Virginia High School League Scholastic Bowl page 5
2005-06 Regional Competition Match #10
These questions are for use in the Virginia High School League’s Scholastic Bowl competition at the Region level. Shawn Pickrell, Jason Mueller, Marie Suter, Marian Suter, Adam Fine and Dan Goff are the authors of these questions, which were further reviewed by Pickrell, Mueller, Suter, Goff, Raj Dhuwalia, Dave Reinstein, Alex Drake, Billy Beyer and Lee Henry.
Regions must observe the following conditions, which must be known by all coaches, competitors and spectators of the competition:
(a) Release of these questions to any entity not affiliated with the Region competition or the schools that are members of the given Region, without prior approval of Shawn Pickrell, is prohibited. This is meant to keep question security.
(b) The discussion or other reference to these questions with other entities in the Commonwealth of Virginia that are associated in any way with the Scholastic Bowl competition before all Region champions have been determined is prohibited. This is also meant to keep question security.
(c) These questions may not be released AT ANY TIME to entities outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, except with prior approval of Shawn Pickrell. Discussion of these questions, however, is permitted between entities within and without the Commonwealth of Virginia This will apply to ANY entity in the Commonwealth of Virginia that receives these questions, be it directly from Shawn Pickrell or indirectly through various means.
First period: 15 tossups, 10 points each
1. When Sino-American relations improved, he feared a Sino-American alliance against his country. He started arms control negotiations with the US, ushering in the detente (day-TAWNT) era. His "doctrine," however, led to the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Who ruled the Soviet Union between 1964 and 1982?
ANSWER: Leonid Brezhnev (brehz-neff)
2. In logic, it is an argument expressed in the form of two propositions, called the major premise and the minor premise, and a third proposition called the conclusion. What is this term?
ANSWER: syllogism
3. What is the general rule for changing singular nouns that end in a consonant and _y_ to plurals?
ANSWER: change the y to i and add es (accept equivalents)
4. It consists of two visions received by the author while on the island of Patmos. The first consists of letters to the seven churches of Asia, and the second begins with a door opening in heaven. Characters such as the beast and the false prophet appear in what Bible book that contains an account of the End Times, and is the last in the Bible?
ANSWER: The Revelation of St. John the Divine (accept, grudgingly, Revelations)
5. It is formed from lava that is cooled rapidly before it can form crystals. As there are no crystals, it is not considered a "real" mineral. What is this igneous rock that is most often black and shiny in appearance, as befits a naturally occuring glass?
ANSWER: obsidian
6. Pro-ta-no-pi-a, anomalous tri-chro-ma-cy, and a-chro-ma-top-si-a are types of what vision disorder also known as Daltonism, and whose most frequent variety is red-green?
ANSWER: color blindness
7. He was born in Croatia in 1892 but did not join the Nazi-supporting Ustasha, instead he oversaw their massacre. He also did not join the royalist Chetnik forces, either, but killed them as well. After World War II, he also broke with the Soviet Union, preferring a form of “market socialism” to pure Communism. Who led the Yugoslavian Partisans during World War II, then ruled Yugoslavia until his 1980 death?
ANSWER: Josef Broz Tito
8. Her pictures from a semester spent on a kibbutz (kih-bootz) in Israel so impressed art director Robert Kingsbury that he offered her a job at his magazine. On December 8, 1980, she took a photograph of Yoko Ono hugged by a nude John Lennon, hours before he was shot to death. Who is this former Rolling Stone photographer who also shot a 1988 Vanity Fair cover showing a nude and pregnant Demi Moore?
ANSWER: Annie Liebovitz
9. In which play by Thornton Wilder does the dead Emily Webb choose to return to life and relive her twelfth birthday?
ANSWER: Our Town
10. He once bragged, "May God have mercy on General Lee, for I will have none." Although one contemporary described his headquarters as a combination of a "bar-room and a brothel," a slang term for prostitutes was in use 20 years before he achieved prominence. What commander of the Army of the Potomac was replaced by Gordon Meade after losing at Chancellorsville?
ANSWER: Joseph Hooker
11. This man who invented the cylinder lock shares his surname with an Ivy League school located in Connecticut. What is his name?
ANSWER: Linus (not Elihu) Yale
12. THIS IS A COMPUTATION QUESTION. How much money is 6 quarters, 9 dimes, 7 nickels, and 9 pennies?
ANSWER: $2.84
13. This adjective gets its name from the Latin word meaning "to plough." However, nearly four-fifths of the Earth's land area is not this type -- either because it is too dry, too cold, too rocky or too mountainous. In the United States, urban sprawl is reducing the amount of this type of land. What adjective describes any land on which crops can be grown?
ANSWER: arable
14. Fittingly, Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta sits on this company's board of directors, though he has never attended a meeting. A GAO report released on November 3rd led to the firing of the President of what Congressionally-authorized company, formerly known as the National Railroad Passenger Corporation?
ANSWER: Amtrak
15. What is the name of the Cockney flower girl, a main character in both the musical and movie My Fair Lady, which were based on George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion?
ANSWER: Eliza Doolittle
Second period, 10 directed questions per team, 10 points each
Questions with an “A” after their number will be read to the team that selects set A of questions; questions with a “B” after their number will be read to the team that selects set B of questions.
1A. What term describes a judge or attorney stepping down from a case where he or she has a potential conflict of interest?
ANSWER: recusal (accept word forms)
1B. Eldridge Cleaver, a Black Muslim, told the story of his life in prison in what defiant and emotional autobiography?
ANSWER: Soul on Ice
2A. Name the mythical place where Coleridge says Kubla Khan did "a stately pleasure dome decree."
ANSWER: Xanadu (zan-uh-doo)
2B. What is the capital of Bangladesh?
ANSWER: Dhaka (dah-KAH)
3A. Scorpions and some spiders use what type of lungs?
ANSWER: book lungs
3B. THIS IS A COMPUTATION QUESTION. What is 3 cubed minus 2 cubed?
4A. Virginia Department of Health officials have enacted restrictions on consumption of fish caught in several rivers, including what river, the longest river wholly contained within the Commonwealth?
ANSWER: James River
4B. Hematite is a common ore of what common metal?
ANSWER: iron
5A. THIS IS A COMPUTATION QUESTION. What is the remainder when 4100 is divided by 17?
5B. The song “Just Feel Better” is a collaboration between Carlos Santana and what lead singer of Aerosmith?
ANSWER: Steven Tyler
6A. Who ruled Mexico as Emperor between 1863 and 1867, being overthrown by troops led by Benito Juarez?
ANSWER: Maximilian I
6B. What is the name of the branch of criminology that studies the punishment of crime and the treatment of offenders?
ANSWER: penology
7A. What school of philosophy whose members included Thomas Aquinas attempted to reconcile Greek philosophy with Christian teaching, and as its name implies, dominated the faculty of medieval universities?
ANSWER: Scholastic or Scholasticism
7B. Which video game studio is responsible for both the Max Payne and the Grand Theft Auto series of games?
ANSWER: Rockstar Games
8A. What substance, with chemical formula C3H6O, is the active ingredient in nail polish remover?
ANSWER: acetone or propanone or dimethyl ketone
8B. THIS IS A COMPUTATION QUESTION. What is the product of 134 and 45?
ANSWER: 6,030
9A. THIS IS A COMPUTATION QUESTION. What is the slope of the line 2x plus 5y equals 12?
ANSWER: -2/5
9B. DHMO is an abbreviation for what alternate name of water, a name that is often used in hoaxes portraying water as a dangerous chemical?
ANSWER: dihydrogen monoxide
10A. In which Charles Dickens novel will you find the characters The Artful Dodger, Fagin, and Bill Sikes?
ANSWER: Oliver Twist
10B. On September 15, 1950, US and UN forces landed near what South Korean city in an attempt to turn the tide of battle by landing behind enemy lines?
ANSWER: Inch'on
Third period, 15 toss-ups, 10 points each
1. This term was picked by Galileo, as it is a Latin word meaning "idleness." Both Galileo's Principle of this and Newton's First Law define what concept whose definition is that a body at rest or in motion will stay that way, unless an outside force acts on it?
ANSWER: inertia
2. It was built around 1370 to defend Paris, but Charles VI converted it to its most famous use about a century later. Bernard-Rene (ber-nard reh-NAY) de Launay (loh-nay) was its last governor, overseeing a garrison of about 100 men and seven inmates: four counterfeiters, two madmen and one young nobleman. After a mob attacked it, de Launay surrendered, on July 15, 1789, what prison-fortress in Paris?
ANSWER: Bastille
3. The third scene of his play, called "The Poker Night," was once intended to be the title for what Tennessee Williams play set in New Orleans, about Blanche, Stanley and Stella? (the latter can be said in your best Brando imitation)
ANSWER: A Streetcar Named Desire
4. They come in several varieties, including transit, tourist, business, student and fiancé. Some countries require them to both enter and exit the country, but most only require it to enter. What name is given to the stamp or attachment put on a person's passport to allow entry into a country?
ANSWER: visa (do not accept passport)
5. This team has done some reloading in the offseason, signing Rob Mackowiak (mah-KOW-wee-ak) and trading for Javier (hah-vee-AIR) Vazquez and Jim Thome (toh-MEE). Perhaps most importantly, they re-signed star first baseman Paul Konerko. Identify this team that broke an 88-year drought by winning the 2005 World Series.
ANSWER: Chicago White Sox
6. Windows Vista included a red equivalent of this event familiar to all Windows users in its early development, but dropped it. In Windows XP, it will say something at the top like, "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer." What name, based on the color of the display, is given to what appears when a serious error occurs in Windows?
ANSWER: blue screen of death
7. This melancholy misanthrope often makes bitter, self-deprecating comments. Name this A.A. Milne character from the stories of Winnie the Pooh.
ANSWER: Eeyore
8. This state is dominated by the West Coast Range, the Central Highlands and flat Midlands in its east. In the southwestern part, some temperate rain forests have become national parks. It is about 26,700 square miles and has a population of around 500,000. What state's capital is Hobart, and is, of course, the smallest state by land area in Australia, consisting of an island off its southern shore?
ANSWER: Tasmania
9. This three-act opera begins with a chorus of nymphs at the tomb of the female title character. One scene in Act II ends with the Dance of the Furies, while another, set in the Elysian Fields, includes the Dance of the Blessed Spirits. What 1762 opera by Christoph Gluck (GLOOK) ends happily with Amore, the God of Love, enabling the return from the dead of the female title character to the male title character?
ANSWER: Orfeo ed Euridice [or Orpheus and Eurydice (yur-ID-uh-see)]
10. This Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner was instrumental in creating the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. Name this author of the autobiographical book Night.
ANSWER: Elie Wiesel (vee-zel)
11. She won a Tony Award in 1958 for the Broadway play Two for the Seesaw. Married to Mel Brooks for over thirty years, she won her second Tony for The Miracle Worker, in which she played Annie Sullivan; the film version garnered her the 1962 Academy Award for Best Actress. Name this accomplished woman who was known best for her role opposite Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate as Mrs. Robinson.
ANSWER: Anne Bancroft
12. Despite becoming a Marxist at age 14, he joined the Marines at age 17, and at age 19 defected to the Soviet Union, leaving after 2 1/2 years with his wife Marina Prusakova (proo-sah-KOH-vah). Returning to the US, he spent time in Dallas and New Orleans and tried to defect to Cuba. He was the victim of the first homocide shown live on TV, the victim of another "lone nut." Who killed Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit on November 22, 1963 after allegedly killing John F. Kennedy?
ANSWER: Lee Harvey Oswald
13. The genus Quercus contains what type of tree that produces acorns?
14. He came to the throne in 1975 and instituted liberal reforms, making himself a constitutional monarch, as opposed to the absolute monarch his Falangist supporters wanted. This incurred the wrath of the armed forces, who tried to hold the Cortes (cor-tays), or parliament, hostage in 1981. In 1969, Francisco Franco named what man his successor, a man who is still today the King of Spain?