Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Post Tutorial

Assignment 1

  1. Find a partner – your choice.
  2. Download and extract the zip file on CSS for today’s class, it’s called “css assignment 1”. Put the extracted folder in your HTML folder.
  3. Your job is to create a CSS file for these two pages – if you look at them you can see they need a lot of help! If you are stuck, go back to your tutorial or our day one practice and look at how the css file was created. Your MINIMUM requirements for this CSS page are:
  4. Create a consistent font family for use with both pages
  5. Create a minimum of three different styles (maybe a style for headlines, one for regular text and a third for …?). You decide exactly what is in each different style. Consider options like varying: style, size, color, etc.
  6. Set a background color for the websites
  7. Create a style that causes links to change somehow (maybe when you click on them or when you hover over them, etc.)
  8. You are welcome to add more
  9. Next, you need to tie the css file you created to the two html files. If you are stuck, go back to back to your tutorial or our day one practice and look at how the css file was “called” within the html file.
  10. Within each of the two html files (htmltwo.html and littletyping3.html), you need to use each style that you created above.
  11. All done? Explore MORE!!!
  12. Time for two classes over? Open up all three files (the new css file and the two html files) in Notepad. Spread them out on your desktop so you can see all three files at the same time. Take a screenshot that shows all your hard work. Send that screenshot to Mrs. Hasseld at: Make sure you put BOTH of your names in the email so I know who completed the work when I go to assess the work.