Reepham Primary School

School Road



NR10 4JP

Tel: 01603 870321

Fax: 01603 871603

Headteacher: Mrs Miriam Jones Email:


12th January 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are aware, Osted has graded our school as ‘requires improvement’ in three out of the five categories it examines, a result that the Governing Body is very disappointed with. We are pleased, however, that provision in the Early Years and the Behaviour and Safety of pupilswas graded as ‘good’.

The governing body works closely with the school leadership and teaching team and consistently review the educational offer for our children. As a team, we review the school’s development plan annually and set new actions and targets which are monitored throughout the year, and we are pleased that the areas for improvement noted by Ofsted are areas we had already highlighted and created action plans to address. For example, many of you will be aware that the school has embarked on a new maths programme this year called ‘Maths Makes Sense’. This programme was taken on explicitly to streamline and develop maths teaching and enable our children to achieve to their full potential in this subject.

The governing body fully back the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team and the plans that are already in place, and are absolutely confident that we will reach ‘good’ as an overall grade for our school when we are next inspected; the next inspection will take place within in two years.

Ofsted recognise that our children are ‘good’, but we all know they are outstanding! Your continued support for your children’s education is much appreciated and together we will reach the Ofsted target that the school deserves.

To find out more about learning at Reepham Primary School, we would like to invite you to a short event afterschool on the 19th January. There will be an opportunity to hear about maths and literacy from the senior leadership team and the experience from a student’s perspective on the Reepham Primary Learning Journey.

‘Learning at Reepham Primary – the way forward’ will take place on the 19th January from 3.15 to 4pm. There will be a crèche for your children in our Year 1 classroom, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Prigmore will be providing this.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Yours faithfully

Board of Governors, Reepham Primary School

Natasha Hutcheson (Chair of Governors)

Jacqueline Jones (Vice Chair of Governors)

Catherine Mallett

Catherine Ogle

Helen Lindsay

Ian Aitken

Barry Williams

Louisa Dreisin

Linda Battersby

Eleanor Cockerton