A Pharmaceutical Company’s Global New Employee Orientation ProcessPeer Coach’s Handbook

Table of Contents


Global New Employee Orientation Overview......

The Peer Coach’s Role......

The Peer Coach’s Checklist......


/ Welcome. This is the Peer Coach’s Handbook for the Global New Employee Orientation Process.
If you have agreed to be a peer coach to a new employee, then this handbook has been designed specifically for you. It will help you understand your role and guide you through a process to follow as you help that new employee learn about the people, places, policies and procedures that are important throughout A Pharmaceutical Company and within your affiliate/location, function or department.
Other A Pharmaceutical Company employees can use this handbook to understand the role peer coaches have in the Orientation Process.
/ This handbook contains the following sections:
Global New Employee Orientation Process Overview
The Peer Coach’s Role
The Peer Coach’s Checklist
Focus and Customization
/ While this handbook provides you with an overview of the process and information about some of the other roles involved in the Orientation Process, it is primarily focused on your role and the tasks you will perform.
Because A Pharmaceutical Company affiliates can customize the process to meet their own requirements, the Orientation Process at your location may not be the same as the one shown and described in this handbook. Your specific tasks, however, will most likely be the same as (or very similar to) those described, so this handbook will be a valuable resource.

Global New Employee Orientation Overview

/ As shown in the diagram on the previous page, Global New Employee Orientation at A Pharmaceutical Company is an ongoing process, rather than a single event at which new employees complete documents, select benefits and learn about the organization. While important, these activities occur in one phase of the process: Induction. The entire Orientation Process includes four phases, which are defined below.
Recruiting is the process of identifying and contacting potential employees.
Interviewing is the process of determining whether the candidates’ qualifications meet A Pharmaceutical Company’s standards for employment and the requirements of the job.
Induction is the process of providing new employees with information about the company and having the employees complete the documents necessary to start work.
Socialization is the process new employees go through to become fully aligned with the company culture.
The process begins with Recruiting because potential employees start to develop their expectations of the company and their role in the company at this time. They continue to develop expectations during the Interviewing phase of the process.
After being hired, new employees find out if the expectations they developed during Recruiting and Interviewing are, in fact, aligned with reality. If the employees’ expectations are not aligned with reality, then most likely their morale will be low and the company’s ability to retain them will be diminished.
When individuals and organizations think of Orientation, they often think only of activities included in Induction. However, Induction primarily is about completing paperwork. An important component of Orientation is Socialization—the process of acquiring skills and knowledge and aligning attitudes and feelings. This occurs whether or not Socialization is planned and systematic.

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Global New Employee Orientation Overview, Continued

/ A Pharmaceutical Company developed the systematic Global New Employee Orientation Process described in this handbook to:
Help new employees quickly acquire A Pharmaceutical Company-specific knowledge and skills
Provide a consistent message to all new employees
Help A Pharmaceutical Company attract and retain high-quality employees
/ Experienced A Pharmaceutical Company employees play a significant role in the Orientation Process. Following is a list with brief descriptions of some of the roles experienced employees can have:
Human Resources personnel: Responsible for recruiting candidates and coordinating interviews
The supervisor: Responsible for interviewing and selecting new employees, and then supporting new employees’ job performance, starting on the first day they arrive for work
An administrator: Responsible for assuring that the Orientation Process goes smoothly
An administrative assistant: Responsible for ensuring that new employees have the information and equipment they need to begin working
A peer coach: Responsible for helping a new employee learn about A Pharmaceutical Company and become comfortable with the culture
Orientation Workshop and event facilitators: Responsible for keeping sessions focused and presenting information

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Global New Employee Orientation Overview, Continued

/ This document focuses on the events in the Induction and Socialization phases of the process. These events, which are designed to provide new employees with the right information at the right time, are:
Receipt of a Welcome Packet
A New Employee Orientation Workshop, a facilitator-led session which focuses on welcoming new employees and providing them with the information and resources they need to start work
Facility Tour, which provides new employees with a physical context for their job and how they fit in
An Orientation Web Site, which provides new employees with access to information about A Pharmaceutical Company, its products and competitors, and the pharmaceutical market
Ongoing Networking and Social Events, which allow the employees to meet their colleagues, build relationships, and expand their knowledge of the company
In addition to these Orientation events, the process includes the on-the-job experience that employees gain between each event. They may also receive job-specific classroom training and/or formal on-the-job training, depending on their function and job responsibilities.
These events form the foundation new employees will use to build a successful career at A Pharmaceutical Company. Each one is a step along a path that helps the new employee make the transition from outsider to productive A Pharmaceutical Company employee.
Following are detailed descriptions of the events in the Induction and Socialization phases.

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Global New Employee Orientation Overview, Continued

Receipt of Welcome Packet
/ The Welcome Packet is the first event in the Induction and Socialization phases of the process. It marks the transition from “candidate” to “new employee.” The actual contents of the package will vary according to local needs and the availability of materials. Some recommended items include:
Welcome letters
Directions where to park on the first day
Orientation Workshop information such as:
A map showing where new employees report on their first day
An agenda with a contact name and telephone number
Policy information
Benefits information
New Employee Orientation Workshop
/ The New Employee Orientation Workshop is designed to take place on the new employee’s first day at A Pharmaceutical Company. It includes welcoming activities and provides new employees with the opportunity to complete all needed paperwork and information that will help them understand how to work and succeed at A Pharmaceutical Company.
If time permits, first day activities may also include meetings with administrative assistants, supervisors and peer coaches who will provide additional information to help new employees be successful at A Pharmaceutical Company.

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Global New Employee Orientation Overview, Continued

Facility Tour
/ Tours should be part of the Orientation Process for all new employees, but A Pharmaceutical Company affiliates/locations will determine how best to provide the tours at their location. Some affiliates/locations may turn that responsibility over to the supervisor, administrative assistant or peer coach.
Whoever is responsible for providing the tours, they should include visits to the following locations:
The main reception area
All functional work areas (unless restricted)
Special break areas, if applicable
Dining facilities on site
Special facilities such as auditoriums and training rooms
Buildings at the site
Guest and employee parking lots
Orientation Web Site
/ The Orientation Web Site is available the company Intranet, with links to information such as:
Corporate policies and procedures
Employee benefits and services
Functional business components
A Pharmaceutical Company’s product portfolio
Pharmaceutical industry overview
Career development resources

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Global New Employee Orientation Overview, Continued

Ongoing Networking and Social Events
/ These events allow employees to meet and to have the opportunity to learn more about specific, topical issues important to the company or their affiliate/location. The exact issues, timing and format of these are to be determined by the affiliates/locations. For example, these events may provide a forum for management at the affiliate/location to make a presentation about essential issues being addressed.
Because Orientation is an ongoing process, these events will first be offered to new employees and then at a later time to experienced employees.

The Peer Coach’s Role

/ As a peer coach, your purpose is to help a new employee feel comfortable in his or her new job so that, eventually, he or she is fully integrated into the A Pharmaceutical Company culture. You will provide information about people, places, policies and procedures at A Pharmaceutical Company and within your affiliate/location, department or work group.
You have been selected to be a peer coach because:
You have been working at A Pharmaceutical Company for a minimum of one year—long enough to learn how we do business and short enough that you still remember what it’s like to be a new employee.
You have shown that you understand and believe in A Pharmaceutical Company’s values.
You have demonstrated the ability to listen to others with patience and to provide sound guidance.
As a peer coach, you will help the new employee quickly gain the skills and knowledge needed to achieve excellence and help make A Pharmaceutical Company a better place to work.
/ Your primary responsibilities are to provide guidance and information. Depending on the process at your affiliate/location, your responsibilities may include:
Meeting the new employee for meals during his or her entire first week
Showing the new employee the location of restrooms, the dining area and vending machines
Demonstrating how to use office equipment and computer programs used in your work group, including MyELVIS, the A Pharmaceutical Company Intranet

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The Peer Coach’s Role, Continued

/ Explaining important policies and procedures
Meeting regularly with the new employee for a mutually agreed upon time to answer questions and help the new employee feel comfortable
Introducing the new employee to other A Pharmaceutical Company colleagues
Answering the new employee’s questions
Getting to know the new employee / You will probably learn the name of the new employee a week or two before she or he starts work. Some suggestions for getting to know the new employee include:
Calling the new employee a day or two before her or his first day
Meeting for meals during the first week.
Accompanying the new employee on the tour of the facilities, depending on decision made at your affiliate
Be informal and friendly when you meet the new employee. During your discussions, think about the information and activities that helped you when you first started.
What did you learn on your own, but wish that someone had been able to tell you?
What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
Communicate to the new employee that your role is to help him or her during the Orientation Process. At some affiliates, you may want to make it clear that you are not a mentor or coach. Job performance and career development are not your responsibility.

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The Peer Coach’s Role, Continued

Building on the Orientation Workshop

/ Help new employees integrate what they’ve learned at the Orientation Workshop into their work at A Pharmaceutical Company.
The workshop presented new employees with information about the following:
A company overview with information about:
A Pharmaceutical Company history
A Pharmaceutical Company global presence
A Pharmaceutical Company manufacturing processes
A Pharmaceutical Company products
The product lifecycle and drug development process
A Pharmaceutical Company’s values, mission and corporate objectives
A Pharmaceutical Company’s organizational structure
The global pharmaceutical market
A Pharmaceutical Company benefits
The Red Book and the Asset Protection Policy
Performance Management/Career Development

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The Peer Coach’s Role, Continued

Building on the Orientation Workshop(continued)

/ Talk about your personal experiences at A Pharmaceutical Company. Topics could include:
How A Pharmaceutical Company’s values, mission and corporate objectives affect the way you do your job
How you believe the values, mission and corporate objectives will affect the new employee’s job
Information about Performance Management and Career Development
What important policies affect the new employee’s work
How we do things at A Pharmaceutical Company
Ask new employees about their Orientation Workshop experience. Some specific questions include:
What was most useful?
What was most enjoyable?
What would you like to know more about?
Additionally, expect to be asked the following questions by the new employee: If the new employee does not ask these questions, provide the information on your own.
How did you gain acceptance at A Pharmaceutical Company?
What did you find was the most difficult thing to adjust to?
Who or what helped you make the adjustment?

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The Peer Coach’s Role, Continued

Ongoing meetings

/ Plan to meet regularly with the new employee. One meeting a week that lasts about 30 minutes, as needed, is a good model.
As with your first meeting, these ongoing meetings should also be informal. Meal breaks are often a good time to meet.

Ending the relationship

/ The formal peer coach role should have a definite ending. It can end for either of the following reasons:
The new employee has enough information to do his or her job
Either you or the new employee requests an end
Trust and confidentiality are important in this relationship. To maintain trust and respect confidentiality, neither you nor the new employee will be asked to explain why you asked to end the relationship.
If the relationship ends before the new employee has received adequate information, contact the employee’s supervisor so that the new employee can be assigned a new peer coach.


/ As a result of having a peer coach, the new employee:
Has a single-point-of contact to answer questions about his or her job and about A Pharmaceutical Company in general
Learns more quickly how to work effectively at A Pharmaceutical Company
Feels more comfortable in his or her new job

The Peer Coach’s Checklist

This checklist is intended to assist you in your role as a peer coach. It outlines the various activities and tasks that should be completed as you help the new employee at A Pharmaceutical Company gain skills and knowledge needed to achieve excellence in their new position at A Pharmaceutical Company.

New Employee Name: ______

Start Date: ______

Task or Activity / When Needed / Status/Comments
 / Work with other members of your department who have a role in the Orientation Process to ensure roles and responsibilities are understood / 2 weeks prior to start date
 / Call new employee at home to:
Welcome the new employee
Ask what questions he or she has
Make arrangements to meet for meals / 1 week prior to start date
 / Meet with the new employee on meal breaks / During the employee’s first week

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The Peer Coach’s Checklist, Continued

Task or Activity / When Needed / Status/Comments
 / Meet with the new employee to review and discuss:
Peer coach’s role
No smoking policy
Building access
Emergency procedures and evacuation routes
Meal breaks
Safe-guarding personal belongings Telephone procedures
Personal telephone calls
Internal/external customers
Location of:
Restroom facilities
Dining area Vending machines
Mail information
Fax machines
Other office equipment
Banking facilities (cash windows, cash machines, etc.)
Where to park
Appropriate attire for your affiliate/location / Within the employee’s first week

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The Peer Coach’s Checklist, Continued

Task or Activity / When Needed / Status/Comments
 / Introduce new employee to members of your department / Within the employee’s first week
 / Explain departmental policies and procedures / Within the employee’s first week
 / Show employee his or her work area and demonstrate how to use all applicable equipment and computer programs, including MyELVIS / Within the employee’s first week
 / Schedule next meeting / Within the employee’s first week
 / Answer the new employee’s questions / Ongoing
 / Help new employee clarify assignments / Ongoing
 / Help socialize the new employee / Ongoing
 / Assist in training the new employee / Ongoing
 / Serve as a positive role model / Ongoing
 / Identify resources / Ongoing

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