Biology Midterm Exam Study Guide – December 2014

  1. Describe the work of Schleiden and Schwann.
  2. Describe the cell theory
  3. What structures would you see in photosynthetic bacteria?
  4. What does the suffix – ose tell you the substance most likely is?
  5. What makes up the cell membrane?
  6. What does an enzyme do?
  7. Compare phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
  8. What is the shape of DNA that was determined by Watson and Crick?
  9. What cellular structure distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cell?
  10. Describe prokaryotes.
  11. What is the difference between the nucleus and the nucleolus?
  12. What do the golgi apparatus, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria do?
  13. What are the different structures that package proteins and make (synthesize) proteins?
  14. Cells are categorized as eukaryotes or prokaryotes based on what characteristic(s)?
  15. Compare the cell wall and the cell membrane.
  16. What was the contribution of each of the following scientists to science - Anton van Leeuwenhoek; Robert Hooke; Matthias Schleiden; Rudolf Virchow
  17. What are all living organisms are composed of?
  18. What does the nucleus do?
  19. Where would you find ribosomes, nucleolus, and chromatin?
  20. What was Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s contribution to science?
  21. What is a resolution in respect to the microscope?
  22. What organelles help to provide cells with energy?
  23. What is the function of the electronic balance, compound light microscope, and TEM?
  24. What is the difference between cell, tissue, organelles?
  25. What makes up an atom and where are each located?
  26. What is the purpose of the vacuole and the cytoskeleton?
  27. What two places might you find ribosomes?
  28. How could you tell the difference between a eukaryote and a prokaryote from looking at a diagram?
  29. Define compound.
  30. What is the difference between a covalent and an ionic bond?
  31. If you see a word like lipase or protease – how can you tell what type of substance this is?
  32. Describe what is happening and why in the following diagram:
  1. What types of organisms will you find a cell wall?
  2. What is the function of the cell membrane.
  3. Compare diffusion and osmosis and what happens in each.
  4. What is defined as acidic, basic, and neutral on the pH scale?
  5. What would be slightly acidic, slightly basic, strongly acidic, strongly basic?
  6. What key factor distinguishes organic compounds from inorganic compounds?
  7. What is the role of enzymes?
  8. What are the reactants in cellular respiration?
  9. What are the products in cellular respiration?
  10. What are the reactants in photosynthesis?
  11. What are the products in photosynthesis?
  12. Name and describe examples of passive transport.
  13. Why is a smaller cell more efficient?
  14. What are some examples of alcoholic fermentation?
  15. In what structure does electron transport occur?
  16. Why are approved eye protection devices (safety goggles) used?
  17. What should you do when you want to pick up a piece of heated glass?
  18. What makes up a carbohydrate?
  19. Name the four types of organic compounds.
  20. What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs?
  21. How is energy released from ATP?
  22. What does photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into?
  23. What is a granum?
  24. What is released during cellular respiration?
  25. What are some examples of lactic acid fermentation?
  26. What should you do when you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and other lab substances?
  27. Be able to identify pieces of lab equipment.

  1. Be able to label the compound microscope parts

  1. Be able to balance an equation.
  2. What do you do if a laboratory fire erupts?
  3. When are horseplay or practical jokes okay in the laboratory?
  4. What is the correct order for protein synthesis (using translation, protein synthesis, transcription)?
  5. Describe the variable in an experiment.
  6. How do you calculate total magnification?
  7. Compare adhesion and cohesion.
  8. What would be an example of a base and an acid?
  9. What are examples of lipids?
  10. Where does the oxygen released during photosynthesis come from?
  11. What are the levels of organization from simplest to most complex?
  12. What does the suffix –ase tell you the substance most likely is?
  13. Describe Griffith’s experiment.
  14. What enzyme unwinds the DNA double helix?
  15. What makes up a nucleotide of DNA?
  16. DNA replication what would be the complementary strand for TTAGGCA ?
  17. Why is deoxyribonucleic acid or ribonucleic acid named like that (what does the beginning of the word mean)?
  18. Which part of the bilayer is hydrophilic and which is hydrophobic?
  19. What is the atomic number of an element mean?