to & from the site via the Stanley Turner Sports Ground & Kingston Road, Lewes for Mr B Taylor , Iford Estate.

SDNP/15/00589/FUL Single storey infill extension to side Rodmell Hill House, Mill Lane for Mrs S Chowen.

SDNP/15/00775/FUL Erection of a single dwelling house on land at Martens Field for Mrs J Hedger .

9 . To consider an application received for grant funding of up to £100 to meet the Lewes

Artwave registration fee for the Rodmell Community Artwave project.

10. To consider whether the Council wishes to send a letter of support for the South Downs

National Park's proposed application for International Dark Sky Reserve Status for parts of

the park .

11. Traffic Calming Initiatives

To consider whether the Council wishes to pursue a Community Speed Watch initiative &

mobilise the use of a Speed Indicator Device (SID) paying particular attention to the approach

into the village at the Southease end.

12. Brief report from Clerk &/ or Councillors on external meetings attended since the last

Parish Council meeting :-

Defibrillator demonstration 12/1 (JB & PD)

Lewes District Coucil Planning committee Meeting 28/1 (SW)

Strengthening Local Relationships 27/2 (JB)