Name ______Date ______

Apologia Human Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 11 Test

1. What are the five special senses?

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

4) ______

5) ______

2. What is the Latin word for spot?

a) vestibule

b) cupula

c) macula

d) oto

3. What cells help you see in dim light?


4. Vibrations get amplified ______times in the ear.

a) 5

b) 10

c) 20

d) 40

5. Where does your external ear end?

6. How many smell sensors do you have in all?

a) 5 million

b) 10 million

c) 20 million

d) 40 million

7. Name the five specific taste sensations:

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

4) ______

5) ______

8. Your inner ear is filled with:

a) air

b) wax

c) fluid

d) nothing

9. Why are tongues bumpy?

10. Name two ways God designed to protect your eyes:

1) ______


2) ______


11. What colors does someone who is colorblind often have trouble with?

a) red, blue

b) blue, green

c) green, yellow

d) red, green

12. The tongue is important for tasting and ______.

13. Your middle ear is filled with:

a) air

b) wax

c) fluid

d) nothing

14. Bumps on your tongue are called:

a) papillae

b) bulbs

c) regions

d) olfactory cells

Match the definition on the right that properly identifies the term on the left.

_____ 15. astigmatisma. one can only see up close

_____ 16. hyperopia b. light cannot be brought into focus, resulting in blurry vision

_____ 17. myopiac. one can only see far away

18. The ______of your ears can be damaged, causing you to lose your hearing.

a) semicircular canals

b) hairs

c) bones

d) cells

19. The presence of too much ______hinders your sense of smell.

20. What two senses tend to work together?

21. Name the spot in your eye where there is a concentration of cones:

22. Which is NOT a benefit of binocular vision?

a) increases depth perception

b) aids in ability to judge location of an object

c) increases vision clarity

d) aids in ability to judge the size of items

23. Give two other names for the outer ear:

1) ______

2) ______

24. Sound travels in ______.

25. Another name for conjunctivitis is:

a) astigmatism

b) eczema

c) epithelium

d) pinkeye

Match the following bones in the first column with their alternate names in the second column.

_____ 26. incusa. anvil

_____ 27. malleusb. hammer

_____ 28. stapesc. stirrup

29. Your ear helps with both hearing and ______.

Label the following parts with the correct letter from the diagram below:

_____ 30. aqueous humor_____ 33. pupil

_____ 31. cornea_____ 34. retina

_____ 32. iris_____ 35. sclera

Write true or false for each of these statements.

______36. You can lose your sense of smell.

______37. Cold food has more taste than warm food.

______38. The sense of touch is a general sense.

______39. Most people can identify up to 5,000 smells.

______40. You experience every sense at some point throughout the day.

______41. Dogs have over 200 million smell cells, which are used to help find and detect things.

______42. Another name for the taste cells is gustatory cells.

______43. Your olfactory system is responsible for your sense of hearing.

______40. Gastroliths are rocks in your ear.


What is it called when ballerinas focus on one thing as they spin to keep from getting dizzy?