15 mile Cross Country Race Orion Harriers

Saturday 28 March 2015 Jubilee Retreat

Bury Road


10:00am Start

Chingford E4 7QJ

Closing date for postal entries 21 March 2015

Start in 2014

Start in 2013

The Event Starts and finishes near to the clubhouse

Under UKA & ECCU rules


The race starts (10:00am) flattish for the first 5 miles or so but the course becomes progressively more difficult - so those who charge into the Forest, eyeballs out, from the start, may regret it later! The race takes its course through the ancient bridle paths and tracks of Epping Forest, taking in some testing climbs not usually found in the ‘flat’ county of Essex. We anticipate welcoming back the many runners who return year after year, but we also look forward to seeing those who are trying this long-established race for the first time. The race always throws up some interesting conditions, whatever the weather – will there be snow this time, like there was two years ago for the first time in the race’s history? Now, THAT was tough! There is a lot more information on our website.


Reminder – Start Time is 10:00

By tradition, the Orion 15 has always been free to enter but, as in previous years, we welcome any donation you may like to make, which helps keep our overheads down and maintain the new clubhouse. Orion Harriers has Community Amateur Sports Club status, so enabling it to claim Gift Aid on all donations made by eligible UK Tax Payers. Presently this means the Club can claim a minimumof 25p for each £1 donated. We hope that you will be able to further support the Club by gift aiding any donation where possible. It’s simple to do, just sign, date and tick the declaration below.

I am a UK tax payer and would like Orion Harriers (a Community Amateur Sports Club) to regard the enclosed as aGIFT AID donation of £ (cheque/cash/online – please circle).

I confirm that I have paid an amount of UK income or capital gains tax equal to any tax reclaimed.

Signed:……………………………………………._Date: ……………………………..

Full Name, Address and Post Code




Age on 28/03/15…………………………………Club (if applicable)

Email Address……………………………………………………………………………………

Contact Name and Number in the event of an emergency: ______

By signing the above I also declare that:

-I am eligible to represent the club for which I am entering. I am an Amateur as defined by the Laws and Rules of UKA and ECCU and will have reached the age of 18 on the day of the race. I agree to abide by the instructions of the Marshals and to take all possible care in crossing roads. I acknowledge that Orion Harriers have no legal responsibility for my safety or wellbeing.

-I am aware that if I reach the 8 miles pointmore than 1 hour 30 minutes after the start of the race I will be asked to retire and undertake to do so.

We look forward to seeing you on the day.

Entries should be sent to

Orion 15 c/o Andrew Dodd 224 Hale End Road Woodford Green IG8 9LZ - please enclose a FIRST CLASS STAMPED AND ADDRESSED A5 ENVELOPE(for return of your number and additional race information).

You can now donate online to The Co-operative Bank, Sort Code 08-92-99, Account Number 65338953 – please put your name as the reference so we know who you are! If you prefer the more traditional approach please make cheques payable to Orion Harriers.