Questionnaire (bozzadel 17/03/2014)
A fundamental requirement in collaborative monitoring programmes in marine pollution studies is the intercomparability of data obtained from participating laboratories irrespective of the country of origin.
The production of ‘true’ data requires that all partners adopt good field and laboratory procedures in order to assure Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) of the input data EMODnet Chemical portal .
To achieve this purpose a questionnaire according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 is provided to all Partners of EMODnetChemistry 2, in order to uniform quality and reliability of chemical data introduced in the EMODNET Chemical project.
General questions of laboratory QA/QC according to 17025:2005
For any particular result from your laboratory, can you produce documentary evidence to demonstrate:-
- Were the laboratory activities done by a properly qualified person?
- Was the equipment used properly maintained and calibrated at the time the data was
- Have you got a set of methods specified as acceptable for use in your laboratory?
- Does your laboratory use standard methods which are published and widely accepted?
- Have you determined the accuracy, precision and the limit of detection /quantification of the
methods which you use, including standard published methods?
- Do you run routine quality control samples and evaluate the results before releasing data?
- yes
- Have you tested your methods and laboratory by use of certified reference methods and/or
interlaboratory comparison?
Afteranswering these general basically questions regarding the performance of the laboratory, partners should use thequestionnaires/tables attached in order to check QA/QC for differentanalytesandmatrices. Use this data guidelines in order to properly check the data and fill the questionary/table attached to this document.
General to all matrices
Code lists
Check if all data comply with the accepted code lists. See section on Controlled Vocabularies
Use of CAS numbers
There are many overlapping chemical synonyms, official corrections to CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) numbers by CAS, and errors for chemicals on some internet sites. Check if CAS number is correct and ensures traceability.
Cruise ID’s/ Geographic area/ Organisation/Research
Check if it's unique within data reported by a distinct organisation for a specific dataset.
Station Names- coordinates
Check if the stations are correctly identified by their coordinates, period of time
Sampling method and storage
Check if sampling method and storage of samples are in according with the standard methods scheduled for different analytes and matrices (seawater, biota and sediments).
Fill the table with the sampling method and storage.
Analytical method
Check if analytical methods are in according with the standard methods used for different analytes and matrices.
Fill the table with the analytical methods used.
Limit of detection/limit of determination
Check the limit of detection for the parameter according to the method of analysis used. The value must be reported in the units for the parameter concerned, and on the appropriate basis of determination.
Fill the table with the limits detection/quantification for each analytes in the corresponding matrix.
Check the uncertainty.
Fill the table with the uncertainty for each analytes in the corresponding matrix. If uncertainty is reported, then the method of calculation must also be reported.
Check if the results are reported in the preferred unit selected for the EMODNET Chemical.
Fill the table with the units for each analytes in the corresponding matrix. In cases where this is not possible, the original unit should be reported with supporting information, such as basis of determination (wet weight, dry weight) that will allow proper interpretation of the data.
Reference Materials-intercalibration
Check if certified reference material/ intercalibrations with standard value is used to evaluate the ability of the laboratory to determine the concentration in monitoring samples.
Fill the table with the reference material/intercalibration participation (Quasimemeetc) for each analytes in the corresponding matrix .
Specific to matrices
Sample type
Check and fill the table with the sample type indicating total, dissolved or particulate fraction.
Method of Filtration
Check and fill the table with method of filtration for water column. If this information is available, check even water depth of the sample.
Check and fill the table with the species in. The species must match to the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS) or ITIS (Taxonomic Information System). Ordinarily, the taxonomic list that was used should be reported with the species. Check maximum range for age, length and weight of species for outliers.
Number of Individuals
Check and fill the table with number of individuals in biota samples. The number of individuals required to comprise a “sample” is/should be defined by the monitoring programme. Length and Weight colud be included to allow proper interpretation of the data.
Check and fill the table with the tissue (or fraction of tissue).
Grain Size
Check and fill the table with the fraction analysed, i.e., the grain size of the fractionated sample. When reporting metals, the reporting of normalisers (organic carbon, aluminium) and dry weight % could also be included in the bale as note.