Present: Colleen Kaiser, Scott White, Melissa Stoner, Christopher Frayer, Michael Penn, Daniel Wackwitz, Songqing (Joshua) Yue, Katherine Rabidoux, David Krugler, Karen McLeer, Chanaka Mendis, Geoffrey Iverson, Lisa Merkes-Kress
Absent: Elizabeth Frieders, Regina Nelson, Sharon Klavins, Raja Annamalai, Dan Fairchild, Tyler Ostergaard
Guests: Joanne Wilson, Aaron Lender,Ryan Schwalbach
I / Opening of the MeetingCall the Meeting to Order 4:01 p.m.
The Minutes of Tuesday, November 07, 2017approved as circulated.
II / Reports, Announcements, and Administrative Updates
Q&A with Provost Wilson on Faculty Teaching Award Honorarium and Award for Early Career Faculty; sabbatical decisions update
- Sabbatical recommendations were accepted and approved, there was one recommendation not approved by ILC but was overturned after the Provost’s Office consulted with the individual’s dean and department chair.
- Faculty Teaching Award Honorarium and Award for Early Career Faculty, both Chancellor Shields and Interim Provost Wilson support creating an Early Career Faculty award, funding for awards come from the Chancellor Foundation Funds. Wilson is not sure if they will be able to provide an increase in the Faculty Teaching Award honorarium at this time, she will provide an update at the next meeting.
Teaching and Technology update
- Turnitin has been integrated into Desire2Learn. The originality Checker and GradeMark tool are available to all faculty and staff. Training has been held and support articles are available on the Teaching and Technology Center (TTC) webpage.
- Tera Montgomery and Krista Eiseman will present a workshop “Who is Temple Grandin?” The workshop will discuss ideas for creating course assignments for the 2018 Distinguished Lecture on December 11 at 3:00 p.m.
- A training was held for instructors/faculty members who plan to teach in a compressed timeframe course. TTC is considering the development of online learning modules for the course content with a syllabus submitted to TTC for review as “completion” of the training. ILC may want to provide feedback spring 2018.
- December 7, representatives from UW System will be on campus to provide and opportunity for review and feedback on version 2 of the canvas course template. Staff are invited to stop by Hempel Collaboratory to look at the new canvas course environment.
- Reminder that the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Scholar’s and OPID spring conference proposals are due November 27, 2017.
III / Unfinished Business
Distinguished Lecturer Workshop—update
The workshop has been schedule for December 11 from 3-4 see TTC webpage for more information.
IV / New Business
Course level guidance for new faculty
Course level guidance for new faculty was a topic of ILC past discussions. ILC used Southern Illinois University as reference. After brief discussions, it was determined that the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC) may be the best committee to continue reviewing this topic. Chair Krugler will reach out to Tera Montgomery who is the chair of UUCC and report back. Colleen Kaiser volunteered to be part of a sub-committee to review if there is one created.
V / Other – No other business presented
VI / Meeting Close
The next meeting is Tuesday, December 05, 2017
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Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary)