August Minutes
August 5, 2013
O’Charley’s Franklin
Present- Chris Saia, Michael Foster, Jen Thompson, Kerstin Moltmann Wilder, Nan Holland, Wendy Williams, Ashley Gregory, Jessica Roberson-Wright, Beth Huff, Sherry Pride
Call to order 6:35 p.m.
Minutes from July will be sent out for approval tomorrow
Reports of officers and committees
--Membership— Wendy Williams is taking over as chair. We have 126 members. We will again offer the $5 discount for early renewal (before December 1). Wendy and Jessica will go through the barns and try to get people to renew. Any t-shirts in the trailer will be given to new members
--Treasurer—Jessica has taken this on now and will send out an update of the current finances. Profit and loss statements were sent around earlier and show a $3009.48 profit for the Tennessean and a $1300 profit from the schooling show at Jenni Hogan’s. So far this year, all the schooling shows have made a profit. .
--Ads and sponsors—Vendors need to be invoiced $125—Top Hats, Sharon Bell, Big Blue, James King. Still an outstanding balance from a sponsor last year. The program is essentially ready to be put together when the class lists come out.
--Volunteers—Penny Lindsley will be the Show Volunteer Coordinator at Ole South. And Bedford County 4-H will again send volunteers.
--Communications—Michael and Mimi will meet to discuss the format of the online newsletter. Roberta Goldman and Sharon Blandford will be approached to take on editorial roles. Lara Stringfield has also had some experience writing a newsletter for another GMO. Mimi has offered to put together a list of farms and trainers within our club so that we will have an available list when people move here from out of town. We need an email blast about State Championships! Michael will revise the outdated information on the website.
--Awards—We have plenty of surplus awards to use for the upcoming shows, including Championships. Sherry will talk to Brandie as the blue ribbons are getting low
--Schooling Shows—July show at Jenni Hogan’s was well-attended and even extended into Sunday morning. Long discussion about the growing participation of “non-traditional” breeds and classes in our shows. We want to encourage these new groups. Walnut Trace wassuccessful in bringing Pony Club and Event riders; Western dressage and Walking Horse dressage have also participated in the last two schooling shows. Jen made a motion which was seconded and voted on unanimously to add the category of Non-Traditional Dressage to the Year End Awards. We had already added a Western Dressage category last year. All others not falling into one of the categories already listed can submit their scores if they meet the usual criteria for Year End Awards. This also brought up the potential need for 2 day schooling shows to accommodate these riders. Beth will look at dates for 2014 and see if 2 or 3 of these would lend themselves to a 2 day format.
--Hospitality— wewill have snacks in the Award Room and Beth will check with Connie and Clyde about using the room downstairs. We will need to have a plan for water and for coffee for the judges. Chris or Carolyn will check with Sandy t find out about judges snack preferences.
Old Business
--Brownland for the Tennessean continues to be talked about as a good venue
New Business
--Ole South. Things are falling into place but Sandy has asked about leadership for the Junior Team Competition. Chris will talk to Brandie to see if she or Micki could do that. There is a meeting on Friday with pizza and the TD usually does an educational piece. We will need awards for these winners. Jessica will bring the trailer on Wednesday or Thursday
--Kim Carpenter is the Tennessee contact for the Dressage Foundation and she will send brochures to be handed out at Ole South
Next meeting September 3 @ 6:30 (Tuesday instead on Labor Day)
Adjourned @ 7:55 p.m.