African Proverbs

Ahoofe ntua ka, suban pa na hia (African Proverb)

Physical beauty does not count much, it is good character that counts.

·  There is no medicine to cure hatred.
Ashanti of Ghana

·  One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.
Ashanti of Ghana

·  He who asks questions, cannot avoid the answers.

·  You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.

·  To one who does not know, a who garden is a forest.

·  As the wound inflames the finger, so thought inflames the mind.

·  Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.

·  Talking with one another is loving one another.

·  Equality is not easy, but superiority is painful.

·  He who tells the truth is never wrong.

·  He who hates, hates himself. Zulu

Toris Okotie ( An African Poet) Student Name:______
Africa my Africa Provide an interpretation below for each
Africa my Africa ______
Africa my motherland
Mother or Fatherland ______
Childless you went almost
But he that intervened ______
The God of all nations
Africa my Africa ______
Mother of nations great
Nigeria in the west ______
Ethiopia in the east remains
With labor pangs ______
You brought them forth
Africa my Africa ______
Father of Egypt
To the north, be so planted ______
And Zimbabwe, the south remains
And for Africa that mothered them all______
Africa my Africa
Your discovery had brought you pains ______
Children and grandchildren
To the great sea you lost ______
Continents with them were fed ______
Africa my Africa
In Vain labor no more ______
Loose a child, but to no one
Your great nations do protect ______
For he shall intervene
When you cry for help. ______