Flathead Valley Community College Foundation
Board Meeting
Thursday, March 12, 2015
AT 139, 3:30 p.m.
Present: Board of Directors – Russell Barnes, John Bowdish, Pat LaTourelle, Andy Miller, Diane Morton, Chris Ridder, Justin Sliter, DeAnn Thomas, Stephanie Wallace – proxy for Jessica DuBois, Kayleen Kohler, Donna Lawson, and Pat Winkel, and Suzy Williams – proxy for Marylou Patterson; Associate Members – Mary Gibson; Ex-Officio Members – Jane Karas and Chuck Jensen; Staff – Sue Evans, Nancy Clawson, and Colleen Unterreiner.
Excused: Stephanie Breck, Jessica DuBois, Frank Garner, Nancy Gordley, Mark Johnson, Kayleen Kohler, Donna Lawson, Jim Lehner, Aaron Mower, Marylou Patterson, Margie Simpson, Al Stinson, Debbi Waldenberg, and Pat Winkel.
Transformation Scholarship recipient William (Buck) Breckenridge thanked the Board for the scholarship. He had a Pell grant and some savings, but there was still a big financial gap to achieve his goals. He is very appreciative of the timeliness of the scholarship, as it will allow him to finish his degree and pay off a large portion of his debt. Buck surveyed with his dad most of his life but needed a degree to get his license. He said there is no better surveying program than what is offered at FVCC. Buck has a wife and a three-year-old son.
Biology faculty Mirabai McCarthy and students Bee Boettler and Nick Glynos spoke to the board about their trip to Costa Rica. Seventeen students along with Mirabai, FVCC International Student Coordinator Gerda Reeb and Biology professor Ruth Wrightsman, traveled to Costa Rica. It was a valuable experience and worthwhile for students to be immersed in another culture and introduced to conservation.
· Nick found it profound and life changing. He wasn’t sure he would be able to afford to go because of the expense, but the scholarships were offered by the Foundation made it possible.
· Bee said she knew the trip was out of her realm of possibility with having five children at home, but she wanted to go so she worked hard and used stipends, leftover financial aid, and the $500 scholarship from the Foundation, which was the make-or- break it for her. She said it was a life changing experience. It truly solidified what she wants to do with the rest of her life.
· Students participated in service projects and built a garden for a school.. Back home it increased enrollment in similar classes and community involvement and inspired students to make a difference in their personal lives. In July, she will take two students to Edmonton to present research thanks to an Enhancement Grant from the Foundation.
Russ Barnes moved to approve the minutes of January 20, 2015. Pat LaTourelle seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Justin Sliter reviewed the Foundation’s Statement of Financial Position as of January 31, 2015, pointing out the total net assets and liabilities of $17,441,557.83.
He reported that the Finance committee met February 11 with D.A. Davidson representatives Ed Crotty, Leslie Mercord, Tim Schnee, and Dean Clemetsen to discuss the transfer of the Foundation’s assets to D.A. Davidson. The Finance committee will meet with Ed and others on an annual basis and more often with Leslie and Tim. Justin noted the transition of assets is moving along well.
The Finance committee will meet Tuesday, April 7, at 4 p.m. to discuss role of the committee, the meeting schedule, and hear an update from Leslie and Tim.
Events and Projects Committee
2015 Bibler Home and Gardens Tours
Sue Evans reported staff met last week with Tyler Hawk, Rande Simon, and Carol Bibler. Spring tours are May 9, 16, and 17 with tours at 11:00 and 1:30 and the Mother’s Day Brunch will be held on May 10. Carol will offer a rug room tour May 9 in the afternoon. Adult ticket prices for regular tours were raised to $15 for adults and $5 for children, and ticket prices for the brunch and summer kick off were raised to $60 per person or $100 per couple. Summer tours will begin July 20 with the kick-off and regular tours will run July 21-24 with tours at 5:00 and 7:30. Rande is phasing out over the next couple of years and Tyler is now the new general manager and Jeanie Teausant is the head gardener. Sue is looking for volunteers to help with the tours.
Festival of Flavors
· Napa in Bloom event on Saturday, March 21, is close to selling out. The student speaker will be Sarah Rugheimer, who attended one year at FVCC and recently received her PhD in astrophysics from Harvard.
· Festival committee has been meeting monthly to plan the fall festival events. Sponsorship letters were sent the first week in March. Venues and the auctions are being planned.
· Fun Beverage is in the last year of their five-year commitment of $20,000 per year. The staff met with Brian Clark and Kim Clausen to discuss Festival this year and will meet again to discuss future sponsorships.
· Big Night 5 is scheduled for June 5.
· Invites for Claws for Celebration on July 8 will go out in early May.
Donor Development Committee
DeAnn Thomas provided the committee report.
· A general information brochure with donation envelope and the President’s Circle pamphlet, describing the Foundation’s mission and educates donors was shared. It will be sent to financial and legal professionals so that they are aware of the Foundation and its mission when working with clients.
· A tax update workshop for donors is scheduled for June 1 on the campus.
· The committee will host a luncheon on campus on May 1 and invite donors for a personal update from President Karas.
Board Development Committee
Stephanie Wallace said this committee met and discussed a long list of potential board members. Staff and/or board members will interview them over the next few months, and recommendations will be approved at the May meeting.
A new attendance policy was discussed. With the Executive committee’s input, the Board Development committee recommends the following changes regarding meetings and attendance policy for the Board’s consideration:
· Move to four (4) business meetings a year (quarterly) in March, June, September and December. Same day/week/time. Recommendation - first Tuesday at 3:30 of the months noted.
· Voting members are required to attend 50% ortwo (2) of the four (4) board meetings scheduled in a one-year period. Members who cannot honor this commitment will be asked to move to the non-voting Associate Board.
Board members gave input on the current draft. A re-drafted policy will come to the board for discussion and approval at the May meeting.
Alumni & Ambassadors Report
Suzy Williams thanked Nancy and Tara for their work on the A&A luncheon on March 10 which was attended by 110 people. It was a great mix of alumni, ambassadors, faculty, staff, business and industry representatives, students, high school counselors, and a few principals.
· The theme was STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and the panel included chemistry and biology faculty, one alumna who attends the University of Montana, and two current STEM students.
· The Distinguished Alumni award went to Faith Hodges, a 40-year college employee and graduate of FVCC. The selection committee will meet next month to review the current award criteria and also discuss the addition of a Rising Star award for younger alumni.
· Upcoming activities include: inviting 2015 FVCC graduates to join A&A, planning for the fall social, and electronic newsletter to A&A members
· Kristen Jones, Vice President of Instruction and Student Services has accepted another position in Seattle and her last day will be March 13. Brad Eldredge will be the new Vice President of Academic Affairs (Instruction and Student Services).
· Jane said the legislature is meeting. Funding levels are down from the last biennium and we’re looking at a one-time request with the other two community colleges. All local legislators have been great and very supportive.
· FTE is down slightly but head count is up. Students are working when the economy is better but we have just as many students taking classes. 400 high school students are taking Running Start classes this semester, the most we have ever had.
· The college hired an outside company to conduct a feasibility study for student housing which should be completed by the end of April.
· We are also looking at pavilion for Foundation, college and community events, as well as graduation.
· The college is looking at a student center and fitness center, which go along with housing.
· The college is planning to expand the Practical Nurse program to Libby, which is a great opportunity.
· Jane announced we have a 100% pass rate for all nursing students.
To date, we have received 89 gifts totaling $148,114.26 in the annual giving drive, which includes some generous annuities and a charitable remainder trust.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.