Office of the Executive Engineer

Gaibandha O & M Division

BWDB, Gaibandha.

Invitation for Tenders

Tender No. 06-G/2011-2012

1. / Ministry /Division / Water Resources.
2. / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3. / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O & M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha.
4. / Procuring Entity Code / -
5. / Procuring Entity District / Gaibandha.
6. / Invitation for / Goods / Tender No. 06-G/2011-2012
7. / Invitation Ref No. / Memo. No. 4T-1/ 447
8 / Date / 30/01/2012
9. / Procurement Method / Open Tendering Method (OTM) / Goods
10. / Budget and Sources of Funds / Development (GOB)
11. / Development Partners ( if applicable) / N. A.
12. / Project/Programme Code (if applicable) / 191
13. / Project/Programme Name (if applicable) / Protection of Shaghata Bazar and adjacent area from the erosion of the Jamuna river under Shaghata upazila of Gaibandha district and protection of left bank of the Brahmaputra river at Shahiber Alga (near BOP Camp) in Datbhanga union under Roumari upazila of Kurigram District” under Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha
14. / Tender Package No. / 03 (three) Nos.
15. / Tender Package Name / SGP-15/ 2011-12, GSP-16/ 2011-12 & GSP-17/ 2011-12
16. / Tender Publication Date / 30/01/2012
17. / Tender Last Selling Date / 06/03/2012 up to Banking hours.
18. / Tender Closing Date and Time / Date / Time
a) / Office of the Executive Engineer,
Gabandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha. (Principal) / 07/03/2012 / 12.00 hours.
b) / Office of the Superintendent of Police,
Gaibandha Zilla, Gaibandha. / 07/03/2012 / 12.00 hours.
c) / Office of the Superintending Engineer, Rangpur O&M Circle-I, BWDB, Rangpur. / 07/03/2012 / 12.00 hours.
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time / 07/03/2012 at 15.00 hours.
Tenderers or their authorized representatives are allowed to present during opening of tenders.
20. / Name & Address of the office(s)
- Selling Tender Document / (a) Rupali Bank Ltd., Gaibandha Branch, Gaibandha.
(b) Rupali Bank Ltd., Railway Crossing Branch, Alamnagar, Rangpur.
(c) Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.
Interested tenderers may view the documents at the office (s) of the undersigned during normal office hours.
- Receiving Tender Document / ( a ) Office of the Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha. (Principal place)
( b) Office of the Superintendent of Police (S.P), Gaibandha Zilla, Gaibandha.
( c ) Office of the Superintendenting Engineer, Rangpur O&M Circle-I, BWDB, Rangpur.
- Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha.
21. / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting / Place / Date / Time
Office of the Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha. / 29/02/2012 / 11.00 hours.
22. / Eligibility of Tenderer / Any individual or firm who full fils the qualification criteria stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) of the tender document and also other conditions of the Tender Document as well as PPR,2008.
23. / Brief Description of Goods / As per list Sl. no. 24 (3 Packages)
24 / Package Number / Identification of Package / Location / Price of Tender Document in Taka / Tender Security Amount in (Tk) / Completion Time
in Weeks/Month
GSP-15/ 2011-12 / Supplying of geo-textile bag (empty) in countable stack at site (Geo-bag Size 1200mm x 950mm, geo-fabrics th=> 3.0mm, Fill Vol.= 0.1664 cum; wt= 250 kg when filled with dry sand) in connection with the project “Protection of Shaghata Bazar and adjacent area from the erosion of the Jamuna river under Shaghata upazila of Gaibandha district and protection of left bank of the Brahmaputra river at Shahiber Alga (near BOP Camp) in Datbhanga union under Roumari upazila of Kurigram district” (For Km 90.750 to Km 91.800) under Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha during the year 2011-2012. / Upazilla: Shaghata
Dist. Gaibandha / 3,000/= / 7,70,000.00 / 250days
GSP-16/ 2011-12 / Supplying of geo-textile bag (empty) in countable stack at site (Geo-bag Size 1200mm x 950mm, geo-fabrics th=> 3.0mm, Fill Vol.= 0.1664 cum; wt= 250 kg when filled with dry sand) in connection with the project “Protection of Shaghata Bazar and adjacent area from the erosion of the Jamuna river under Shaghata upazila of Gaibandha district and protection of left bank of the Brahmaputra river at Shahiber Alga (near BOP Camp) in Datbhanga union under Roumari upazila of Kurigram district” (For Km 90.750 to Km 91.800) under Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha during the year 2011-2012. / Upazilla: Shaghata
Dist. Gaibandha / 3,000/= / 7,70,000.00 / 250 days

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24 / Package Number / Identification of Package / Location / Price of Tender Document in Taka / Tender Security Amount in (Tk) / Completion Time in Weeks/Month
GSP-17/ 2011-12 / Supplying of geo-textile bag (empty) in countable stack at site (Geo-bag Size 1050mm x 800mm, geo-fabrics th=> 3.0mm, Fill Vol.= 0.1160 cum; wt= 175 kg when filled with dry sand) in connection with the project “Protection of Shaghata Bazar and adjacent area from the erosion of the Jamuna river under Shaghata upazila of Gaibandha district and protection of left bank of the Brahmaputra river at Shahiber Alga (near BOP Camp) in Datbhanga union under Roumari upazila of Kurigram district” (For Km 90.750 to Km 91.800) under Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha during the year 2011-2012. / Upazilla: Shaghata
Dist. Gaibandha / 5,000/= / 11,00,000.00 / 250 days
Procuring Entity Details
25. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Rezaul Mustafa Ashafuddula
26. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
27. / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha.
28. / Contract details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel. No. 0541-61649, Fax No. 0541-61649, E-mail:
29. / The procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders.
30. / Tender Notice will also be available on the Website of Bangladesh Water Development Board. and also of CPTU website .

(Rezaul Mustafa Ashafuddula )

Executive Engineer,

Gaibandha O&M Division,

BWDB, Gaibandha.

Memo. No. 4T-1/ 447(40) Dated: 30/01/2012

Copy forwarded for kind information/ information & necessary action to:-

1. The Divisional Commissioner, Rangpur Division, Rangpur.

2. The Chief Engineer, Northern Zone, BWDB, Rangpur.

3. The Superintending Engineer, Rangpur O&M Circle-I, BWDB, Rangpur.

4. The Superintending Engineer, Rangpur O&M Circle-II, BWDB, Rangpur.

5. The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.

6. The Director, Programme/Processing, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.

7. The Deputy Commissioner (D.C), Gaibandha Zilla, Gaibandha. He is requested to take necessary action for maintain congenial atmosphere in Gaibandha as well as at the office of the Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha on last dropping date 07/03/2012 of Tender No. 06-G/2011-12 .

8. The Superintendent of Police (S.P), Gaibandha Zilla, Gaibandha. He is requested to deploy Police force for maintain congenial atmosphere in Gaibandha as well as at the office of the Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha on last dropping date 07/03/2012 of Tender No. 06-G/2011-12 from 9.00 A.M till the end of the tender opening process.

9. The C.S.O to Director General, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.

10. The Company Commander, RAB, Joypurhat. He is requested to deploy RAB for maintain congenial atmosphere in Gaibandha as well as the office premises of the Executive Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha on last dropping date 07/03/2012 in connection with tender No. 06-G/2011-12.

11. The A.P.S to Additional Director General (West Region), BWDB, WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.

12 The Executive Engineer, LGED/RHD/PWD/PDB, Gaibandha.

13. The Executive Engineer, O&M Division, BWDB, Rangpur/Kurigram/Lalmonirhat/Syedpur/Bogra.

14. The Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Rangpur.

15. The Sub-Divisional Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Sub-Division-I/II & Palashbari, BWDB, Gaibandha.

16. The Assistant Engineer, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha.

17. The Manager, Rupali Bank Ltd., Gaibandha Branch,
Gaibandha. / (3×10) = 30 sets of tender bidding document are sent herewith for selling to the intending bidder up to 06/03/2012 at the rates mentioned in the list of works enclosed. The sale proceeds to be credited to the Deputy Director, RAC, BWDB, Alamnagar, Rangpur. Unsold tender documents along with the copy of the credit advice to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.
18 The Manager, Rupali Bank Ltd, Railway
Crossing Branch, Alamnagar, Rangpur. / ( 3×5 ) = 15 sets of tender bidding document are sent herewith for selling to the intending bidder up to 06/03/2012 at the rates mentioned in the list of works enclosed. The sale proceeds to be credited to the Deputy Director, RAC, BWDB, Alamnagar, Rangpur. Unsold tender documents along with the copy of the credit advice to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.
19. The Manager, Janata Bank Ltd, Dilkusha
Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka. / ( 3×10) = 30 set of tender bidding documents are sent herewith for selling to the intending bidder up to 06/03/2012 at the rates mentioned in the list of works enclosed. The sale proceeds to be credited to Account No. STD-36001008 of Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka. Unsold tender documents along with the copy of the credit advice to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.

20. The Estimator/Assistant Accountant/U.D. Assistant, Gaibandha O&M Division, BWDB, Gaibandha.


(Rezaul Mustafa Ashafuddula)

Executive Engineer,

Gaibandha O&M Division,

BWDB, Gaibandha.