Dissertation Completion Proposal

Application Package

Student Section due to Programs: February 26

DGS Section with Student Section due to Graduate School: March 10

Brown University offers incoming doctoral students five years of guaranteed financial support, in keeping with the very best institutions. Completing the dissertation can, however, require more than five years with circumstances often differing by discipline. The Dissertation Completion Proposal (DCP) process provides a pathway for doctoral students in the Humanities and Social Sciences to apply for funding for their sixth year.

In the Fall of their fifth year, students submitting the DCP application meet with their Director of Graduate Study to discuss their progress in the program, their plan for completion, and their anticipated funding need. This discussion will help them complete their section of the DCP, which should be submitted with a c.v. (in pdf format), to their program DGS.

The Graduate School, through the DCP process, strives to provide stipend funding for all sixth-year students in good standing who are recommended by their programs. The Graduate School continues to provide all sixth-year students in good standing and with program support full tuition scholarships, health services fee, and health insurance; only the stipend is up for consideration during the DCP process.

Graduate Student Instructions: Graduate Students should fill out the Student Section of this DCP application package and submit it, with a current curriculum vitae, to their program by Friday, February 26.

Graduate Program Instructions: Graduate programs should complete the DGS section of the DCP application package. We prefer for each graduate program to send us by email attachment all student forms from your program in one folder that contains two files for each student, as described below:

1.  Dissertation Completion Proposal (includes Student and DGS Section):

preferably titled “LastName_Program_DCP” (in Word or pdf format)

2. Student curriculum vitae: preferably titled “LastName_Program_CV”

The program should forward these materials to the Graduate School by email to: . All applications are due at the Graduate School by 5:00pm on Friday, March 10th. Please note that the Chair’s Form is also due by email to the Graduate School at () by 5:00pm on Friday, March 11.


Dissertation Completion Proposal: Student Section

Name Department

Banner ID Email

1. Dissertation progress: Please describe briefly for your department how far you have advanced toward completing your dissertation. Be specific about what parts of the dissertation research and the writing have been completed, including, for example, the completion of data collection and analysis, research, fieldwork, and the completion of individual chapters, as applicable.

2. Dissertation completion plan: Please describe for your department your plan for completing the dissertation. Please include a timeline for completion, including the projected date (mm/yy) of the dissertation defense, outlining in detail when you plan to complete the remaining dissertation research and writing. Please include, for example, dates of completion of data collection and analysis, fieldwork, or archival research, in addition to your schedule for completion of individual chapters.

Planned date of the dissertation defense (mm/yy):

3. Academic achievements: Please submit with this form a current curriculum vitae. If you wish, you may highlight here those achievements during your doctoral studies at Brown which you believe are most significant. Examples might include a brief summary of publications that resulted from your work, of presentations at conferences or other scholarly work, of excellence in teaching, and of any external or internal fellowships that you may have been awarded. You may also wish to include any professional or university service that you have performed.

Dissertation Completion Proposal: Student Section

4. External Funding: Have you received external funding while a graduate student at Brown?

Yes No

If yes, please list source of award(s), academic year of award(s), and dollar amount(s). Please indicate whether you have received an incentive supplement from the Graduate School for external funding, if known.

1. Award: Academic Year:

Amount: Supplement:

2. Award: Academic Year:

Amount: Supplement:

3. Award: Academic Year:

Amount: Supplement:

5. Are you an international student whose continuation of visa status is tied to meeting financial needs? Yes No

6. Other Awards: Please check if any of the following apply to you:

Seeking a Brown-Wheaton Faculty Fellowship for your 6th year:

Currently enrolled in the Open Graduate Education Program:

7. Support Request: You can request up to one summer month, one or two semesters of stipend, tuition, health insurance, and health services fee.

The Graduate School will provide tuition scholarships, health insurance, and health services fee to all 6th-year students in good standing and with program support.

Stipend Support Request:


Fall Term

Spring Term

Opt out: On occasion students opt out of health insurance and the health services fees. For those requesting Fall and/or Spring term support, please indicate, if you intend to waive health insurance and health services fee.

8. Are there any other things that your department should know about? You may make your program aware of particular hardship situations here or convey such additional information directly to your Director of Graduate Study.

I acknowledge that I have the primary responsibility for the successful completion of my degree. I will seek guidance from my advisor, dissertation committee, DGS, and others to complete my dissertation along the timeline as described above. I understand that additional stipend funding beyond the amounts requested will not be available through the Graduate School.

Signature Date


Dissertation Completion Proposal: Program DGS Section

Name of Student Department

Name of DGS Email of DGS

Summary statement: Is this student in ‘good standing’? Yes No

Incentive Plan: Please check if this student has received external funding

that qualifies for guaranteed program support for their sixth year. Incentive Plan

Match Plan: Please check if your program will support this student Match Plan

by the 50-50 match plan. These students will receive an

automatic match by the Graduate School and will be funded

for their 6th year.

Not Recommended: Please indicate if the program is not recommending sixth-year funding.

The Graduate School expects programs to support students who are in good standing.

Not Recommended

Please indicate why the program is not recommending funding.

4. Appointment Type:

Programs may continue to appoint sixth-year students to Teaching Assistantships for both semesters. For any semester that a student is fully supported by the program, the program can decide to appoint the student on either a teaching assistantship, a University Fellowship (as opposed to Dissertation Fellowship) or a previously approved Proctorship. For students supported by the match plan for a full academic year, one semester is considered program supported; for students supported by the incentive plan, both semesters are considered program supported.

Fall Semester TA Fellowship Proctorship

Spring Semester TA Fellowship Proctorship

Please explain how the particular teaching, fellowship, or proctorship opportunities to which this student will be assigned will contribute to the professional development and timely completion of each student.

We acknowledge that while the student has primary responsibility for the successful completion of his/her degree, we commit to helping him/her meet the goals of the Dissertation Completion Proposal and satisfy graduation requirements during the proposed period of funding by the Graduate School.We are committed to meeting with the student on a regular basis and providing resources as appropriate, in order for him/her to conduct and complete dissertation research and writing during this time period.

Name of DGS Signature Date