Marx International IV Congress
English at the Congress
Université de Paris X Nanterre, bâtiment L
Thursday, 30, 10 a.m. The New Global Order: Strengthening or Weakening of Capitalism? (SectionEconomy, Workshop 2, room 211)
Thursday, 30, 2 p.m.The Contradictions of the U.S. Imperium (SectionEconomy, Workshop 4, room 211)
Thursday, 30, 2 a.m.Marxism and International Relations Theory(SectionPolitical Sciences, Workshop 3, room 309)
Thursday, 30, 4 p.m.Capital,Finance, and Growth (SectionEconomy, Workshop 6, room 211)
Friday, 1, 9 a.m. Capital Accumulation and Crisis: Empirical Studies (EnglishSection, Workshop 1, room 309)
Friday, 1, 11 a.m.Les expériences de construction socialiste au 20ème siècle(SectionSocialism, Workshop 6, room 309)
Friday, 1, 2 p.m. L’État bourgeois à l’époque de la «mondialisation» (SectionPolitical Science, Workshop 7; English/french, room 421)
Friday, 1, 2 p.m.The Contradictions of Neoliberal Latin America (SectionEconomy, Workshop 12, room 211)
Friday, 1, 2 p.m.Globalisation: towards an exhaustion of the liberal paradigm? (EnglishSection, Workshop 2, room 309)
Friday, 1, 4 p.m.Empire and the Ends of Empire (EnglishSection, Workshop 3, room 309)
Saturday 2, 11.30 a.m. Marxism, Critique & Culture (Section Culture, workshop 5, room 318)
Saturday 2, 11.30 a.m. Recent Advances in Marxian Value Theory [sur le Capital (5)] (SectionMarxistStudies, room 205)
Section Economy, Workshop 2. Thursday, 30, 10 a.m. room 211. The New Global Order: Strengthening or Weakening of Capitalism?
Chair:Wolff, Richard, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, USA,
Gindin, Sam, Packer Chair in Social Justice, York University, Toronto, , et Panitch, Leo, Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy, Department of Political Science,
Global Finance and American Empire
McDermott, John, Professor Emeritus, SUNY (USA),
The International Middle Class: Mass Constituency for Globalism
Saghieh, Khaled, Ph.D Candidate, Department of Economics University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
Imperialism, Progress and Marxism
Section Economy, Workshop 4. Thursday, 30, 2 p.m., room 211. The Contradictions of the U.S. Imperium
Chair:Panitch, Léo,
Wolff, Max Fraad, Economics Department, University of Massachusetts, USA, et Wolff, Richard, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, USA,
Red, White and Broke: The Rise of Military Unilateralism
McIntyre, Richard, Dept. of Economics, Honors Center, and Schmidt Labor Research Center, University of Rhode Island,
Labor Rights in the Service of Empire
Ruccio, David F., Editor, Rethinking Marxism, Dept. of Economics & Policy Studies, Un. of Notre Dame, USA,
Globalization and Imperialism
Section Political Sciences, Workshop 3. Jeudi 30 septembre, 14h-16h, room 309. Marxism and International Relations Theory
Gowan, Peter, Metropolitan U. of London,
Imperial politics
Krätke, Michaël, U. Amsterdam,
World markets and world politics. Marx’ views and theories of international politics
Teschke, Benno, University of Sussex, UK
The myth of the Westphalian system. The Origins and Evolution of the European States-System: A Marxist Re-interpretation
Van der Pijl, Kees,U. Sussex
The Imperial Frontier in History and Today
Section Economy, Workshop 6.Thursday, 30, 4 p.m., room 211. Capital, Finance, and Growth
Chair:Husson, Michel, économiste IRES,
Bichler Shimshon, Israel, , et Nitzan, Jonathan, York University, Toronto, ,
Dominant Capital and the New Wars
Orhangazi, Özgür, Ph. D. Candidate, Economics Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003,
The Rise of Finance Capital and its Implications
Petith, Howard,Professor depart. d'economia i d'historia economica, Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona Spain,
Growth with a Reserve Army
English Section, Workshop 1. Friday, 1, 9 a. m., room 309. Capital Accumulation and Crisis: Empirical Studies
Chair: Alfredo Saad-Filho (Department of Development Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK
Discussants: Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College, USA), Riccardo Bellofiore (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy).
Seongjin Jeong (Department of Economics, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea)
Trend of Capital Accumulation in South Korea after the 1997 Crisis: A Marxian Analysis
Simon Mohun (Centre for Business Management, Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Productive and Unproductive Labour and the Profit Share in the U.S. Economy, 1964-2001
Alejandro Valle Baeza (Economics Faculty, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Mexican Recession or Crisis 2001
Paulani Leda
Brazil as a Platform of International Financial Valorisation: The Role of Lula's Government
Section Socialism, Workshop 6. Vendredi 1er septembre, 11 h-13h, room 307.Les expériences de construction socialiste au 20°siècle
Chair:Al Campbell, Professeur d'économie à l'Université de Utah (Etats-Unis),
Richard Wolff,Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, USA,
The Rise and Fall of the USSR: Lessons for the 21st Century.
Zhaochang Peng
Paresh Chattopadhyay, Did the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia inaugurate a Socialist Revolution? A Marxian Perspective
Section Political Sciences, Workshop 7. Vendredi 1 octobre, 14h-16h, room 421. L’État bourgeois à l’époque de la «mondialisation» (en anglais + français)
Coordination: Achcar, Gilbert (U. Paris 8),
Panitch, Leo (York U., Toronto),
Section Economy, Workshop 12. Friday, 1, 2 p.m., room 211. The Contradictions of Neoliberal Latin America
Chair:Campbell, Al, Professor of Economics, University of Utah (Etats-Unis),
Dathein, Ricardo, Doctor in Economy, Teacher of Economic Sciences, Chief of the Department of Economic Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Porto Alegre - Brazil.
Brazil in the " Era of Adjustment"
Mendoza, Gabriel, Professor at Facultad de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, México,
Economic Growth in Marx, and the Evolution of Latin-American Economies during the Neoliberal Period (1980-2003)
Valle Alejandro, Profesor titular Posgrado Facultad de Economía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Precarious Employment and Development: The case of Latin America. Empleo precario y desarrollo: el caso latinoamericano
Agacino, Rafael,
L’exception chilienne? Les illusions et failles d’une contre-révolution néolibérale parvenue à maturité
English Section, Workshop 2. Friday, 1, 2 p.m. , room 309. Globalisation: towards an exhaustion of the liberal paradigm?
Jan Dumolyn, University of Ghent.
Programmes and strategies of the Belgian alternative globalisation movement: a Gramscian perspective.
André Mommen, University of Amsterdam, Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift.
Responses to Globalisation : the Great Transformation Revisited
Stijn Osterlynck, Lancaster University
Organic intellectuals and the crisis of neo-liberalism: Joseph Stiglitz and the Post-Washington Consensus.
English Section, Workshop 3. Friday, 1, 4 p.m. , room 309. Empire and the Ends of Empire
Chair: Cornélius Crowley: , J.J. Lecercle:
Alex Callinicos, professeur de sciences politiques à l'Université d'York
Empire in the light of Multitude
Thierry Labica, Maître de conférences à l'Université de Paris-X, Département d'Etudes anglo-américaines
Empire of Fear: on correcting the "excess of democracy"
Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Professeur à l'Université de Paris-X, Département d'Etudes anglo-américaines
The language of Empire and the empire of language
Cornelius Crowley, Maître de conférences à l'Université de Paris-X, Département d'Etudes anglo-américaines
The ecumenical monism of Empire
Section Culture, Workshop 5. Samedi 2 octobre, 11h30, room 318.Marxism, Critique & Culture
Chair: Esther Leslie, Reader in Political Aesthetics, Birkbeck, University of London,
Matthew Beaumont, Oxford University,
Utopian Praxis: Literature and Socialist Strategy in the Late Nineteenth Century
Frances Stracey, Lecturer in Art History, University of London,
Pinot-Gallizio's Industrial Painting: Towards a Surplus of Life
Ben Watson, Music critic,
There is no 'Other' to revolution; Marxism and Music
Section Marxist Studies, Workshop 14. Samedi 2 octobre, 11h30, room 205. Sur le Capital (5) Recent Advances in Marxian Value Theory
Chair: Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College, USA).
Discussant: Gérard Duménil, Modem-Cnrs, France
Simon Mohun, Queen Mary College, UK,
Theory and Measurement: How Do Recent Developments in Value Theory Help?
Dong-Min Rieu, Chungnam National University, Korea,
The Case for and Against the New Interpretation
Fred Moseley, Mount Holyoke College, USA,
A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx’s Transformation Problem and a Critique of the ‘New Interpretation’