IBD Trainer Accreditation Form
Title: / Gender: MALE / FEMALE / Date of Birth (DD MM YYYY):
Forenames: / Family Name (Surname):
Preferred Name: / IBD Membership no:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Home Address:
Telephone (Include codes): / E-mail:
Your Experience in Providing Training
Are you an IBD Examiner?YesNo
If Yes, for which IBD Examinations?
Quality Assurance:
IBD Trainer accreditation is conditional on acceptance of the following:
- Confirm acceptance of any approval visit to be made to the premises by IBD Training Assessors
- Confirm acceptance of the attendance of IBD Training Assessors at training sessions
- Confirm that you have a complaints procedure which records and reports any complaints by students
- Confirm that at the end of each training session or programme the IBD Training Assessment form will be completed by each student and returned to the IBD
- Confirm that any reasonable request from the IBD for information about training programmes will be met
Please tick to say you have accepted the above conditions
SECTION 3: LEVEL OF COMPETENCEPlease indicate which level/s of IBD Examinations you can teach. Please note in order to teach any of below examinations, you must be able to teach the entire syllabus for level/s you select.
Fundamentals of Distilling
Fundamentals of Brewing & Packaging
General Certificate in Brewing
General Certificate in Distilling
General Certificate in Malting
General Certificate in Spirits Packaging
Diploma in Brewing 1
Diploma in Brewing 2
Diploma in Brewing 3
Diploma in Distilling 1
Diploma in Distilling 2
Diploma in Distilling 3
Diploma in Packaging 1
Diploma in Packaging 2
Diploma in Packaging 3
Master Brewer 1
Master Brewer 2
Master Brewer 3
Master Brewer 4
Please state the training you have conducted over the last 4 years?
Date/s of Training(please state length) / Examination level / No. candidates / Names of candidates
I have read and accept the terms of the attached Memorandum of Understanding.
Please return completed forms & along with your CV to the IBD:
by Email:
The working relationship between the Institute of Brewing and Distilling (IBD) and {Name of Training Provider, Institute or University}, as outlined {Date} 2015.
The IBD is the global leader in the provision of professional qualifications for the Brewing and Distilling Sectors. Qualifications start at entry ‘Fundamentals’ level and end with our ‘Master Brewer’ qualification.
- This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes the framework for co-operation between the Institute of Brewing and Distilling and individuals, universities or training institutions who wish to associate with the IBD’s training and examination processes.
- The IBD works with training providers around the world through its ‘Accredited Trainer’ network.
- Members of the ‘Accredited Trainer’ network can be individuals running a private training business, commercial training enterprises, universities or institutions.
- The IBD validate the capability of ‘Accredited Trainers’ and if required their enterprise, university or institute using the attached application/evaluation form:
- This should be completed by the individuals/institutes after reviewing the IBD qualification syllabi.
- The applications are assessed by the IBD panel and further information or clarification may be needed by them.
- Applications from institutions should be accompanied by other relevant information such as current teaching courses, facilities and profile of students/candidates.
- In making an application applicants should confirm which IBD syllabi they wish to teach.
- The IBD encourages training Universities and Institutions to make IBD examinations the end point of their teaching and training courses. To this extent, individuals, universities or institutions will not be IBD accredited for any function other than training to an IBD examination syllabus and associated IBD examination.
- Training Universities and Institutions must gain accreditation for all individuals involved in teaching the training course.
- Where the institution is teaching to its own syllabus, and maintains ownership of that syllabus, then it is the institution's responsibility to ensure that a mapping exercise has been completed to ensure that all aspects of the equivalent IBD syllabus have been covered. This will ensure that candidates being examined by the IBD against the IBD syllabus have the best chance of passing the examination. The IBD will sign-off this syllabus mapping and must be kept advised of any changes to the institution's own syllabus.
- All IBD Accredited Trainers must maintain IBD Membership.
- Accredited Trainers, either individually or as part of a university or institution, may use the relevant ‘IBD Accredited Training’ logo as issued and approved by the IBD, and refer to this co-operation as part of any promotional activity for their courses or training.
- Validation of training is managed exclusively through the use of IBD Examinations, with training partners often acting as examination centres and invigilators.
- Accredited Trainers run their approved training financially independent of the IBD but we do expect candidates to be nominated for IBD examinations, which are the full financial responsibility of the IBD.
- All syllabi, qualifications, learning materials, or revision notes issued by the IBD to approved trainers, universities, institutions or candidates remain the intellectual property of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling, and must not be further copied, reproduced or distributed without written permission of the IBD.
- The IBD makes no financial charge for becoming (or maintaining) accredited trainer status, but for this working relationship to be beneficial the IBD expects to see a number of examination entries and (where applicable) associated IBD memberships as a result of this relationship.
- The IBD requires that candidates trained through this relationship must be traceable through the IBD’s examination system so that success rate (pass / fail, as well as trending of examination marks) can be reviewed as part of an ongoing re-accreditation process. The IBD reserves the right to audit the accredited training facility (individual, university or institution) and/or examination centre at their discretion.
- The Institute of Brewing and Distilling’s Responsibilities:-
- Maintenance of qualification – providing candidates with syllabus, learning material and revision notes (where appropriate), examination papers.
- Management of examination process - including approval of examination centre, supply and marking of examinations, management of candidates including communication of exam outcomes.
- The Approved Training Institution’s Responsibilities:-
- Supply and maintenance of training material – including self-audit of coverage against relevant IBD syllabus.
- Recruitment and management of candidates.
- Entry of candidates into IBD examination, either collectively (as a university or institution) or on an individual basis.
- Communication of candidates trained and examined under this relationship at the request of the IBD.
- The Approved Trainer’s Responsibilities:-
- Supply and maintenance of training material – including self-audit of coverage against relevant IBD syllabus.
- Communication of candidates trained and examined under this relationship at the request of the IBD.
- We hope that this co-operation will become mutually advantageous to all four parties;
- Candidates
- The candidate’s employer
- The training provider
- The IBD
- Whilst this Memorandum of Understanding is not a formal agreement between the parties, the IBD reserves the right to withdraw accreditation of the individual, university or institution at any time, therefore terminating this relationship and making this MOU null and void.