Date: 9 December 2014

Our Ref: 2014/11633/EIR/EH

Contact: Audrey Sharma

Phone: 01273 293142


Dear Ms Lamb

Freedom of Information request (FOI4085):

Basement flat, 11 Lansdowne Place Hove BN3 1HB

Thank-you for your contaminated land enquiry dated 20.11.14. Having viewed the Council’s records of the area I can confirm that the site has not been prioritised under Part IIA of The Environmental Protection Act 1990 as potentially contaminated land. The site is next to and near other sites which are potentially contaminated land as outlined below in the Table and on the attached map. There are many potentially contaminated sites around the site in question, but I have restricted the search to within 50m of the site.

I would also like to stress the importance of the term ‘potentially contaminated land’, as to call a site ‘contaminated land’ has a very specific legal meaning, which carries with it associated consequences.

Based on former or current uses, there are approximately 3000 potentially contaminated land sites within Brighton and Hove. These sites have been risk rated and the highest priority sites are rated as A’s, and the lowest priority sites are rated as E’s. Due to the number of sites listed for further investigation, I cannot ascribe an exact date when further investigation of those sites listed in the table below will occur.

I have also checked the records the Council has from East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service which list the sites that were licensed for petroleum fuel storage (the derelict tank register). On the latest register sent to me (January 2013), there are no entries for this site or surrounding streets.

Derelict tank records are held by the fire authority and if further information is required please make contact with the Petroleum Officer, Mick Huckstepp at East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service on 01323 462130 (there may be a charge).

I hope this information meets your purposes. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the above telephone number should you wish to discuss the matter further.

Whilst all care has been taken in examining existing records, Brighton & Hove City Council cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of any information held or provided from the records. This letter is for information purposes only and the responsibility for further enquiries rests with the applicant or their advisers.

Where information has been supplied, you are advised that the copyright in that material is owned by Brighton & Hove City Council and/or its contractor(s) unless otherwise stated. The supply of documents under the Freedom of Information Act does not give the recipient an automatic right to re-use those documents in a way that would infringe copyright, for example, by making multiple copies, publishing and issuing copies to the public.

Brief extracts of the material can be reproduced under the “fair dealing” provisions of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1998 (S.29 and S.30) for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting.

Authorisation to re-use copyright material not owned by Brighton & Hove City Council and/or its contractor(s), should be sought from the copyright holders concerned.

If you are considering re-using the information disclosed to you through this request, for any purpose outside of what could be considered for personal use, then you are required under the Public Sector re-use of Information Regulations 2005 to make an application for re-use to the organisation from which you have requested the information. Applications for re-use should be directed to me at the address above.

Yours sincerely

Audrey Sharma

Environmental Health Officer

Distance/direction from site / Date / Inspection priority / Former Use / Name of company/address
20m E / 1956-62 (Kelly’s) / C / Automobile electrical engineers / Lansdowne Garage/ BMA, 1A Alice St
25m E / 1932 (Kelly’s) / C / Motor body builders / G and W Simms, Alice St
45m W / 1878 (Kelly’s) / C / Coal merchants / J Noakes, 3 Brunswick St East
50m E / 1878 (Kelly’s) / C / Coal merchants / F Gardner, 2 Alice St
50m S / 1932 (Kelly’s) / C / Motor car garage / Aubrey Botting, 7A and 8 Brunswick mews

OS Historic maps (obtained via ArcMap GIS)

Position of historical uses in relation to the site (edged in red)
