Cross Tabs – Tea Party Movement

July 14, 2010

Amy Semet

Approval of Institutions/Politicians

Obama Performance: Q. 500_2010 (2010 data)

Strongly Agree / Somewhat Agree / Somewhat Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Refused
Non Tea [1] Party / 27.13
27.17 / 50.58
50.66 / 14.57
14.59 / 7.56
7.58 / 0.16
Tea Party / 7.47
7.48 / 18.05
18.08 / 24.85
24.89 / 49.47
49.55 / 0.17
% of Total[2] / 16.88
17.03 / 35.80
36.12 / 20.04
20.21 / 26.41
26.64 / .87

Confidence in Institutions: Q. 501_1_2010 –501_6_2010 (2010 data)

Great deal / Some / Hardly / Refused
1. Non Tea Party – Military / 32.82
32.89 / 58.29
58.43 / 8.66
8.68 / 0.23
Tea Party – Military / 49.79
50.00 / 42.42
42.60 / 7.37
7.40 / 0.42
% of Total / 40.49
41.24 / 49.71
50.64 / 7.97
8.12 / 1.82
Supreme Court
2. Non Tea Party – SC / 20.10
20.18 / 65.53
65.79 / 13.97
14.03 / 0.40
Tea Party – SC / 16.91
17.02 / 62.76
63.18 / 19.67
19.80 / 0.66
% of Total / 18.82
19.19 / 62.90
64.15 / 16.33
16.66 / 1.94
3. Non Tea Party – Congress / 3.31
3.33 / 56.47
56.79 / 39.65
39.88 / 0.57
Tea Party – Congress / 3.89
3.90 / 32.54
32.61 / 63.35
63.49 / 0.22
% of Total / 3.84
3.91 / 45.17
46.01 / 49.16
50.08 / 1.83
4. Non Tea Party – Churches / 13.65
13.76 / 51.51
51.93 / 34.03
34.30 / 0.81
Tea Party – Churches / 31.01
31.13 / 52.26
52.46 / 16.35
16.42 / 0.39
% of Total / 21.63
22.07 / 52.23
53.31 / 24.12
24.62 / 1.83
5. Non Tea Party – Corporations / 1.38
1.39 / 45.31
45.66 / 52.54
52.95 / 0.77
Tea Party – Corporations / 7.79
7.81 / 58.92
59.08 / 33.02
33.11 / 0.27
% of Total / 4.41
4.50 / 51.82
52.85 / 41.82
42.65 / 1.95
6. Non Tea Party – President / 31.00
31.19 / 55.32
55.66 / 13.06
13.14 / 0.62
Tea Party – President / 8.74
8.74 / 29.80
29.80 / 61.46
61.46 / 0.00
% of Total / 19.60 / 43.48 / 35.06 / 1.86

Approval of Bush, Congress, Supreme Court: Q. 599_2010, 600-2010, 601-2010 (2010 and 2009 data)

Strongly Agree/favorable / Agree Somewhat/favor / Disagree Somewhat/unfavorable / Strongly Disagree/unfavorable / Refused
Q. 599 George W. Bush
Non Tea Party / 4.59(2010)
4.61 (2010)
5.13 (2009) / 15.97 (2010)
16.07 (2010)
12.63 (2009) / 24.65 (2010)
24.80 (2010)
20.68 (2009) / 54.19(2010)
52.52 (2010)
61.57 (2009) / 0.60
Tea Party / 12.22(2010)
12.33 (2010)
25.70 (2009) / 48.71(2010)
49.13 (2010)
33.94 (2009) / 20.67 (2010)
20.84 (2010)
18.03 (2009) / 17.55(2010)
17.70 (2010)
22.33 (2009) / 0.85
% of Total / 8.14 (2010)
8.39 (2010)
14.16 (2009) / 30.90 (2010)
31.85 (2010)
23.65 (2009) / 22.99 (2010)
23.69 (2010)
19.97 (2010) / 34.99 (2010)
36.07 (2010)
42.22 (2010) / 2.97
Q. 600 Congress performance
Non Tea Party / 1.61(2010)
1.62 (2010)
4.74 (2009) / 37.83(2010)
38.11 (2010)
57.11 (2009) / 45.26(2010)
45.60 (2010)
29.29 (2009) / 14.57(2010)
14.68 (2010)
8.86 (2009) / 0.78
Tea Party / 0.94(2010)
1.36 (2009) / 19.36(2010)
19.62 (2010)
25.88 (2009) / 33.93(2010)
34.39 (2010)
29.08 (2009) / 44.45(2010)
45.05 (2010)
43.67 (2009) / 1.33
% of Total / 1.50 (2010)
3.14 (2009) / 28.18 (2010)
45.66 (2009) / 38.94 (2010)
28.04 (2009) / 27.19 (2010)
23.16 (2009) / 4.18
Q. 601: SC Performance
Non Tea Party / 4.14(2010)
4.16 (2010)
4.97 (2009) / 58.58(2010)
58.92 (2010)
67.82 (2009) / 29.76(2010)
29.93 (2010)
22.38 (2009) / 6.95 (2010)
6.99 (2010)
4.83 (2009) / 0.57
Tea Party / 4.88(2010)
4.98 (2010)
5.31 (2009) / 50.32(2010)
51.34 (2010)
55.22 (2009) / 32.78(2010)
33.45 (2010)
29.03 (2010) / 10.02(2010)
10.23 (2010)
10.44 (2009) / 2.00
% of Total / 4.49(2010)
5.63 (2009) / 53.15(2010)
62.09 (2009) / 29.89(2010)
24.28 (2009) / 7.98 (2010)
7.99 (2009) / 4.48

Opinion of Institutions: Q. 8, 9, 10 (2009 data)

Too Conservative / Too liberal / About right
Q8: Supreme Court
Non Tea Party / 34.20 / 15.35 / 50.46
Tea Party / 10.49 / 46.54 / 42.97
% of Total / 22.44 / 29.33 / 48.23
Q.9: Congress
Non Tea Party / 27.63 / 25.83 / 46.55
Tea Party / 9.93 / 67.62 / 22.45
% of Total / 20.43 / 44.01 / 35.57
Q. 10: President
Non Tea Party / 8.98 / 21.14 / 69.88
Tea Party / 3.35 / 71.13 / 25.52
% of Total / 6.34 / 42.65 / 51.01

Will SC do right thing?: Q. 406 (2009 data)

Yes / No
Non Tea Party / 69.41 / 30.59
Tea Party / 52.89 / 47.11
% of Total / 60.71 / 39.29

Kagan Nomination: Q. 602 (2010 data)

Yes / No / Refused
Non Tea Party / 68.82
71.99 / 26.77
28.01 / 4.41
Tea Party / 32.76
34.62 / 61.86
65.38 / 5.38
% of Total / 48.93
54.10 / 41.51
45.90 / 9.56

Sotomayor Confirmation: Q. 500 (2009 data)

Yes / No
Non Tea Party / 81.65 / 18.35
Tea Party / 40.22 / 59.78
% of Total / 61.61 / 38.39

Court Interpretation Questions

Q. 502_2010 (2010 data)

Agree Strongly / Agree Somewhat / Disagree Somewhat / Disagree Stronhly / Refused
Q. 502aa – SC should recognize right of privacy even if not explicit
Non Tea Party / 36.70
36.84 / 53.35
53.56 / 7.71
7.74 / 1.85
1.86 / 0.38
Tea Party / 29.54
29.90 / 49.46
50.06 / 15.60
15.79 / 4.21
4.26 / 1.19
% of Total / 31.90
32.84 / 51.43
52.94 / 11.03
11.35 / 2.78
2.86 / 2.85
Q. 502bb – Court should focus less on what Constitution means than
Non Tea Party / 21.05
21.16 / 48.57
48.82 / 21.43
21.54 / 8.45
8.49 / 0.51
Tea Party / 12.01
12.16 / 25.27
25.59 / 22.61
22.89 / 38.88
39.36 / 1.23
% of Total / 16.17
16.65 / 36.35
37.44 / 22.42
23.10 / 22.14
22.81 / 2.93
Q. 502cc – Court should read Constitution as a general set of principles
Non Tea Party / 26.35
26.58 / 47.08
47.48 / 17.61
17.76 / 8.10
8.17 / 0.84
Tea Party / 17.01
17.16 / 30.73
31.01 / 18.72
18.89 / 32.66
32.95 / 0.88
% of Total / 20.64
21.66 / 38.67
38.82 / 18.80
19.26 / 18.96
20.26 / 2.93

Constitutional Interpretation: Q. 503 – Original Intentions (2010 and 2009 data)

Original / Changing Times / Refused
Non Tea Party / 21.10(2010)
21.18 (2010)
25.17 (2009) / 78.52 (2010)
78.82 (2010)
74.83 (2009) / 0.38 (2010)
Tea Party / 56.36(2010)
57.87 (2010)
58.11 (2009) / 41.04 (2010)
42.13 (2010)
41.89 (2009) / 2.60 (2010)
% of Total / 36.95 (2010)
38.29 (2010)
40.52 / 59.55 (2010)
61.71 (2010)
59.48 (2010) / 3.50 (2010)

Opinions re: role of Courts: Q. 102a-h (2009 data)

Very important / Somewhat Important / Not very important / Not important
Q.102a: Strictly followed law no matter what
Non Tea Party / 29.58 / 48.23 / 18.31 / 3.88
Tea Party / 50.35 / 34.57 / 11.06 / 4.02
% of Total / 39.15 / 42.51 / 13.96 / 4.39
Q. 102b: Feel empathy for case participants
Non Tea Party / 18.13 / 47.42 / 24.76 / 9.69
Tea Party / 14.13 / 34.58 / 29.60 / 21.69
% of Total / 17.27 / 41.82 / 26.59 / 14.32
Q. 102c: Protect from groups and people w/ power
Non Tea Party / 54.11 / 37.91 / 5.71 / 2.27
Tea Party / 46.38 / 35.29 / 10.17 / 8.15
% of Total / 52.80 / 34.53 / 7.71 / 4.95
Q. 102d: Respect will of majority
Non Tea Party / 31.44 / 43.36 / 18.61 / 6.60
Tea Party / 28.77 / 41.72 / 15.68 / 13.83
% of Total / 34.13 / 40.18 / 16.85 / 8.84
Q. 102e: Stay independent of Pres and Congress
Non Tea Party / 55.70 / 32.83 / 8.91 / 2.56
Tea Party / 63.79 / 25.83 / 7.58 / 2.80
% of Total / 57.50 / 31.85 / 7.59 / 3.06
Q. 102f: Follow conscience or sense of morality
Non Tea Party / 33.18 / 46.32 / 15.71 / 4.79
Tea Party / 28.94 / 39.78 / 16.16 / 15.12
% of Total / 32.01 / 43.40 / 15.60 / 8.98
Q. 102g: Respect existing SC precedent
Non Tea Party / 22.29 / 56.72 / 18.28 / 2.71
Tea Party / 38.07 / 42.35 / 13.86 / 5.72
% of Total / 30.90 / 47.72 / 15.96 / 5.43
Q. 102h: Uphold Framers values
Non Tea Party / 42.95 / 46.82 / 8.74 / 1.50
Tea Party / 64.59 / 30.53 / 3.96 / 0.92
% of Total / 53.72 / 37.94 / 6.62 / 1.72

Policy Issues

Q. 511_2010-510_2010 (2010 data except where specified)

Strongly Agree / Agree Somewhat / Disagree Somewhat / Strongly Disagree / Refused
Q. 511a – EPA should have power to limit carbon
Non Tea Party / 37.24
37.33 / 49.39
49.50 / 10.65
10.67 / 2.49
2.50 / 0.23
Tea Party / 13.66
13.70 / 42.22
42.36 / 23.50
23.57 / 20.30
20.37 / 0.32
% of Total / 24.94
25.64 / 45.89
47.18 / 16.11
16.56 / 10.33
10.62 / 2.73
Q. 511b- Gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military
Non Tea Party / 51.71
52.04 / 27.28
27.45 / 12.03
12.11 / 8.36
8.41 / 0.63
Tea Party / 23.89
23.98 / 31.39
31.50 / 17.55
17.62 / 26.80
26.90 / 0.36
% of Total / 36.78
37.90 / 29.25
30.13 / 14.35
14.78 / 16.69
17.19 / 2.93
Q. 511c- police request id from suspected illegals
Non Tea Party / 30.22
30.39 / 28.15
28.32 / 23.37
23.51 / 17.69
17.79 / 0.57
Tea Party / 58.90
59.09 / 26.35
26.43 / 11.60
11.63 / 2.84
2.84 / 0.32
% of Total / 42.87
44.15 / 27.10
27.91 / 16.96
17.46 / 10.18
10.48 / 2.89
Q.511d – corporations should have a right to free speech
Non Tea Party / 21.21
21.37 / 49.68
50.06 / 15.84
15.96 / 12.51
12.61 / 0.75
Tea Party / 46.21
46.67 / 41.65
42.07 / 8.30
8.38 / 2.85
2.88 / 1.00
% of Total / 31.63
32.75 / 46.03
47.68 / 11.45
11.85 / 7.46
7.72 / 3.40
Q. 510 –Roe v. Wade
Non Tea Party / 49.04(2010)
49.17 (2010)
47.44 (2009) / 28.36(2010)
28.44 (2010)
24.80 (2009) / 11.48(2010)
11.51 (2010)
13.98 (2009) / 10.85 (2010)
10.88 (2010)
13.78 (2009) / 0.28(2010)
Tea Party / 25.80(2010)
25.85 (2010)
25.52 (2009) / 26.81(2010)
26.86 (2010)
22.88 (2009) / 16.45(2010)
16.48 (2010)
13.18 (2009) / 30.76 (2010)
30.82 (2010)
38.42 (2009) / 0.18 (2010)
% of Total / 36.61 (2010)
37.49 (2010)
37.18 (2009) / 27.54 (2010)
28.20 (2010)
24.48 (2009) / 13.40 (2010)
13.72 (2010)
13.25 (2009) / 20.10 (2010)
20.59 (2010)
25.10 (2009) / 2.35 (2010)

2010 Policy Issues: Q. 512 (2010 data)

Strongly Agree / Agree Somewhat / Disagree Somewhat / Strongly Disagree / Refused
Q. 512a- Companies should be allowed to advertise tobacco
Non Tea Party / 8.41
16.48 / 29.04
29.11 / 28.81
28.88 / 33.49
33.57 / 0.24
Tea Party / 13.59
13.67 / 36.02
36.24 / 24.67
24.82 / 25.11
25.27 / 0.61
% of Total / 10.57
10.82 / 32.23
32.99 / 26.34
26.96 / 28.55
29.23 / 2.30
Q. 512b- People should be allowed to buy and sell video games depicting extreme violence
Non Tea Party / 17.15
17.21 / 30.16
30.26 / 26.25
26.34 / 26.09
26.18 / 0.35
Tea Party / 13.19
13.27 / 29.30
29.49 / 27.48
27.66 / 29.38
29.57 / 0.65
% of Total / 14.60
14.99 / 28.90
29.67 / 26.81
27.53 / 27.07
27.80 / 2.61
Q. 512c – people should be allowed to buy and sell video showing dog fighting, animal torture
Non Tea Party / 5.80
5.84 / 9.99
10.05 / 17.78
17.89 / 65.84
66.23 / 0.59
Tea Party / 5.49
5.52 / 9.33
9.39 / 17.42
17.53 / 67.13
67.55 / 0.63
% of Total / 5.26
5.39 / 9.10
9.33 / 17.99
18.44 / 65.24
66.85 / 2.41
Q. 512d –Musicians should be allowed to sing songs that others may find offensive
Non Tea Party / 33.59
33.66 / 33.98
34.04 / 15.50
15.53 / 16.74
16.77 / 0.19
Tea Party / 27.20
27.35 / 33.10
33.28 / 21.29
21.41 / 17.86
17.96 / 0.55
% of Total / 29.24
29.89 / 33.15
33.89 / 18.02
18.42 / 17.41
17.80 / 2.18
Q. 512 – Americans should be allowed to burn or deface the American flag as political
Non Tea Party / 14.29
14.39 / 21.17
21.31 / 18.87
18.99 / 45.02
45.31 / 0.66
Tea Party / 7.99
8.02 / 15.40
15.48 / 13.24
13.30 / 62.91
63.20 / 0.46
% of Total / 10.98
11.26 / 17.62
18.07 / 15.69
16.09 / 53.22
54.58 / 2.49
Q. 512f- Corporations ought to be able to spend their profits on TV advertisements urging
Non Tea Party / 5.99
6.01 / 27.99
28.10 / 27.04
27.15 / 38.59
38.74 / 0.39
Tea Party / 14.74
14.81 / 34.65
34.81 / 26.52
26.65 / 23.62
23.73 / 0.47
% of Total / 9.56 / 30.36 / 27.30 / 30.41 / 2.37

Corporations: Q. 515 – Corporations get approval from shareholders? (2010 data)

Yes / No / Refused
Non Tea Party / 86.74 / 13.26 / 0.00
Tea Party / 85.57
85.87 / 14.08
14.13 / 0.36
% of Total / 84.76
86.76 / 12.93
13.24 / 2.31

Guns Battery: Q. 517_1-4 (2010 data)

Strongly Agree / Agree Somewhat / Disagree Somewhat / Strongly Disagree / Refused
Q. 517-1- Ban Handgun
Non Tea Party / 11.08
11.15 / 16.16
16.26 / 33.48
33.69 / 38.64
38.89 / 0.64
Tea Party / 7.09
7.13 / 7.82
7.87 / 19.99
20.10 / 64.56
64.90 / 0.54
% of Total / 8.82
9.06 / 11.79
12.11 / 26.89
12.11 / 49.86
51.21 / 2.65
Q. 517-2- Ban semiautomatic
Non Tea Party / 47.05
47.33 / 20.79
20.91 / 14.75
14.83 / 16.83
16.93 / 0.64
Tea Party / 28.37
28.57 / 27.54
27.73 / 20.78
20.92 / 22.62
22.78 / 0.54
% of Total / 37.44
38.45 / 23.92
24.56 / 17.18
17.64 / 18.85
19.35 / 2.62
Q. 517-3: Weapons in Public
Non Tea Party / 37.86
38.46 / 26.85
27.27 / 18.17
18.46 / 15.56
15.81 / 1.56
Tea Party / 19.02
19.17 / 25.66
25.87 / 23.40
23.59 / 31.11
31.37 / 0.82
% of Total / 28.62
29.58 / 25.61
26.47 / 20.46
21.15 / 22.05
22.80 / 3.27
Q. 517- 4: Registration and background
Non Tea Party / 80.51
81.34 / 12.77
12.90 / 2.83
2.86 / 2.87
2.90 / 1.03
Tea Party / 68.30
68.67 / 21.98
22.10 / 3.33
3.35 / 5.85
5.88 / 0.54
% of Total / 73.64
75.74 / 16.33
16.79 / 3.12
3.21 / 4.14
4.26 / 2.77

Crime Question: Q. 518a- Personally fear crime victim (2010 data)

Yes / No / Refused
Non Tea Party / 19.98
20.05 / 79.68
79.95 / 0.34
Tea Party / 17.62
17.72 / 81.80
82.28 / 0.58
% of Total / 18.90
19.27 / 79.16
80.73 / 1.94

Second Amendment: Q. 519 (2010 data)

Right of individual / Right of Citizen / Refused
Non Tea Party / 64.77
65.07 / 34.77
34.93 / 0.45
Tea Party / 81.89
82.91 / 16.88
17.09 / 1.22
% of Total / 71.98
74.04 / 25.24
25.96 / 2.78

SC decisions: Q. 604: Ten years ago SC issued decision – Bush v. Gore (2010 data)

Yes / No / I don’t know / Refused
Non Tea Party / 18.05
18.10 / 56.73
56.91 / 24.91
24.99 / 0.31
Tea Party / 55.12
55.63 / 16.40
16.55 / 27.57
27.82 / 0.92
% of Total / 34.08
34.98 / 35.91
36.86 / 27.43
28.16 / 2.57

Absolute standards of right and wrong?: Q. 1 (2009 data)

Decide for self / Absolute
Non Tea Party / 56.08 / 43.92
Tea Party / 41.56 / 58.44
% of Total / 49.31 / 50.69
Strongly / Not so strongly
Non Tea Party / 70.90 / 29.10
Tea Party / 71.90 / 28.10
% of Total / 73.54 / 26.46

Federal Govt Involvement: Q. 2 (2009 data)

Govt doing too much, not doing well and raise taxes / Govt not helping ordinary people
Non Tea Party / 38.92 / 61.08
Tea Party / 76.44 / 23.56
% of Total / 54.67 / 45.33
Strongly / Not so strongly
Non Tea Party / 69.10 / 30.90
Tea Party / 86.47 / 13.53
% of Total / 77.91 / 22.09

200-Level Policy Questions –Yes/No Responses (2009 data)

Yes/Favor / No/Oppose
Q. 201: Limit jury awards?
Non Tea Party / 40.75 / 59.25
Tea Party / 55.06 / 44.94
% of Total / 46.39 / 53.61
Q. 202: Torture terror suspects?
Non Tea Party / 28.04 / 71.96
Tea Party / 51.26 / 48.74
% of Total / 36.74 / 63.26
Q. 204: Same sex marriage
Non Tea Party / 55.25 / 44.75
Tea Party / 25.95 / 74.05
% of Total / 41.16 / 58.84
Q. 205: Should fed govt recognize same sex where it is legal?
Non Tea Party / 63.20 / 36.80
Tea Party / 32.91 / 67.09
% of Total / 47.89 / 52.11
Q. 206: Support law banning same sex relations
Non Tea Party / 24.92 / 75.08
Tea Party / 32.10 / 67.90
% of Total / 30.24 / 69.76
Q. 207a: Death penalty murder
Non Tea Party / 69.77 / 30.23
Tea Party / 87.32 / 12.68
% of Total / 77.88 / 22.12
Q. 207b: death penalty mentally retarded
Non Tea Party / 14.09 / 85.91
Tea Party / 24.10 / 75.90
% of Total / 19.03 / 80.97
Q. 207c: death penalty under 18
Non Tea Party / 34.10 / 65.90
Tea Party / 51.18 / 48.82
% of Total / 42.46 / 57.54
Q. 207d: death penalty child rape
Non Tea Party / 59.82 / 40.18
Tea Party / 73.08 / 26.92
% of Total / 68.11 / 31.89
Q. 207e: death penalty treason
Non Tea Party / 51.51 / 48.49
Tea Party / 66.49 / 33.51
% of Total / 61.62 / 38.38
Q. 208: Prayer in public schools
Non Tea Party / 53.77 / 46.23
Tea Party / 76.58 / 23.42
% of Total / 67.22 / 32.78
Q213a: Require doctors to inform about alternatives to abortion?
Non Tea Party / 83.56 / 16.44
Tea Party / 94.02 / 5.98
% of Total / 89.58 / 10.42
Q213b: Require 24 hour waiting periods before abortion?
Non Tea Party / 72.48 / 27.52
Tea Party / 82.00 / 18.00
% of Total / 79.22 / 20.78
Q213c: Require parental consent before abortion?
Non Tea Party / 64.57 / 35.43
Tea Party / 83.35 / 16.65
% of Total / 73.74 / 26.26
Q213d: Ban partial birth abortions?
Non Tea Party / 62.07 / 37.93
Tea Party / 85.30 / 14.70
% of Total / 74.43 / 25.57
Q. 214: Should non-citizens accused of terrorism be allowed to challenge in civilian courts?
Non Tea Party / 53.95 / 46.05
Tea Party / 26.41 / 73.59
% of Total / 38.79 / 61.21
Q. 215: Local government use eminent domain?
Non Tea Party / 16.23 / 83.77
Tea Party / 11.66 / 88.34
% of Total / 16.52 / 83.48
Q. 216: Should TV network be fined if use foul or dirty language?
Non Tea Party / 39.65 / 60.35
Tea Party / 52.57 / 47.43
% of Total / 46.43 / 53.57
Q. 218: Doctor assisted suicide
Non Tea Party / 66.08 / 33.92
Tea Party / 48.85 / 51.15
% of Total / 57.76 / 42.24

200-level Policy Questions – Scale

Strongly favor/agree / Favor/Agree / Oppose/Disagree / Strongly oppose/disagree
Q. 203: Favor affirmative action in college admissions
Non Tea Party / 10.52 / 33.09 / 39.03 / 17.36
Tea Party / 4.38 / 11.21 / 47.82 / 36.60
% of Total / 7.64 / 23.61 / 40.81 / 27.95
Q. 209: Individual should have right to gun at home?
Non Tea Party / 40.81 / 35.64 / 15.64 / 7.91
Tea Party / 64.73 / 23.37 / 5.12 / 6.78
% of Total / 52.13 / 30.15 / 10.34 / 7.37
Q. 210: Allowed to speak racially offensive language?
Non Tea Party / 18.42 / 30.37 / 23.90 / 27.31
Tea Party / 25.31 / 32.29 / 19.57 / 22.83
% of Total / 20.25 / 28.00 / 23.08 / 28.67
Q. 211: Allowed to speak language offensive to religious groups?
Non Tea Party / 25.04 / 30.13 / 23.04 / 21.80
Tea Party / 29.84 / 35.89 / 15.50 / 18.78
% of Total / 25.47 / 29.61 / 21.21 / 23.72
Q. 510 (2010); Q. 212 (2009): Roe v. Wade
Non Tea Party / 49.04 (2010)
47.44 (2009) / 28.36 (2010)
24.80 (2009) / 11.48 (2010)
13.98 (2009) / 10.85 (2010)
13.78 (2009)
Tea Party / 25.80 (2010)
25.52 (2009) / 26.81 (2010)
22.88 (2009) / 16.45 (2010)
13.18 (2009) / 30.76 (2010)
38.42 (2009)
% of Total / 36.61 (2010)
37.18 (2009) / 27.54(2010)
24.48 (2009) / 13.40 (2010)
13.25 (2009) / 20.10 (2010)
25.10 (2009)

Immigration: Q. 217 (2009 data)

Present / Increase / Decrease
Non Tea Party / 41.51 / 13.56 / 44.93
Tea Party / 27.70 / 10.02 / 62.28
% of Total / 33.99 / 11.94 / 54.07

Voting Questions – VR1-4, VR7 – YES/NO Response

Yes / No
VR1: Ever had problem voting?
Non Tea Party / 7.75 / 92.25
Tea Party / 4.48 / 95.52
% of Total / 6.00 / 94.00
VR2: Harder for blacks and Hispanics to vote
Non Tea Party / 42.81 / 57.19
Tea Party / 11.28 / 88.72
% of Total / 25.76 / 74.24
VR3:Should aspect of VRA making it easier for blacks and Hispanics to vote be continued?
Non Tea Party / 80.76 / 19.24
Tea Party / 69.25 / 30.75
% of Total / 74.54 / 25.46
VR4:Approve creation of districts under VRA?
Non Tea Party / 61.51 / 38.49
Tea Party / 38.96 / 61.04
% of Total / 51.51 / 48.49
VR7a: Require literacy for voting?
Non Tea Party / 49.58 / 50.42
Tea Party / 61.54 / 38.46
% of Total / 55.59 / 44.41
VR7b: Automatic voter registration?
Non Tea Party / 56.43 / 43.57
Tea Party / 36.42 / 63.58
% of Total / 47.40 / 52.60
VR7c: Show photo id to vote?
Non Tea Party / 79.27 / 20.73
Tea Party / 92.89 / 7.11
% of Total / 85.58 / 14.42
VR7d: Require $5 fee?
Non Tea Party / 2.11 / 97.89
Tea Party / 2.52 / 97.48
% of Total / 2.83 / 97.17
VR7e: Allow election day registration?
Non Tea Party / 71.58 / 28.42
Tea Party / 49.48 / 50.52
% of Total / 62.44 / 37.56

Should districts have same number of people or should some have more than others?: VR 5 (2009 data)

Equal / Differ / OK to have more
Non Tea Party / 33.04 / 57.15 / 9.82
Tea Party / 37.47 / 51.80 / 10.72
% of Total / 32.88 / 54.55 / 12.57

Equal districts?: VR 6 (2009 data)

Have districts with equal pop in both chambers / Have one seat in each county in one chamber and equal pop in other
Non Tea Party / 61.49 / 38.51
Tea Party / 56.64 / 43.36
% of Total / 57.56 / 42.44

Opinions re: Equality: Q. 3a-f (2009 data)

Strongly agree / Agree somewhat / Disagree somewhat / Strongly Disagreee
Q3a: Society should do whatever is necessary for equal opportunity?
Non Tea Party / 50.27 / 38.59 / 9.07 / 2.07
Tea Party / 32.65 / 41.33 / 17.65 / 8.37
% of Total / 44.01 / 37.84 / 13.19 / 4.96
Q3b We have gone too far in pushing equal rights?
Non Tea Party / 12.71 / 29.08 / 33.07 / 25.14
Tea Party / 30.97 / 43.12 / 17.28 / 8.63
% of Total / 20.39 / 34.62 / 27.46 / 17.52
Q3c: Big problem is we don’t give equal chance?
Non Tea Party / 22.65 / 37.93 / 31.69 / 7.72
Tea Party / 13.89 / 22.64 / 35.33 / 28.14
% of Total / 19.11 / 31.83 / 32.48 / 16.57
Q3d: Better off if we worried less about how equal people are
Non Tea Party / 11.38 / 29.49 / 35.52 / 23.61
Tea Party / 23.56 / 45.11 / 21.32 / 10.01
% of Total / 16.22 / 37.17 / 29.48 / 17.13
Q3e: Not a big problem if some people have more of a chance
Non Tea Party / 5.25 / 23.77 / 41.77 / 29.20
Tea Party / 11.91 / 36.43 / 35.93 / 15.73
% of Total / 8.14 / 31.34 / 38.04 / 22.49
Q3f: If people treated more equally we would have fewer problems?
Non Tea Party / 24.92 / 46.17 / 22.56 / 6.34
Tea Party / 14.33 / 31.31 / 33.21 / 21.15
% of Total / 20.12 / 39.66 / 27.75 / 12.47

Opinions re: Moral Traditionalism; Q. 4a-d (2009 data)

Strongly agree / Agree somewhat / Disagree somewhat / Strongly Disagreee
Q4a: World is always changing and we adjust belief to reflect?
Non Tea Party / 16.67 / 44.68 / 26.85 / 11.79
Tea Party / 9.50 / 27.97 / 24.44 / 38.09
% of Total / 14.72 / 35.56 / 25.37 / 24.36
Q4b: Newer lifestyles contribute to breakdown?
Non Tea Party / 19.09 / 37.05 / 25.63 / 18.24
Tea Party / 39.68 / 41.38 / 12.78 / 6.16
% of Total / 29.22 / 40.12 / 20.75 / 9.91
Q4c We should be more tolerant
Non Tea Party / 23.76 / 50.09 / 20.11 / 6.04
Tea Party / 10.24 / 42.55 / 27.80 / 19.42
% of Total / 18.23 / 47.25 / 22.14 / 12.38
Q4d: We would have fewer problems if more traditional family families
Non Tea Party / 27.61 / 32.58 / 25.00 / 14.81
Tea Party / 51.94 / 34.68 / 10.11 / 3.26
% of Total / 39.16 / 37.18 / 15.99 / 7.67

Libertarian Questions (2009 data)

Pair A

Govt big b/c involved in too much / Govt big b/c problems bigger
Non Tea Party / 45.97 / 54.03
Tea Party / 77.02 / 22.98
% of Total / 57.80 / 42.20

Pair B

Need strong govt to handle problems / Free market can handle
Non Tea Party / 74.97 / 25.03
Tea Party / 33.85 / 66.15
% of Total / 60.58 / 39.42

Pair C

Less government is better / Need more government
Non Tea Party / 34.78 / 65.22
Tea Party / 74.53 / 25.47
% of Total / 49.64 / 50.36


Age (2009 data)

18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65-74 / 75+
Non Tea Party / 8.81 / 22.36 / 24.53 / 16.29 / 15.05 / 8.42 / 4.53
Tea Party / 10.62 / 20.45 / 18.37 / 18.48 / 17.27 / 10.43 / 4.38
% of Total / 10.64 / 18.64 / 19.24 / 17.45 / 17.29 / 10.42 / 6.31

Age (2009 data)

18-29 / 30-44 / 45-59 / 60+
Non Tea Party / 23.81 / 31.90 / 25.22 / 19.08
Tea Party / 23.64 / 25.81 / 28.81 / 21.74
% of Total / 21.90 / 26.62 / 27.80 / 23.67

Education (2009 data)

Less than HS / HS / Some College / BA or higher
Non Tea Party / 12.20 / 24.36 / 25.64 / 37.80
Tea Party / 8.64 / 28.86 / 32.83 / 29.67
% of Total / 13.94 / 31.16 / 27.82 / 27.07

Race (2009 data)

White / Black / Other / Hispanic / Mixed
Non Tea Party / 65.75 / 17.23 / 3.03 / 13.02 / 0.97
Tea Party / 78.80 / 3.99 / 6.83 / 9.12 / 1.26
% of Total / 69.02 / 11.36 / 5.20 / 13.30 / 1.13

Gender (2009 data)

Male / Female
Non Tea Party / 48.07 / 51.93
Tea Party / 51.25 / 48.75
% of Total / 48.62 / 51.38

Party ID (2009 data)

Strong Rep / Not strong / Leans Rep / Undecided / Leans Dem / Not strong / Strong Dem
Non Tea Party / 4.28 / 7.99 / 7.67 / 2.03 / 22.85 / 21.12 / 34.06
Tea Party / 29.38 / 16.06 / 23.13 / 2.10 / 9.40 / 10.10 / 9.81
% of Total / 15.38 / 10.56 / 14.52 / 3.67 / 18.00 / 16.45 / 21.42

Party ID: q.7_2010 (2010 data)

Republican / Democrat / Independent / Another / No Preference / Refused
Non Tea Party / 11.63
11.64 / 51.61
51.67 / 22.67
22.70 / 0.46
0.46 / 13.51
13.52 / 0.12
Tea Party / 43.52
43.82 / 18.47
18.59 / 21.46
21.61 / 3.05
3.07 / 12.82
12.91 / 0.67
% of Total / 25.67
26.26 / 34.35
35.13 / 21.76
22.26 / 1.59
1.63 / 14.39
14.72 / 2.23

Party ID: Strong Party ID (Asked if Answered Republican or Democrat in Q. 7_2010): Q. 8, 9_2010 (2010 data)

Strong Rep / Not Strong Rep / Strong Dem / Not Strong Dem / Refused (q. 9 ONLY)
Non Tea Party / 30.82 / 69.18 / 53.90
53.90 / 46.10
46.10 / 0.00
Tea Party / 61.55 / 38.45 / 37.83
38.88 / 59.46
61.12 / 2.71
% of Total / 54.23 / 45.77 / 49.64
50.04 / 49.56
49.96 / 0.80

Party ID: Closer to Dem or Rep –2010 (Asked only of Independents identified in Q. 7): Q. 10_2010 (2010 data)

Rep / Dem / Refused
Non Tea Party / 20.53
22.14 / 72.19
77.86 / 7.28
Tea Party / 67.06
72.41 / 25.55
27.59 / 7.40
% of Total / 39.94
47.14 / 44.79
52.86 / 15.27

Ideology: Q. 11_2010 (2009 and 2010 data)

Extremely liberal / Liberal / Slightly liberal / Moderate / Slightly conserv / Conser / Extremely Conser / Refused
Non Tea Party / 6.27(2010)
6.32 (2010)
6.59 (2009) / 23.21(2010)
23.38 (2010)
23.16 (2009) / 14.85 (2010)
14.95 (2010)
16.73 (2009) / 38.19 (2010)
38.47 (2010)
38.47 (2010)
34.80 (2009) / 9.25(2010)
9.37 (2010)
11.08 (2009) / 6.37 (2010)
6.42 (2010)
6.53 (2009) / 1.14 (2010)
1.14 (2010)
1.10 (2009) / 0.72 (2010)
Tea Party / 1.38(2010)
1.40 (2010)
1.53 (2009) / 8.66(2010)
8.79 (2010)
5.93 (2009) / 7.11 (2010)
7.21 (2010)
5.55 (2009) / 25.03 (2010)
25.39 (2010)
28.53 (2009) / 16.07 (2010)
16.30 (2010)
19.48 (2009) / 32.47 (2010)
32.93 (2010)
29.35 (2009) / 7.87 (2010)
7.99 (2010)
9.64 (2009) / 1.40 (2010)
% of Total / 3.64 (2010)
3.74 (2010)
4.03 (2009) / 15.54 (2010)
15.87 (2010)
13.24 (2009) / 11.05 (2010)
11.36 (2010)
9.85 (2009) / 32.90 (2010)
33.80 (2010)
38.55 (2009) / 11.98 (2010)
12.30 (2010)
12.06 (2009) / 18.16 (2010)
18.66 (2010)
17.45 (2009) / 4.15 (2010)
4.27 (2010)
4.82 (2009) / 2.67 (2010)

Born Again: Q. 26 (2010 and 2009 data)

Born Again / Not Born Again / Refused
Non Tea Party / 22.60(2010)
22.79 (2010)
31.33 (2009) / 76.59 (2010)
77.21 (2010)
68.67 (2009) / 0.81
Tea Party / 39.94(2010)
40.64 (2010)
43.49 (2009) / 58.32 (2010)
59.36 (2010)
56.51 (2009) / 1.74
% of Total / 30.71 (2010)
31.62 (2010)
37.73 (2009) / 66.41 (2010)
68.38 (2010)
62.27 (2010) / 2.88 (2010)

Religion (2009 data)

Bap / Prot / Cat / Morm / Jew / Mus / Hin / Bud / Pent / East / Other Chris / Other non / None
Non Tea Party / 14.93 / 19.85 / 20.07 / 2.45 / 1.94 / 0.35 / 1.04 / 0.60 / 1.91 / 0.69 / 13.29 / 1.47 / 21.39
Tea Party / 17.62 / 24.12 / 23.63 / 1.89 / 2.35 / 0.06 / 0.44 / 0.14 / 4.51 / 0.83 / 14.14 / 1.31 / 8.97
% of Total / 17.09 / 20.13 / 22.75 / 1.87 / 2.01 / 0.22 / .95 / 0.26 / 3.31 / 0.57 / 13.88 / 2.05 / 14.91

Religious Service Attendance (2009 data)

More weekly / Weekly / monthly / Few times / Once year / Never
Non Tea Party / 10.80 / 25.20 / 13.40 / 20.21 / 15.41 / 14.98
Tea Party / 19.38 / 25.50 / 9.14 / 21.68 / 14.36 / 9.94
% of Total / 14.58 / 23.57 / 10.51 / 20.12 / 16.42 / 14.79

Household Head (2009 data)

No / Yes
Non Tea Party / 16.79 / 83.21
Tea Party / 18.08 / 81.92
% of Total / 20.05 / 79.95

Household Size (2009 data)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 13
Non Tea Party / 24.03 / 33.16 / 16.23 / 16.56 / 6.34 / 3.04 / 0.30 / 0.24 / 0.10 / 0.00 / 0.00
Tea Party / 17.89 / 36.54 / 18.45 / 17.04 / 5.27 / 2.35 / 0.75 / 0.53 / 0.19 / 0.56 / 0.41
% of Total / 22.53 / 35.16 / 17.21 / 14.26 / 6.34 / 2.90 / 0.73 / 0.36 / .11 / .15 / .11

Housing Type (2009 data)

Detached / Attached / Building / Mobile / Boat RV
Non Tea Party / 67.09 / 8.48 / 19.40 / 4.92 / 0.09
Tea Party / 70.32 / 7.39 / 17.66 / 4.42 / 0.21
% of Total / 66.98 / 7.54 / 18.33 / 7.06 / .09

Income (2009 data)

Less than 5000 / 5000-7499 / 7500-9999 / 10000-12499 / 12500--14999 / 15000-19999 / 20000-24999 / 25000-29999 / 30000-34999 / 35000-39999 / 40000-49999
Non Tea Party / 2.29 / 1.99 / 3.16 / 3.97 / 2.03 / 3.65 / 5.35 / 6.98 / 4.75 / 5.77 / 8.39
Tea Party / 2.34 / 0.93 / 1.07 / 1.62 / 3.88 / 8.07 / 7.43 / 16.97 / 10.23 / 7.37 / 8.07
% of Total / 2.03 / 1.64 / 3.10 / 3.53 / 3.13 / 4.99 / 5.85 / 6.03 / 5.66 / 6.30 / 9.26

Income (2009 data)

50000-59999 / 60000-74999 / 75000-84999 / 85000-99999 / 100000-124999 / 125000-149999 / 150000-174999 / 175000_+
Non Tea Party / 9.25 / 7.68 / 8.49 / 8.41 / 8.85 / 3.86 / 2.76 / 2.37
Tea Party / 7.43 / 16.97 / 10.23 / 7.37 / 5.23 / 4.72 / 3.04 / 3.35
% of Total / 8.79 / 11.55 / 7.14 / 6.54 / 6.12 / 3.74 / 1.97 / 2.65

Marital Status (2009 data)

Married / Widowed / Divorced / Separated / Never / Living with
Non Tea Party / 46.76 / 6.26 / 10.25 / 1.33 / 26.91 / 8.49
Tea Party / 55.62 / 3.74 / 13.79 / 1.43 / 17.47 / 7.95
% of Total / 48.69 / 5.79 / 12.46 / 2.07 / 22.65 / 8.34

Metro (2009 data)

Non metro / Metro
Non Tea Party / 12.77 / 87.23
Tea Party / 18.67 / 81.33
% of Total / 16.50 / 83.50

Internet Access (2009 data)

No / Yes
Non Tea Party / 30.89 / 69.11
Tea Party / 28.09 / 71.91
% of Total / 37.88 / 62.12

Metro (2009 data)

No / Yes
Non Tea Party / 12.77 / 87.23
Tea Party / 18.67 / 81.33
% of Total / 16.50 / 83.15

Region – 4 Level (2009 data)

NE / MW / South / West
Non Tea Party / 18.08 / 20.23 / 36.30 / 25.39
Tea Party / 18.88 / 22.89 / 37.08 / 21.15
% of Total / 18.66 / 22.00 / 36.60 / 22.74

Region – 9 Level (2009 data)

NE / Mid-At / E-N / W-N / S. Atl / E-S / W-S / Mountain / Pacific
Non Tea Party / 4.14 / 13.93 / 12.84 / 7.39 / 19.24 / 5.17 / 11.88 / 9.88 / 15.52
Tea Party / 5.47 / 13.41 / 14.92 / 7.97 / 18.58 / 9.47 / 9.02 / 7.26 / 13.89
% of Total / 4.83 / 13.83 / 15.27 / 6.73 / 18.58 / 6.79 / 11.23 / 8.84 / 13.90

Rent or Owned (2009 data)

Owned by you or someone you know / Rented for cash / Occupied w/o payment of rent
Non Tea Party / 70.42 / 27.82 / 1.76
Tea Party / 75.94 / 23.16 / 0.90
% of Total / 72.27 / 25.82 / 1.92

Household Members – Aged 0-2 (2009 data)

0 / 1 / 2
Non Tea Party / 94.96 / 4.86 / 0.18
Tea Party / 92.44 / 6.21 / 1.34
% of Total / 94.51 / 5.01 / .48

Household Members –Aged 13-17 (2009 data)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 5
Non Tea Party / 85.04 / 12.91 / 1.94 / 0.10 / 0.00
Tea Party / 85.47 / 9.95 / 3.71 / 0.68 / 0. 19
% of Total / 86.94 / 10.25 / 2.44 / .22 / .05

Household Members – over 18 (2009 data)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Non Tea Party / 27.49 / 53.13 / 13.93 / 3.82 / 1.43 / 0.19 / 0.00
Tea Party / 21.08 / 59.30 / 12.83 / 4.88 / 0.66 / 0.48 / 0.78
% of Total / 26.16 / 53.86 / 13.17 / 5.23 / 0.96 / 0.28 / 0.29

Household Members – Aged 2-5 (2009 data)

0 / 1 / 2
Non Tea Party / 88.91 / 10.17 / 0.92
Tea Party / 89.07 / 8.93 / 2.00
% of Total / 88.54 / 9.25 / 2.12

Household Members Aged 6-12 (2009 data)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Non Tea Party / 79.78 / 14.22 / 5.57 / 0.44 / 0.00
Tea Party / 81.77 / 12.64 / 4.11 / 1.06 / 0.41
% of Total / 81.73 / 12.96 / 4.27 / .76 / .28

Work Status (2009 data)

Working / Self-employed / NW-temp layoff / NW-looking for work / NW-Retired / NW-Disabled / NW-other
Non Tea Party / 51.94 / 6.04 / 1.93 / 10.02 / 12.00 / 9.90 / 8.17
Tea Party / 54.04 / 8.07 / 2.04 / 5.78 / 13.60 / 8.83 / 7.63
% of Total / 47.36 / 6.81 / 1.57 / 8.77 / 15.75 / 10.70 / 9.05

Literal truth of Bible: Q5 (2009 data)

Yes / No
Non Tea Party / 47.83 / 52.17
Tea Party / 63.85 / 36.15
% of Total / 58.51 / 41.49

Community Type: Q7 (2009 data)

Large city / Suburb large city / Distant suburb / Med city / Suburb med city / Small City / Suburb med city / Town / Rural
Non Tea Party / 14.42 / 20.33 / 3.22 / 12.55 / 13.61 / 10.00 / 2.71 / 10.79 / 12.37
Tea Party / 12.75 / 16.29 / 4.05 / 11.84 / 7.49 / 11.62 / 3.59 / 12.09 / 20.28
% of Total / 14.02 / 16.64 / 3.23 / 12.20 / 9.87 / 10.03 / 3.21 / 13.01 / 17.79

Jury Duty: Q. 401, 402 (2009 data)

Yes / No
Q. 401 Ever jury duty?
Non Tea Party / 63.89 / 36.11
Tea Party / 71.20 / 28.80
% of Total / 67.52 / 32.48
Q. 402: Ever served on jury?
Non Tea Party / 23.68 / 76.32
Tea Party / 27.48 / 72.52
% of Total / 24.31 / 75.69

Registered to Vote (2009 data)

Yes / Yes at different location / No / Not Sure
Non Tea Party / 80.15 / 4.38 / 13.95 / 1.53
Tea Party / 86.51 / 3.57 / 9.35 / .56
% of Total / 79.90 / 4.37 / 13.24 / 2.49

Registered to Vote? Vote in 2008? (2009 data)

Yes / No / Not sure
Pppa0004: registered?
Non Tea Party / 36.33 / 56.17 / 7.50
Tea Party / 21.12 / 76.36 / 2.53
% of Total / 35.28 / 56.63 / 8.08
Pppa0005: vote 2008?
Non Tea Party / 88.36 / 11.64
Tea Party / 90.74 / 9.26
% of Total / 86.71 / 13.29

Who vote for 2008? (2009 data)

Pppa0003 / Obama / McCain / Another
Non Tea Party / 80.93 / 17.31 / 1.77
Tea Party / 23.92 / 71.70 / 4.37
% of Total / 53.33 / 43.61 / 3.05

Media (2009 data)

Internet / printed / Both / Either
Non Tea Party / 26.61 / 23.52 / 27.39 / 22.48
Tea Party / 19.37 / 24.12 / 28.55 / 27.96
% of Total / 19.55 / 29.16 / 22.70 / 28.59

Programming (2009 data)

Music / Talk / Both
Non Tea Party / 55.18 / 5.95 / 38.88
Tea Party / 53.27 / 9.56 / 37.17
% of Total / 56.53 / 7.77 / 35.70

TV Watching (2009 data)

Day / Week / Month / Rarely / Never
Non Tea Party / 77.42 / 16.94 / 1.19 / 4.16 / 0.29
Tea Party / 79.11 / 14.88 / 1.86 / 4.00 / 0.16
% of Total / 78.46 / 13.52 / 2.19 / 5.27 / .56

Parent (2009 data)

No / Yes
Non Tea Party / 73.03 / 26.97
Tea Party / 69.20 / 30.80
% of Total / 72.35 / 27.65

Phones (2009 data)

Landline / Cell / Both / None
Non Tea Party / 17.77 / 12.05 / 69.66 / 0.52
Tea Party / 15.28 / 11.38 / 72.84 / 0.50
% of Total / 21.43 / 9.90 / 67.76 / .91

Interest in Politics (2009 data)

Very / Somewhat / Slightly / Not at all
Non Tea Party / 29.01 / 35.71 / 27.60 / 7.68
Tea Party / 32.03 / 34.72 / 26.87 / 6.38
% of Total / 26.64 / 37.86 / 25.38 / 10.13

Gay Friends (2009 data)

Yes / No
Non Tea Party / 72.78 / 27.22
Tea Party / 71.95 / 28.05
% of Total / 67.23 / 32.77

Sex Orientation (2009 data)

Hetero / Gay / Lesbian / Bi / Other
Non Tea Party / 91.67 / 3.16 / 0.72 / 1.63 / 2.83
Tea Party / 96.64 / 1.21 / 0.00 / 1.76 / 0.39
% of Total / 94.18 / 1.56 / .58 / 2.09 / 1.59

Labor Union (2009 data)

Yes / No / Don’t know
Non Tea Party / 9.31 / 89.41 / 1.28
Tea Party / 11.80 / 87.34 / 0.86
% of Total / 9.53 / 89.02 / 1.45

Military Service (2009 data)

Active duty / Active in past / Trained / None
Non Tea Party / 0.64 / 9.47 / 0.45 / 89.44
Tea Party / 0.33 / 12.98 / 1.41 / 85.28
% of Total / 0.39 / 11.22 / 0.79 / 87.60

Gun ownership (2009 data)

Yes / No
Guns in home?
Non Tea Party / 26.37 / 73.63
Tea Party / 34.76 / 65.24
% of Total / 31.62 / 68.38
Personally belong to you?
Non Tea Party / 75.83 / 24.17
Tea Party / 65.31 / 34.69
% of Total / 69.91 / 30.09

Type of Gun (if own one) (2009 data)

No / Yes
Non Tea Party / 43.73 / 56.27
Tea Party / 24.43 / 75.57
% of Total / 35.62 / 64.38
Non Tea Party / 45.80 / 54.20
Tea Party / 43.29 / 56.71
% of Total / 38.86 / 61.14
Non Tea Party / 39.40 / 60.60
Tea Party / 39.57 / 60.43
% of Total / 38.86 / 60.38
Non Tea Party / 95.06 / 4.94
Tea Party / 97.47 / 2.53
% of Total / 94.17 / 5.83

Knowledge Questions

Knowledge Questions – Supreme Court: Q. 508_2010: Party of majority of Supreme Court justices? (2010 Data)

Democrat / Republican / Not Sure / Refused
Non Tea Party / 16.26
16.32 / 33.47
33.59 / 49.91
50.09 / 0.35
Tea Party / 28.51
28.51 / 23.40
23.40 / 48.09
48.09 / 0.00
% of Total / 21.85 / 27.52 / 50.63 / 1.30

Knowledge Questions on Supreme Court Decisions – 2010 Term (2010 data)

Q. 520_2010 - Federal law prohibited corporations from using profits to pay for TV

Yes, statute complied / No, not comply / Not sure / Refused
Non Tea Party / 15.77
15.77 / 28.60
28.60 / 55.62
55.62 / 0.00
Tea Party / 15.18
15.25 / 24.80
24.93 / 59.52
59.82 / 0.50
% of Total / 14.79
15.01 / 25.08
25.45 / 58.68
59.54 / 1.45

Q. 520a_2010: How probably rule?

Probably ruled statute complied / Probably ruled statute did not comply / Refused
Non Tea Party / 44.47
45.88 / 52.45
54.12 / 3.07
Tea Party / 48.82
50.99 / 46.92
49.01 / 4.26
% of Total / 44.08
48.70 / 46.44
51.30 / 9.48

Q. 521_2010: Federal law prohibited person from selling videos showing dog fighting, etc.

Yes, statute complied / No, not comply / Not sure / Refused
Non Tea Party / 29.50
29.58 / 23.85
23.91 / 46.37
46.50 / 0.28
Tea Party / 32.34
32.57 / 15.45
15.56 / 51.50
51.87 / 0.71
% of Total / 29.80
30.22 / 18.80
19.06 / 50.01
50.71 / 1.39

Q. 521a_2010: How probably rule?

Probably ruled statute complied / Probably ruled statute did not comply / Refused
Non Tea Party / 48.63
51.26 / 46.25
48.74 / 5.12
Tea Party / 40.02
42.50 / 54.15
57.50 / 5.84
% of Total / 42.80
48.30 / 45.82
51.70 / 11.38

Q. 522_2010: 16 year old life sentence